76 research outputs found

    Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and bronchiectasis: A concomitance or a real association?

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    Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATd) is a hereditary disease, mainly characterized by early onset and the lower lobes’ predominant emphysema. Bronchiectasis is characterized by dilatation of the bronchial wall and a clinical syndrome whose features are a cough, sputum production and frequent respiratory exacerbations. In the literature, there are many papers concerning these two clinical entities, but there is still a lot of debate about a possible association between them, in particular about the frequency of their association and causal links. The aim of this short communication is to show the literature reports about the association between AATd and bronchiectasis to establish the state of the art and possible future developments in this research field

    Clinical impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis

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    : During COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of diseases suffered from a limited access to health care services, owing to the use of resources, both technical and financial, mainly directed towards such a dramatic outbreak. Among these, tuberculosis (TB) has been one of the most penalized, with a huge delay both in diagnosis and in start of treatment, with a consequential dramatic increase in morbidity and mortality. COVID-19 and tuberculosis share similar common pathogenetic pathways, and both diseases affect primarily the lungs. About the impact of TB on COVID-19 severity and mortality, data are unclear and literature reports are often conflicting. Certainly, considering the management of coinfected patients, there are pharmacokinetic interactions between several drugs used for the therapy of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the treatment of TB

    May Polyphenols Have a Role Against Coronavirus Infection? An Overview of in vitro Evidence

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    The coronavirus infection is constantly diffusing worldwide and the incidence of death is dramatically increasing, representing one of the greatest disasters in human history. Nowadays, no effective therapeutic approaches have been licensed, despite the rising interest of the scientific research in this specific field, and the daily growing number of publications, while the need to find novel strategies is urgent. Evidence in the literature reported the antiviral activity of polyphenols, the largest class of bioactive compounds in nature. Interestingly, a limited number of studies investigated the efficacy of polyphenols from different raw materials, directly against coronaviruses. The present manuscript aimed to report this evidence and provide a viewpoint on the possibility to use it as a start point for the development of novel natural approaches against this viral infection, eventually designing further appropriate researches

    Liquid biopsy is a promising tool for genetic testing in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Liquid biopsy, which allows the isolation of circulating cell-free (ccf) DNA from blood, is an emerging noninvasive tool widely used in oncology for diagnostic and prognosis purposes. Previous data have shown that serum cfDNA discriminates idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) from other interstitial lung diseases. Our study aimed to measure plasma levels of ccfDNA in 59 consecutive therapy-naive and clinically stable IPF patients. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the MUC5B gene promoter (rs35705950), associated with increased susceptibility of developing IPF, has been sought in plasma cfDNA and genomic DNA for comparison. Thirty-five age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers were recruited as the control group. Our results show that concentrations of small-size ccfDNA fragments were significantly higher in IPF patients than in controls and inversely correlated with lung function deterioration. Moreover, the median level of 104 ng/mL allowed discriminating patients with mild disease from those more advanced. The rs35705950 polymorphism was found in 11.8% of IPF patients and 8% of controls, with no differences. Complete concordance between ccfDNA and genomic DNA was detected in all control samples, while four out of seven IPF cases (57%) carrying the rs35705950 polymorphism were discordant from genomic DNA (7% of total IPF). Liquid biopsy is a suitable tool with optimistic expectations of application in the field of IPF. In analogy with cancer biology, finding some discrepancies between ccfDNA and genomic DNA in IPF patients suggests that the former may convey specific genetic information present in the primary site of the disease

    Serum KL-6 could represent a reliable indicator of unfavourable outcome in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia

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    KL-6 is a sialoglycoprotein antigen which proved elevated in the serum of patients with different interstitial lung diseases, especially in those with a poorer outcome. Given that interstitial pneumonia is the most common presentation of SARS-CoV2 infection, we evaluated the prognostic role of KL-6 in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were prospectively enrolled. Blood samples were collected at the time of enrolment (TOE) and on day 7 (T1). Serum KL-6 concentrations were measured by chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay using a KL-6 antibody kit (LUMIPULSE G1200, Fujirebio) and the cut-off value was set at > 1000 U/mL. Fifteen out of 34 enrolled patients (44.1%) died. Patients with unfavourable outcome showed significantly lower P/F ratio and higher IL-6 values and plasmatic concentrations of KL-6 at TOE compared with those who survived (median KL-6: 1188 U/mL vs. 260 U/mL, p 1000 U/mL resulted independently associated with death (aOR: 11.29, p 1000 U/mL resulted independently associated with death and showed good accuracy in predicting a poorer outcome. KL-6 may thus represent a quick, inexpensive, and sensitive parameter to stratify the risk of severe respiratory failure and death
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