9,378 research outputs found

    On the finite size corrections to some random matching problems

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    We get back to the computation of the leading finite size corrections to some random link matching problems, first adressed by Mezard and Parisi [J. Physique 48 (1987) 1451-1459]. In the so-called bipartite case, their result is in contradiction with subsequent works. We show that they made some mistakes, and correcting them, we get the expected result. In the non bipartite case, we agree with their result but push the analytical treatment furtherComment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    On the Effects of Changing the Boundary Conditions on the Ground State of Ising Spin Glasses

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    We compute and analyze couples of ground states of 3D spin glass systems with the same quenched noise but periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions for different lattice sizes. We discuss the possible different behaviors of the system, we analyze the average link overlap, the probability distribution of window overlaps (among ground states computed with different boundary conditions) and the spatial overlap and link overlap correlation functions. We establish that the picture based on Replica Symmetry Breaking correctly describes the behavior of 3D Spin Glasses.Comment: 25 pages with 11 ps figures include

    Small Window Overlaps Are Effective Probes of Replica Symmetry Breaking in 3D Spin Glasses

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    We compute numerically small window overlaps in the three dimensional Edwards Anderson spin glass. We show that they behave in the way implied by the Replica Symmetry Breaking Ansatz, that they do not qualitatively differ from the full volume overlap and do not tend to a trivial function when increasing the lattice volume. On the contrary we show they are affected by small finite volume effects, and are interesting tools for the study of the features of the spin glass phase.Comment: 9 pages plus 5 figure

    On the origin of ultrametricity

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    In this paper we show that in systems where the probability distribution of the the overlap is non trivial in the infinity volume limit, the property of ultrametricity can be proved in general starting from two very simple and natural assumptions: each replica is equivalent to the others (replica equivalence or stochastic stability) and all the mutual information about a pair of equilibrium configurations is encoded in their mutual distance or overlap (separability or overlap equivalence).Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    An Improved Estimator for the Correlation Function of 2D Nonlinear Sigma Models

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    I present a new improved estimator for the correlation function of 2D nonlinear sigma models. Numerical tests for the 2D XY model and the 2D O(3)-invariant vector model were performed. For small physical volume, i.e. a lattice size small compared to the to the bulk correlation length, a reduction of the statistical error of the finite system correlation length by a factor of up to 30 compared to the cluster-improved estimator was observed. This improvement allows for a very accurate determination of the running coupling proposed by M. L"uscher et al. for 2D O(N)-invariant vector models.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX + 2 ps figures, CERN-TH.7375/9

    Inherent Structures in m-component Spin Glasses

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    We observe numerically the properties of the infinite-temperature inherent structures of m-component vector spin glasses in three dimensions. An increase of m implies a decrease of the amount of minima of the free energy, down to the trivial presence of a unique minimum. For little m correlations are small and the dynamics are quickly arrested, while for larger m low-temperature correlations crop up and the convergence is slower, to a limit that appears to be related with the system size.Comment: Version accepted in Phys. Rev. B, 10 pages, 11 figure

    A variational approach to Ising spin glasses in finite dimensions

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    We introduce a hierarchical class of approximations of the random Ising spin glass in dd dimensions. The attention is focused on finite clusters of spins where the action of the rest of the system is properly taken into account. At the lower level (cluster of a single spin) our approximation coincides with the SK model while at the highest level it coincides with the true dd-dimensional system. The method is variational and it uses the replica approach to spin glasses and the Parisi ansatz for the order parameter. As a result we have rigorous bounds for the quenched free energy which become more and more precise when larger and larger clusters are considered.Comment: 16 pages, Plain TeX, uses Harvmac.tex, 4 ps figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    DD-dimensional Arrays of Josephson Junctions, Spin Glasses and qq-deformed Harmonic Oscillators

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    We study the statistical mechanics of a DD-dimensional array of Josephson junctions in presence of a magnetic field. In the high temperature region the thermodynamical properties can be computed in the limit D→∞D \to \infty, where the problem is simplified; this limit is taken in the framework of the mean field approximation. Close to the transition point the system behaves very similar to a particular form of spin glasses, i.e. to gauge glasses. We have noticed that in this limit the evaluation of the coefficients of the high temperature expansion may be mapped onto the computation of some matrix elements for the qq-deformed harmonic oscillator

    A numerical study of the overlap probability distribution and its sample-to-sample fluctuations in a mean-field model

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    In this paper we study the fluctuations of the probability distributions of the overlap in mean field spin glasses in the presence of a magnetic field on the De Almeida-Thouless line. We find that there is a large tail in the left part of the distribution that is dominated by the contributions of rare samples. Different techniques are used to examine the data and to stress on different aspects of the contribution of rare samples.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure
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