173 research outputs found

    Lower Miocene Alluvial Deposits of the Pozeska Mt. (Pannonian Basin, Northern Croatia): Cycles, Megacycles and Tectonic Implications

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    In the area of the present Pozeska Mt. braided alluvial fans were formed during the Early Miocene above the subsiding Cretaceous-Palaeogene basement. Due to autocyclic processes, i.e. lateral migration of flows due to vertical aggradation of longitudinal bars, or migration of the main trench, small-scale fining-upward cycles were formed. The complete succession of the alluvial deposits is composed of two fining-upward megacycles, which are the consequence of allocyclic influences, i.e. the pulsating character of synsedimentary tectonics. Megacycles were developed parallel to backstepping of the front of the fault scarp towards the mountain massif, caused by normal faulting along the active margin of an extensional basin. This kind of depositional style indicates that the Sava fault operated as a normal fault at the beginning of its life during the Early Miocene, probably the Ottnangian

    Interpopulation Differences in Acoustic Characteristics of Phonation

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate possible differences in acoustic characteristics of phonation between populations of European and African origin. The subjects were 33 adult males divided in two groups. Group One consisted of 17 men of African origin, and Group Two included 16 men of European origin. All subjects were without vocal pathology at the time of the investigation, smokers and non-smokers. Sustained phonation of the vowel /a/ was acoustically analyzed by the Real-time Frequency Analyzer (Bruel and KjƦr, type 2123). Variables included f0, intensity of f0, intensity of harmonics 1ā€“7, jitter and noise level intensity. One-way variance analysis showed statistically significant difference between the two groups in intensity of the second harmonic only. The same analysis has been repeated with non-smokers and showed statistically significant differences in intensities of the second and the third harmonic leading to assumption that there may be fine differences in vocal fold vibration between Group One and Group Two. Factor congruence analysis showed differences between samples in factor structures. It could be possible that these differences reflect psychoacoustic level

    Flora i vegetacija otoka Sveti Andrija, južna Hrvatska

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    The first record of as many as 160 vascular plant taxa, 134 genera and 61 families on Sveti Andrija Island (5.38 hectares), southern Adriatic, was established on the basis of floristic research in 2005. An analysis of the life-forms and floral elements was also carried out and comparisons were made with other Dubrovnik islands. Altogether, four associations were determined: Querco ilicis-Pinetum halepensis, Posidonietum oceanicae, Limonietum anfracti and Lavateretum arboreae.Na temelju istraživanja u 2005. godini, na otoku Sveti Andrija (5,38 ha) u južnom Jadranu zabilježeno je 160 svojti vaskularnih biljaka, svrstanih u 134 roda i 61 porodicu. Analizirani su životni oblici i florni elementi, te uspoređeni s ostalim dubrovačkim otocima. Na otoku su utvrđene četiri biljne zajednice: Querco ilicis-Pinetum halepensis, Posidonietum oceanicae, Limonietum anfracti i Lavateretum arboreae

    The Ichthyological Collection of the Natural History Museum Rijeka ten years later: bigger and better?

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    U ovom članku predstavljene su kvantitativne i kvalitativne promjene u ihtioloÅ”koj zbirci Prirodoslovnog muzeja Rijeka u periodu od 1996. do 2006. godine. Zbirka je narasla oko Å”est puta i sadrži 3866 primjeraka. Broj vrsta u zbirci je povećan s 213 na 318 vrsta, a zemljopisno porijeklo primjeraka značajno je proÅ”ireno. U zbirku su u ovom periodu pohranjivani isključivo mokro konzervirani preparati s detaljnim podacima o primjercima. Zbirka sada sadrži tipove dviju vrsta, primjerke sedam vrsta koji predstavljaju prvi nalaz te vrste za neko zoogeografsko područje i primjerke Å”est vrsta koji su upotrebljeni u ostalim mikrotaksonomskim radovima. Na primjercima iz zbirke objavljen je 21 znanstveni rad, a u tisku su joÅ” 4 rada. Napisana su i tri stručna članka koristeći podatake o ovoj zbirci. Na temelju iskustva s ihtioloÅ”kom zbirkom Prirodoslovnog muzeja Rijeka, raspravljeni su uvjeti dolaska do željenih rezultata u znanstvenim prirodoslovnim zbirkama.In this paper, quantitative and qualitative improvements in the Ichthyological Collection of the Natural History Museum Rijeka in the 1996 to 2006 period are presented. The collection has grown in size six times and now consists of 3866 specimens. The number of species in the collection has risen from 213 to 318. The geographical origins of the samples have significantly expanded. During this period, the collection was increased by exclusively wet preserved preparations accompanied by detailed information about the samples. Now, the collection has the types of two species, seven species samples that represent first findings of these species for a certain zoogeographical area, as well as samples of six species that have been used in other micro-taxonomical analyses. So far, 21 scientific papers about the samples from the Collection were published, while four more papers are currently in press. Also, 3 review papers were written on the basis of this collectio

    Amoxicillin Biodegradation with Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Characterization of Relevant Degradation Products

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    The widespread use of antibiotics can result in the release of a large number of residues into the environment. In order to reduce the exposure risk, considerable research has been carried out in the field of antibiotic residues. We aim to explore the possibilities of antibiotic amoxicillin biodegradation in laboratory scale by adding microbiological cultures, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram-negative) and Bacillus subtilis (Gram-positive), which are a type of bacteria that are commonly found in the environment, such as in soil and water. Apart from the degradation itself, special attention was paid to the identification of antibiotic residues. The biodegradation process was investigated, revealing a 99.2 % degradation efficiency at amoxicillin concentration of 0.2 mg mLā€“1, and four degradation products were identified. For reaction monitoring and identification of degradation products, UHPLC and LC-MS analyses were performed. Furthermore, to provide additional evidence, the products were independently synthesized and then compared spectrometrically with the obtained biodegradation products. These results could provide new aspects to the behavior of amoxicillin, and pave the way for further monitoring and studies of its residues in the environment. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Smrtna otrovanja u gradu Zagrebu

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    The paper deals with the results of analysis of fatal poisonings in the city of Zagreb from 1981 to 1990. The work is an extension of earlier analyses for the same area that were carried out from the foundation of the Department for Forensic Medicine and Criminology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb in 1934 to 1967, and from 1968 to 1980. Comparative analysis of all data shows that despite the increasing rate of poisoning the number of cases of fatal poisoning has been steadily diminishing - from 11 cases per 100.000 population in the 1934-1967 period and eight cases between 1968 and 1980 to five cases in the latest period 1981-1990.Analizirani su smrtni slučajevi otrovanja na području grada Zagreba za razdoblje od 1981, do 1990. godine. Analiza je nastavak ranijih proučavanja smrtnih otrovanja na području grada, od osnutka Zavoda za sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku Medicinskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu 1934. godine do 1967. godine, te od 1968. do 1980. godine. Unatoč sve većem broju otrovanja analiza između ostaloga pokazuje stalni pad broja smrtno otrovanih, od 11 osoba na 100,000 stanovnika grada između 1934. i 1967. godine, na osam smrtno otrovanih u vremenu između 1968. i 1980. godine, na pet stanovnika na 100.000 stanovnika grada Zagreba u vremenu od 1981, do 1990, godine

    The Croatian Health Survey ā€“ Patient\u27s Satisfaction with Medical Service in Primary Health Care in Croatia

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    The aim of the study was to investigate patient satisfaction with nurses and general practice organization in Croatia. A total of 2,252 patients 18 years of age and over from 47 randomly selected general practices were included in the study. 72.1% of patients were satisfied with nurses and general practice organization. Older and less educated patients were generally more satisfied. Patients were more pleased with nursesā€™ behavior (81.9%) than with practice organization (62.3%). Factor analysis revealed two underlying discriminates of patient satisfaction ā€“ Ā»positive attitude towards the nurseĀ« and Ā»inaccessibility of practiceĀ«. The former discriminate emphasized a great potential of nursing, which should be taken into consideration in the transformation of health care system in Croatia

    Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy ā€“ Two Case Report

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the treatment of indirect traumatic optic neuropathy (ITON). ITON is defined as traumatic loss of vision that occurs without external or initial ophthalmoscopic evidence of injury to the eye or its nerve. The optimal management of ITON remains controversial. History, clinical findings and treatment of two cases of ITON with high-dose corticosteroids are described. Improvement of visual acuity after treatment with high-dose corticosteroids was achieved in both cases. The treatment is evaluated in comparison to endorsed treatment modalities found in literature. We concluded that was clinically reasonable to decide to treat or not to treat the indirect optic neuropathy on an individual patient basis
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