31 research outputs found

    Orthodontic-Prosthodontic Rehabilitation: a Case Report

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    A 25 year-old female came to the Department of Prosthodontics, complaining of problems with masticatory function, described as pain in both temporomandibular joints during mastication and dissatified with esthetics in the upper jaw. After a thorough clinical escaminations, diagnostic casts and X-ray analysis it was determined that the patent had oligodontium of 10 teeth (14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28, 38, 44, 48), discoloration of incisors caused by hypomaturated enamel (amelogenesis imperfecta), disproportion of the front teeth (in completely defined microdontia), Angle class II/1 (deep overbite) and compression of the front teeth. The case history showed that the problems were of a congenital nature apart from the frontal compression, caused by inadequate orthodontic therapy at a younger age. Despite numerous congenital abnormalities, the patient had no systemic disorders. In consultation with an orthodontist, the patient commenced orthodontic therapy with a fixed orthodontic appliance in the upper jaw for placing the teeth in the right position for fabrication of a semicircular bridge. After 6 months of orthodontic therapy, a fixed prosthodontic appliance 600321 123006 (upper jaw) was made of metal ceramic. The aim of the therapy was to replace missing teeth, protect existing teeth with hypomaturated enamel and readjust occlusal height. With the new intermaxillary relations and teeth contour esthetic and functional concordance was achieved. After therapy the patient had no pain in the temporomandibular joints

    Orthodontic-Prosthodontic Rehabilitation: a Case Report

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    A 25 year-old female came to the Department of Prosthodontics, complaining of problems with masticatory function, described as pain in both temporomandibular joints during mastication and dissatified with esthetics in the upper jaw. After a thorough clinical escaminations, diagnostic casts and X-ray analysis it was determined that the patent had oligodontium of 10 teeth (14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28, 38, 44, 48), discoloration of incisors caused by hypomaturated enamel (amelogenesis imperfecta), disproportion of the front teeth (in completely defined microdontia), Angle class II/1 (deep overbite) and compression of the front teeth. The case history showed that the problems were of a congenital nature apart from the frontal compression, caused by inadequate orthodontic therapy at a younger age. Despite numerous congenital abnormalities, the patient had no systemic disorders. In consultation with an orthodontist, the patient commenced orthodontic therapy with a fixed orthodontic appliance in the upper jaw for placing the teeth in the right position for fabrication of a semicircular bridge. After 6 months of orthodontic therapy, a fixed prosthodontic appliance 600321 123006 (upper jaw) was made of metal ceramic. The aim of the therapy was to replace missing teeth, protect existing teeth with hypomaturated enamel and readjust occlusal height. With the new intermaxillary relations and teeth contour esthetic and functional concordance was achieved. After therapy the patient had no pain in the temporomandibular joints

    Implanto-Prosthetic Rehabilitation of the Mandible by Means of Two Implants

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    Edentulousness is a considerable problem in Croatia. So far prevention has not become the most important part of the dental profession. On the other hand,poor medical knowledge, reduced rights concerning health insurance costs as well as an increasing number of impoverished people in Croatia has resulted in postponed prosthetic rehabilitation. For the above mentioned reasons the Croatian people suffer from premature loss of their teeth. Also lower jaw atrophy occurs, which makes prosthetic rehabilitation even more difficult to achieve. In spite of some disadvantages, the double-implant borne prosthetic suprastructure has proved to be a simple and good solution to the patient\u27s problem, mainly because it is cost-effective. This particularly applies to Croatia patients. Over the last five years we have placed double -implants in 26 patients, in the anterior region of the mandible. The implants were placed in the region of the lower canine or slightly more mesially. Severe atrophy was determined in 13 patients (50%) which impeded their complete denture wearing even before the implant placement started. However, we made up for the loss in two patients by placing the implants again. This time we placed them slightly more mesially. We made one borne implant complete denture for one patient because the examination revealed severe atrophy in one segment of his mandible. In addition since the osseointegration prognosis for this patient was questionable we decided against any additional surgical treatment. Since the belts of the attached gingiva in our patients were wide enough and the diameters of the implants were not very long, no vestibuloplasty was necessary. We installed ITI, IMZ, ASTRA and Ankylos implants. All systems proved to be equally functional

    The Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy on Candida Albicans in Patients with Denture Stomatitis - Case Report

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    Protetski stomatitis jedna je od vrlo čestih upala sluznice nepca koja se javlja u nositelja stomatoloÅ”kih proteza, a povezano s infekcijom gljivicama Candidom albicans. Predloženi su različiti terapijski postupci u liječenju protetskoga stomatitisa od kojih ni jedan nije pokazao potpuni ni trajniji terapijski učinak. Svrha rada bila je ispitati i prikazati učinak terapijskoga lasera na rast gljivice Candide albicans i upalu sluznice nepca u dva bolesnika s protetskim stomatitisom. Dva ispitanika s protetskim stomatitisom kod kojih je dijagnosticirana upala sluznice nepca stupnja II po Newtonu liječeni su niskoenergetskim (terapijskim) poluvodičkim laserom (BTL 2000, Prag, ČeÅ”ka) različitim valnim duljinama (685 nm i 830 nm) tijekom 5 dana uzastopce. Palatalna sluznica i akrilatna baza proteze u oba je bolesnika obasjana terapijskom sondom na udaljenosti od 0,5 cm od povrÅ”ine s različitim vremenom trajanja terapije ovisno o valnoj duljini: tijekom 5 minuta s valnom duljinom 830 nm, (3,0 J/cm2, W = 30 mW) i 10 minuta s valnom duljinom 685 nm (3,0 J/cm2, W = 30 mW). Prije terapije laserom sa sluznice nepca i proteze uzet je ubrisak za kulturu na Candidu albicans. Učinak terapijskog lasera na rast gljivica in vivo procijenjen je semikvantitativno po zavrÅ”etku terapije laserom brojem kolonija na agar ploči po Olsenu. Intenzitet upale procijenjen je kliničkim kriterijima. Nakon terapije laserom zapaženo je da je smanjen broj kolonija na agar pločama, a upale sluznice nije bilo. Terapijski laser pokazao je dobar klinički učinak u tretmanu protetskoga stomatitisa.The purpose of this study was to present the effect of low level laser therapy on Candida albicans growth and palatal inflammation in two patients with denture stomatitis. The most common oral mucosal disorder in denture wearers in denture stomatitis, a condition which is usually associated with the presence of the yeast Candida albicans. Different treatment methods have been suggested to treat this symptom, none of which is proven to be absolutely effective. Two denture wearing patients, both with platal infammation diagnosed as Newton type II denture stomatitis were treated with low power semiconductor diode laser (BTL-2000, Prague, Czech Republic) with different wavelengths (685 nm and 830 nm) for five days consecutively. In both patients, palatal mucosa an acrylic denture base were irradiated in non-contact mode (probe distance 0.5 cm from irradiated area) with different exposure times, 5 minutes (830 nm, 3.0 J/cm2, W = 60 mW) and 10 minutes (685 nm, 3.0 J/cm2, W = 30 mW). The effect of laser light on fungal growth in vivo was evaluated after the final treatment using the swab method and semiquntitative estimation of Candida albicans colonies growth on agar plates. The severity of inflammation was evaluated usin clinical criteria. After low level laser treatment reduction of yeast colonies in the agar plates occured and palatal inflammation diminished. LLLT is efective in treatment of denture stomatitis. Further placebo-controlled studies are in progress

    Bite Force in Subjects with Complete Dentition

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    Bite force is the condition, expression and measure of the masticatory function. The purpose of this study was to examine, by means of a newly constructed electronic gnathodynamometer, the values of maximal bite forces in subjects with complete dentition, the time in which they express 50% and 75% respectively of the total forces value, and the shape of the bite curve during testing. The obtained data was statistically analyzed with respect to gender and age. Analysis of the variance confirmed the finding that there was no statistically significant correlation between the values of forces and subjects\u27 age, but there was a statistically significant difference between males and females in the values of the bite forces in the front segment, as well as between the values of the force on anterior and posterior teeth. The correlation between the time T1 posterior right and T1 posterior left, and between T1 and T2 for anterior teeth are statistically significant. Analysis of the bite curves suggests that males Ā»biteĀ« shorter than females with a sharper peak of the curve. Numerical values and bite curves should be a diagnostic factor in the further follow-up of subjects or in the choice of prosthodontic therapy

    Specialisation and specialist education in prosthetic dentistry in Europe

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    This presentation reports on the results of a meeting of prosthodontists from selected European countries. The aim of the meeting was to analyse and promote specialisation and specialist education in Prosthetic Dentistry in Europe. Representatives for Europe were selected from the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA) board, the Education and Research Committee of International College of Prosthodontists (ICP), countries with a legally recognised speciality, countries without a recognised speciality but organised training programmes and countries with neither of these situations. Data about specialisation and specialist training in Prosthodontics in Europe was scrutinised and discussed. The programmes for countries with specialist training had relatively similar content, mostly of three years duration. There was strong agreement that a recognised speciality raises the level of care within the discipline for both specialists and non-specialists. In several of the countries where a speciality had been introduced it had been initiated by pressure from public health planning authorities. The conclusions are that from a professional viewpoint an advancement of the speciality over Europe would develop the discipline, improve oral health planning and quality of patient care. A working group for harmonisation was recommende