333 research outputs found

    Robust, Bridge-less Ion-selective Electrodes with Significantly Reduced Need for Pre- and Post-application Handling

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    We are demonstrating robust, single-layer ion-selective electrode (ISE) utilizing simple Ag/AgCl electrode as solid support without the need for intermediate polymer layer. We have created and chemically linked a family of imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) with poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) using click chemistry, resulting in hybrid materials with tunable characteristics. The resultant material inherently contains chloride ion thus offering the ability to stabilize interfacial potential. This allowed us to construct very simple, single-layer membranes with significantly reduced need for conditioning as an added bonus compared to traditional sensors. Chemical immobilization of ISE membrane components also led to extended lifetime as the potential for material loss is reduced and detection limits are lowered. In our characterization we focused on perchlorate as a model ion. It\u27s levels of around 10−7 M could be repeatedly quantified over a 100 day period despite constant exposure of ISEs to aqueous solution over this time. Most importantly, the electrodes exhibited stable and reproducible signal with significantly simplified pre- and post-operation handling protocols. This offers potential for in situ applications as well as to advanced fabrication techniques and miniaturization. Simplicity of construction and operation, and low cost of the solid substrate allows for disposable ISE formats

    High abundance of a single taxon (amphipods) predicts aquatic macrophyte biodiversity in prairie wetlands

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    Conservation programs often aim to protect the abundance of individual species and biodiversity simultaneously. We quantified relations between amphipod densities and aquatic macrophyte (large plants and algae) diversity to test a hypothesis that biodiversity can support high abundance of a single taxonomic group. Amphipods (Gammarus lacustris and Hyalella azteca) are key forage for waterfowl and are declining in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America. We sampled a large gradient of amphipod densities (0–7050 amphipods/m3) in 49 semi-permanent wetlands, and 50% of the study wetlands had high amphipod densities (\u3e 500 amphipods/m3). Generalized linear models revealed G. lacustris and H. azteca densities increased exponentially with macrophyte diversity indices. Further, H. azteca densities were greatest at moderate levels of submersed vegetation biomass. Community analyses showed both amphipod species were positively associated with diverse macrophyte assemblages and negatively associated with high coverage of cattails (Typha spp.), a taxon that creates monotypic stands, as well as bladderwort (Utricularia spp.), a carnivorous plant. Our results indicate that amphipods could be used as an umbrella species for protecting diverse macrophyte communities in semi-permanent and permanent wetlands of North America’s Prairie Pothole Region

    A five-stage treatment train for water recovery from urine and shower water for long-term human Space missions

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    Long-term human Space missions will rely on regenerative life support as resupply of water, oxygen and food comes with constraints. The International Space Station (ISS) relies on an evaporation/condensation system to recover 74-85% of the water in urine, yet suffers from repetitive scaling and biofouling while employing hazardous chemicals. In this study, an alternative non-sanitary five-stage treatment train for one "astronaut" was integrated through a sophisticated monitoring and control system. This so-called Water Treatment Unit Breadboard (WTUB) successfully treated urine (1.2-L-d with crystallisation, COD-removal, ammonification, nitrification and electrodialysis, before it was mixed with shower water (3.4-L-d(-1)). Subsequently, ceramic nanofiltration and single-pass flat-sheet RO were used. A four-months proof-of-concept period yielded: (i) chemical water quality meeting the hygienic standards of the European Space Agency, (ii) a 87- +/- -5% permeate recovery with an estimated theoretical primary energy requirement of 0.2-kWh p -L-1, (iii) reduced scaling potential without anti-scalant addition and (iv) and a significant biological reduction in biofouling potential resulted in stable but biofouling-limited RO permeability of 0.5 L-m(-2)-h(-1)-bar(-1). Estimated mass breakeven dates and a comparison with the ISS Water Recovery System for a hypothetical Mars transit mission show that WTUB is a promising biological membrane-based alternative to heat-based systems for manned Space missions

    First Measurement of the Tensor Structure Function b1b_1 of the Deuteron

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    The \Hermes experiment has investigated the tensor spin structure of the deuteron using the 27.6 GeV/c positron beam of \Hera. The use of a tensor polarized deuteron gas target with only a negligible residual vector polarization enabled the first measurement of the tensor asymmetry \At and the tensor structure function \bd for average values of the Bj{\o}rken variable 0.01<0.450.01<0.45 and of the squared four-momentum transfer 0.5GeV2<5GeV20.5 {\rm GeV^2} <5 {\rm GeV^2}. The quantities \At and \bd are found to be non-zero. The rise of \bd for decreasing values of xx can be interpreted to originate from the same mechanism that leads to nuclear shadowing in unpolarized scattering

    Single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering on a transversely polarized hydrogen target

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    Single-spin asymmetries for semi-inclusive electroproduction of charged pions in deep-inelastic scattering of positrons are measured for the first time with transverse target polarization. The asymmetry depends on the azimuthal angles of both the pion (ϕ\phi) and the target spin axis (ϕS\phi_S) about the virtual photon direction and relative to the lepton scattering plane. The extracted Fourier component \cmpi is a signal of the previously unmeasured quark transversity distribution, in conjunction with the so-called Collins fragmentation function, also unknown. The Fourier component \smpi of the asymmetry arises from a correlation between the transverse polarization of the target nucleon and the intrinsic transverse momentum of quarks, as represented by the previously unmeasured Sivers distribution function. Evidence for both signals is observed, but the Sivers asymmetry may be affected by exclusive vector meson productio