1,700 research outputs found

    Strategi Pemasaran Digital Melalui Analisis SWOT Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Ditengah Pandemi Covid 19 (Studi Kasus Kripik Tempe Sari Rasa Sanan Di Malang)

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    Abstract This study qualitatively analyzes the Digital Marketing Strategy through Swot Analysis in Increasing Sales Volume Amid the Covid 19 Pandemic (Case Study of Keripik Tempe Sari Rasa Sanan  in Malang).The data collection method used is documentation. Based on the results of research and discussion of digital marketing strategies on sales volume to take advantage of opportunities and fight existing threats, Keripik Tempe Sari Rasa Sanan utilizes Instagram and Facebook social media well through ig or facebook ads. By doing digital marketing, it really helps to increase revenue which is also automatically accompanied by an increase in sales volume as well. This is proof that digital marketing has a big influence in increasing sales volume in the UMKM Sanan Tempe Chips business. Keywords: Digital Marketing, Sales Volume, Instagram, Facebook Ad


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    AbstractThis research was conducted to determine the effect of food quality, dining atmosphere and price suitability on customer satisfaction on Kribo Coffee consumers who are located at Jl. Joyo Agung No 53 B, Tlogomas Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang City. The method used is explanatory research that aims to explain the position of each variable and its effect between one variable with another variable, and the source of the data used is primary data by distributing Likert-scale kusieoner to Kribo Coffee consumers. The sample calculation in this study uses the Slovin formula which produces 80 respondents. The results of this study are the variables of food quality, dining atmosphere and price suitability simultaneously and partially affect the customer satisfaction. Keywords: food quality, dining atmosphere, price suitability and customer satisfaction


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    ABSTRACTThis research was conducted at PT.Catur Mulia Mandiri. The purpose of this research is to test and analyze the influence of leadership style, organizational commitment, Reward and Punishment towards employee work ethic of PT. Catur Mulia Mandiri. The variables used are leadership styles, organizational commitments, Reward and Punishment nout as independent variables, while the employee work ethic variable is the dependent variable.The samples used in this study were 67 PT employees. Chess Mulia Mandiri uses the method of random stratification proportional.Data collection method by collecting primary and secondary data. The analyses used include instrument testing, classical assumption test, normality test, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination test.               Research shows that there is a positive and significant influence between leadership style, organizational commitment, reward and punishment towards employee work ethic at PT. Catur Mulia Mandiri.The research show that the leadership style variable has no significant effect on the employee work ethic of PT. Catur Mulia Mandiri.The variable of organizational commitment has a significant effect on the employee work ethic of PT.Catur Mulia Mandiri The Reward and Punishment variable has significant effect on the employee work ethic of PT. Catur Mulia Mandiri. Keywords: leadership style, organizational commitment, Reward and Punishment and employee work ethi

    Analisis Pengaruh Diferensiasi Produk, Diskon Harga, Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Reshare Rabbani Sumenep

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    Abstract The study aims to know and analyze the impact of product differentiation, discounts prices, and services on the loyalty of Rabbani Sumenep Reshare customers. The study used case studies on Rabbani Sumenep's Reshare customers where the data was obtained by distributing the questionnaire to Rabbani sumenep's reshare using a sampling method. The population in this study is not definitely known as the number, so it uses the formula of hair et.al that obtained the number of samples as much as 95 respondents. The method of analysis used is the linear, linear regression analysis. The research shows that simultaneous or together dissociative variables of product, discount prices, and quality services affect customer loyalty and are partial deferment variables of product dissociation, discount prices, and service quality also have an effect on customer loyalty. Key words: customer loyalty, product deferation, price discount, quality of service

    Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk, Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada E-Commerce Shopee (Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Islam Malang)

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    Abstract This study aims to analyze and describe the effect of price, product quality, and service quality on purchasing decisions on e-commerce shopee (study of 2018 class of economic and business faculty students). The population in this study were undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang Batch 2018 both from the Management study program as many as 518 students, Accounting as many as 275 students, and Sharia Banking as many as 106 with a total of 899 people. Then 90 people were taken from this number using the slovin formula. The variables used in this research are purchasing decision variables (dependent variable), while the independent variables are price, product quality, and service quality.The results of this study conclude that there is a positive and significant influence between price, product quality, and service quality variables on purchasing decisions and simultaneously concludes that there is an influence between price, product quality, and service quality variables on purchasing decisions. Keywords: Purchase Decision, Price, Product Quality, Service Qualit

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Brand Association, Brand Image, Brand Trust, Price Dan Word Of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepatu Merk Vans ( Studi kasus pada pembelian Sepatu Sneakers merek Vans Di Infusionstore Malang )

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of product quality, brand association, brand image, brand trust, price, and word of mouth on purchasing satisfaction. Researchers are interested in this study because sales of Vans Sneakers at the Infusionstore are decreasing or not growing. With the existing theory, hopefully it can answer the problems that occur, the sample in this study is 73 consumers. The population of this study is in this study the population is all buyers of Vans Sneakers at the Malang Infusionstore from Mei to July 2020, which is estimated to reach 264 consumers. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is known that product quality, brand association, brand image, brand trust, price and word of mouth have a simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions and product quality, brand association, brand image, brand trust, price and word of mouth have a partial effect on purchasing decisions. . Keywords: product quality, brand association, brand image, brand trust, price, word of mouth, purchase satisfactio

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Harga, Promosi, Dan Keragaman Produk Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Konsumen Pada Online Shop Shopee (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa FEB UNISMA)

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    AbstractThe development of the digital world has now become a field for businessmen to expand their sales methods into the online realm. Currently, many businessmen ranging from large companies to retailers are starting to develop their business into an online shop business. The number of digital transactions of the Indonesian people during the Covid-19 pandemic increased quite significantly. One of the online shop platforms that is increasingly being used by the public is Shopee.This study aims to determine how the effect of service quality, price, promotion, and product diversity on repurchase interest.This study uses quantitative methods. The population of this study were students of FEB UNISMA. The data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires. The sample of this study was taken by purposive sampling technique with the Malhotra formula, totaling 94 respondents to FEB UNISMA students. The variables in this study are Service Quality (X1), Price (X2), Promotion (X3), Product Diversity (X4), and Repurchase Interest (Y). The data analysis methods used are instrument test, normality test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis test hypothesis, and test the coefficient of determination with the help of SPSS 20.0 software for windows.The results showed that the quality of service, price, promotion, and product diversity simultaneously or partially had a significant effect on repurchase interest in Online Shop Shopee consumers (a case study on FEB UNISMA students). Keywords: Service Quality, Price, Promotion, Product Diversity, and Repurchase Interest.

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja, Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Di Kepengurusan Organisasi Ikatan Mahasiswa Lamongan (IKAMALA) – Malang Raya

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the effect of work motivation, leadership style and work discipline on performance, the sample of this research is the management of the IKAMALA organization. To collect data using a questionnaire, to analyze data using validity test, reliability test, normality test, multiple linear analysis, F statistic test and t statistic test, coefficient of determination test in IBM Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS) Version 16.0From the results of calculations with SPSS which is a variable of Work Motivation, Leadership Style and Work Discipline have a simultaneous and significant effect on purchasing decisions. While partially the variables of Work Motivation, Leadership Style and Work Discipline have a positive and significant effect on performance. Keywords: Work Motivation; Leadership Style; Work Discipline; Performanc

    Pengaruh Persepsi Harga, Promosi Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Minat Kunjung Kembali Wisatawan Melalui Kepuasan Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa FEB Unisma Angkatan 2018)

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    Abstract This study was conducted to determine the effect of price perception, promotion and service quality on the interest of returning tourists through satisfaction as an intervening variable (Case Study of Unisma Students, Class of 2018). This research uses explanatory research and quantitative approach. Maholtra's theory was used to take samples, namely the number of items x 5 so that a total sample of 110 people was found. To solve the problem in this research, using validity test, reliability test, normality test, path analysis test, hypothesis test which includes direct effect with t test, indirect effect with Sobel test, and coefficient of determination test) R2. This study uses hypothesis testing with the help of SPSS 25. 0 The results of this study are the variables of price perception, promotion and service quality have a direct effect on satisfaction. Perceptions of price, promotion and service quality have a direct effect on the interest of returning tourists. Perceptions of price, promotion and service quality have an indirect effect on the interest of returning tourists through satisfaction as an intervening variable at Jatim Park 3. Keywords: Price, Promotion, Service Qualit

    Pengaruh Word Of Mouth, Harga, Citra Merek Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Masker Merek Sensi Akibat Adanya Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Kecamatan Purwoharjo Kabupaten Banyuwangi)

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    AbstractThe impact of the covid-19 pandemic that has hit all countries in the world, of course, the products that consumers need are products that can prevent and protect themselves from the transmission of covid-19. Mask products are one of the alternative choices of consumers who are most bought at this time. This is a Sensi mask product. This study aims to determine how the influence of word of mouth, price, brand image, and product quality on purchasing decisions.This study uses quantitative methods. The population of this study were consumers of Sensi brand masks in Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi. The technique of collecting data is by distributing questionnaires. The sample of this research was taken by purposive sampling technique with the Malhotra formula, totaling 125 respondents in the community of Purwoharjo Banyuwangi District. The variables in this study are Word Of Mouth (X1), Price (X2), Brand Image (X3), Product Quality (X4), and Purchase Decision (Y). The data analysis methods used are instrument test, normality test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis test hypothesis, and test the coefficient of determination with the help of SPSS 20.0 software for windows.The results of this study indicate that word of mouth, price, brand image, and product quality simultaneously or partially have a significant effect on purchasing decisions for Sensi brand masks (a case study of the people of Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi Regency). Keywords: Word Of Mouth, Price, Brand Image, Product Quality, and Purchase Decision