6 research outputs found

    Robust creation of atomic W state in a cavity by adiabatic passage

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    We propose two robust schemes to generate controllable (deterministic) atomic W-states of three three-level atoms interacting with an optical cavity and a laser beam. Losses due to atomic spontaneous emissions and to cavity decay are efficiently suppressed by employing adiabatic passage technique and appropriately designed atom-field couplings. In these schemes the three atoms traverse the cavity-mode and the laser beam and become entangled in the free space outside the cavity.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Optics Communication

    Effect of spontaneous emission and cavity decay on intracavity stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

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    In this paper, we study the robust technique of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in an optical cavity considering decoherence effects of atomic spontaneous emission and cavity decay. Numerical solution of Liouville equation shows that the population transfer of the system is more sensitive to the cavity decay than the atomic spontaneous emission

    Quantum state engineering in ion-traps via adiabatic passage

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    We propose two relatively robust schemes to generate entangled W states of three (or generally N) ions in ion trap systems by using adiabatic passage technique and appropriately designed ion-field couplings in a single step. In the first scheme, we apply the N-pod fractional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (F-STIRAP) technique to generate W state of N ions using two Gaussian laser pulses. We also show that the W state of N − 1 ions can be created via a simple N-pod standard STIRAP by two laser pulses. In the second scheme, we generate the entangled state of N ions via π-pulse technique by a single laser pulse. We also study the population transfer of the system by numerical solutions of the master equation, considering the effect of decoherence channels due to laser intensity fluctuations and dissipation in the phonon modes

    Implementation of one-qubit holonomic rotation gate by adiabatic passage

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    We propose a robust scheme, using tripod stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, to generate one-qubit rotation gate. In this scheme, a four-level atom interacts with three resonant laser pulses and time evolution of the corresponding coherent system is designed such that the rotation gate is implemented at the end of process. Rotation angle in this gate is holonomic and has a geometrical basis in the parameter space. We also explore the effect of spontaneous emission on the population transfer with numerical solution of Schrödinger and Liouville equations