791 research outputs found

    Electronic phase diagram of La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.125−x_{0.125-x}Srx_xCuO4_4

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    We performed systematic measurements of magnetic susceptibility on single crystals of La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.125−x_{0.125-x}Srx_xCuO4_4. The dependence of the superconducting transition temperature on Sr-concentration demonstrates a step-like pattern upon doping at {\it x}∼\sim0.08 as the crystal structure changes from low-temperature tetragonal (LTT) to low-temperature orthorhombic (LTO) phase at low temperature. Upon cooling, an anomalous upturn in the susceptibility was observed at the structural phase transition between the LTT-LTO phases under the magnetic field parallel to {\it c}-axis.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Proceeding paper of the Stripes2000 conference in Roma, Ital

    NMR relaxation time around a vortex in stripe superconductors

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    Site-dependent NMR relaxation time T1(r)T_1({\bf r}) is calculated in the vortex state using the Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory, taking account of possible "field-induced stripe'' states in which the magnetism arises locally around a vortex core in d-wave superconductivity. The recently observed huge enhancement T1−1(r)T_1^{-1}({\bf r}) below TcT_c at a core site in Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6_6 is explained. The field-induced stripe picture explains consistently other relevant STM and neutron experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Neutron Scattering Study of Temperature-Concentration Phase Diagram of (Cu1-xMgx)GeO3

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    In doped CuGeO3 systems, such as (Cu1-xZnx)GeO3 and Cu(Ge1-xSix)O3, the spin-Peierls (SP) ordering (T<Tsp) coexists with the antiferromagnetic (AF) phase (T<TN<Tsp). Tsp decreases while TN increases with increasing x in low doping region. For higher x, however, the SP state disappears and only the AF state remains. These features are common for all the doped CuGeO3 systems so far studied, indicating the existence of universal T-x phase diagram. Recently, Masuda et al. carried out comprehensive magnetic susceptibility (chi) measurements of (Cu1-xMgx)GeO3, in which doping concentration can be controlled significantly better than the Zn doped systems. They found that TN suddenly jumps from 3.43 to 3.98K at the critical concentration xc sim 0.023 and that a drop in chi corresponding to the SP ordering also disappears at x>xc. They thus concluded that there is a compositional phase boundary between two distinct magnetic phases. To clarify the nature of two phases, we performed neutron-scattering measurements on (Cu1-xMgx)GeO3 single crystals with various x. Analysis of the data at fixed temperature points as a function of doping concentration has revealed sudden changes of order parameters at the critical concentration xc=0.027 +- 0.001. At finite temperatures below TN, the drastic increase of the AF moment takes place at xc. The spin-Peierls order parameter delta associated with lattice dimerization shows a precipitous decrease at all temperature below Tsp. However, it goes to zero above xc only at the low temperature limit.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Antiferromagnetism and hole pair checkerboard in the vortex state of high Tc superconductors

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    We propose a microscopic state for the vortex phase of BSCO superconductors. Around the vortex core or above H_{c2}, the d wave hole pairs form a checkerboard localized in the commensurate antiferromagnetic background. We discuss this theory in connection with recent STM experiments.Comment: Final versio

    Absence of magnetic field effect on static magnetic order in electron-doped superconductor Nd_{1.86}Ce_{0.14}CuO_4

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    Neutron-scattering experiments were performed to study the magnetic field effect on the electron-doped cuprate superconductor Nd_{1.86}Ce_{0.14}CuO_4, which shows the coexistence of magnetic order and superconductivity. The (1/2 3/2 0) magnetic Bragg intensity, which mainly originates from the order of both the Cu and Nd moments at low temperatures, shows no magnetic field dependence when the field is applied perpendicular to the CuO_{2} plane up to 10 T above the upper critical field. This result is significantly different from that reported for the hole-doped cuprate superconductors, in which the quasi-static magnetic order is noticeably enhanced under a magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic inhomogeneity and competing phases in electron-doped superconducting Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4

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    We use neutron scattering to demonstrate that electron-doped superconducting Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4 in the underdoped regime is electronically phase separated in the ground state, showing the coexistence of a superconducting phase with a three-dimensional antiferromagnetically ordered phase and a quasi-two-dimensional spin density wave modulation. The Neel temperature of both antiferromagnetic phases decreases linearly with increasing superconducting transition temperature (Tc) and vanishes when optimal superconductivity is achieved. These results indicate that the electron-doped copper oxides are close to a quantum critical point, where the delicate energetic balance between different competing states leads to microscopic heterogeneity.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev. B as a rapid communicatio

    Spin ordering quantum transitions of superconductors in a magnetic field

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    We argue that recent neutron scattering measurements by Lake et. al. (Science 291, 1759 (2001)) of the spin excitation spectrum of LSCO in a magnetic field can be understood in terms of proximity to a phase with co-existing superconductivity and spin density wave order. We present a general theory for such quantum transitions, and argue that their low energy spin fluctuations are controlled by a singular correction from the superflow kinetic energy, acting in the region outside the vortex cores. We propose numerous experimental tests of our theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps fig

    High-T_{c} Superconductors with AF Order: Limitations on Spin-Fluctuation Pairing Mechanism

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    The very intriguing antagonistic interplay of antiferromagnetism (AF) and superconductivity (SC), recently discovered in high-temperature superconductors, is studied in the framework of a microscopic theory. We explain the surprisingly large increase of the magnetic Bragg peak intensity IQI_{Q} at Q∼(π,π)Q\sim (\pi ,\pi) in the magnetic field H≪Hc2H\ll H_{c2} at low temperatures 0<T≪Tc,TAF0<T\ll T_{c},T_{AF} in La2−xSrxCuO4La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4}. Good agreement with experimental results is found. The theory predicts large anisotropy of the relative intensity RQ(H)=(IQ(H)−IQ(0))/IQ(0)R_{Q}(H)=(I_{Q}(H)-I_{Q}(0))/I_{Q}(0)%, i.e. RQ(H∥c−axis)≫RQ(H⊥c−axis)R_{Q}(H\parallel c-axis)\gg R_{Q}(H\perp c-axis). The quantum (T=0) phase diagram at H=0 is constructed. The theory also predicts: (i) the magnetic field induced AF order in the SC state; (ii) small value for the spin-fluctuation coupling constant g<(0.025−0.05)g<(0.025-0.05) eVeV. The latter gives very small SC critical temperature Tc(≪40T_{c}(\ll 40 K)K), thus questioning the spin-fluctuation mechanism of pairing in HTS oxides.Comment: Linguistic changes, improved readabilty, changed titl
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