38,448 research outputs found

    Short wavelength radio observations of Saturn's rings

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    Passive radio observations are discussed from 1 mm to 2 cm wavelengths. The interferometric technique was used to observe the brightness of the rings. The reflectivity and disk temperature are also considered. The differences between radio and radar observations are examined and discussed

    Regulating the infrared by mode matching: A massless scalar in expanding spaces with constant deceleration

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    In this paper we consider a massless scalar field, with a possible coupling ξ\xi to the Ricci scalar in a DD dimensional FLRW spacetime with a constant deceleration parameter q=ϵ−1q=\epsilon-1, ϵ=−H˙/H2\epsilon=-{\dot{H}}/{H^2}. Correlation functions for the Bunch-Davies vacuum of such a theory have long been known to be infrared divergent for a wide range of values of ϵ\epsilon. We resolve these divergences by explicitly matching the spacetime under consideration to a spacetime without infrared divergencies. Such a procedure ensures that all correlation functions with respect to the vacuum in the spacetime of interest are infrared finite. In this newly defined vacuum we construct the coincidence limit of the propagator and as an example calculate the expectation value of the stress energy tensor. We find that this approach gives both in the ultraviolet and in the infrared satisfactory results. Moreover, we find that, unless the effective mass due to the coupling to the Ricci scalar ξR\xi R is negative, quantum contributions to the energy density always dilute away faster, or just as fast, as the background energy density. Therefore, quantum backreaction is insignificant at the one loop order, unless ξR\xi R is negative. Finally we compare this approach with known results where the infrared is regulated by placing the Universe in a finite box. In an accelerating universe, the results are qualitatively the same, provided one identifies the size of the Universe with the physical Hubble radius at the time of the matching. In a decelerating universe however, the two schemes give different late time behavior for the quantum stress energy tensor. This happens because in this case the length scale at which one regulates the infrared becomes sub-Hubble at late times.Comment: 55 pages, 6 figure

    Observations of the binary pulsar system PSR B1718-19 -- The Role of Tidal Circularisation

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    We present optical and infrared observations taken with the Very Large Telescope of the eclipsing binary pulsar system PSR B1718-19. The candidate companion of the pulsar, identified earlier in Hubble Space Telescope observations, has been detected in all three bands, R, I, and J. These detections allowed us to derive constraints on temperature, radius, and mass, pointing to a companion that has expanded to a radius between one of a main sequence star and one at the Roche-limit. We focus on the role of tidal circularisation in the system, which will have transformed the initially eccentric orbit expected from formation scenarios into the nearly circular orbit presently observed. Based on simple energy balance arguments, we are able to draw a picture of the companion's evolution resulting from the energy deposition in the star due to circularisation. In this picture, our measurement of the companion's parameters is consistent with the expected initial eccentricity. However, with the present understanding of tidal dissipation it remains difficult to account for the short time in which the system was circularised.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A DAQ System for Linear Collider TPC Prototypes based on the ALEPH TPC Electronics

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    Within the international studies of a high energy linear electron positron collider, several groups are developing and testing prototypes for a Linear Collider TPC. This detector is planned to be used as a central part in the tracking system of a detector at such a machine. In this note we describe a DAQ system, which has been developed for the use in tests of TPC prototypes. It is based on electronics used at the ALEPH experiment at CERN.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure
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