1,861 research outputs found

    Ponderomotive scattering of an electron-bunch before injection into a laser wakefield

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    For the purpose of laser wakefield acceleration, it turned out that also the injection of electron bunches longer than a plasma wavelength can generate accelerated femtosecond bunches with relatively low energy spread. This is of high interest because such injecting bunches can be provided, e.g., by state-of-the-art photo cathode RF guns. Here we point out that when an e-bunch is injected in the wakefield it is important to take into account the ponderomotive scattering of the injecting bunch by the laser pulse in the vacuum region located in front of the plasma. At low energies of the injected bunch this scattering results in a significant drop of the collection efficiency. Larger collection efficiency can by reached with lower intensity laser pulses and relatively high injection energies. We also estimate the minimum trapping energy for the injected electrons and the length of the trapped bunch.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Active multilayer mirrors for reflectance tuning at extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths

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    We propose an active multilayer mirror structure for EUV wavelengths which can be adjusted to compensate for reflectance changes. The multilayer structure tunes the reflectance via an integrated piezoelectric layer that can change its dimension due to an externally applied voltage. Here, we present design and optimization of the mirror structure for maximum reflectance tuning. In addition, we present preliminary results showing that the deposition of piezoelectric thin films with the requisite layer smoothness and crystal structure are possible. Finally, polarization switching of the smoothest piezoelectric film is presented

    Prosocial nudges and visual indicators increase social distancing, but authoritative nudges do not.

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    Social distancing reduces the transmission of COVID-19 and other airborne diseases. To test different ways to increase social distancing, we conducted a field experiment at a major US airport using a system that presented color-coded visual indicators on crowdedness. We complemented those visual indicators with nudges commonly used to increase COVID-19-preventive behaviors. Analyzing data from 57,146 travelers, we find that visual indicators and nudges significantly affected social distancing. Introducing visual indicators increased the share of travelers practicing social distancing, and this positive effect was enhanced by introducing nudges focused on personal benefits ("protect yourself") and public benefits ("protect others"). Conversely, an authoritative nudge referencing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("don't break CDC COVID-19 guidelines") did not change social distancing behavior. Our results demonstrate that visual indicators and informed nudges can boost social distancing and potentially curb the spread of contagious diseases

    Stepwise Design and Evaluation of a Values-Oriented Ambient Intelligence Healthcare Monitoring Platform

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    Contains fulltext : 251562.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)OBJECTIVES: The majority of all developed digital health technologies do not reach successful implementation. A discrepancy among technology design, the context of use, and user needs and values is identified as the main reason for this failure. Value-sensitive design (VSD) is a design method enabling to align design with user values by embedding values in technology, yet the method is lacking clear heuristics for practical application. To improve the successful design and implementation of digital health, we propose and evaluate a stepwise approach to VSD. METHODS: The approach consists of the phases: experiment, demonstrate, and validate. Experiment takes place in an office to create makeshift solutions. Demonstrate takes place in a mock-up environment and aims to optimize design requirements through user feedback. The validate phase takes place in an authentic care situation and studies how the novel technology affects current workflows. RESULTS: We applied the stepwise VSD approach to the design of a hospital-based ambient intelligence solution for remotely and continuously monitoring quality and safety of patient care. We particularly focused on embodiment of the values of safety, privacy, and inclusiveness in the design. Design activities of the experiment and demonstrate phase are discussed. CONCLUSIONS: A stepwise approach to VSD enables a design to optimally meet the values of all users involved, while aligning the design process with the practical limitations of healthcare institutions. We discuss some benefits and challenges related to VSD and the potential for transfer of this approach to other digital health solutions

    Discharge studies with a high-efficiency XeCl excimer laser

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    Results on a high efficiency excimer laser operating according to the prepulse-mainpulsetechnique are reported. The laser volume of about 90 cm is X-ray preionized. The mainpulse obtained from a PFN 2 swiched onto the discharge by means of a racetrack saturable inductor (magnetic switching) connected to the laser head with low inductance. Laser output energy has been measured as a function of gas mixture and delay between X-ray and prepulse

    Magnetic pulse compression in the prepulse circuit for a 1 kW, 1kHz XeCl excimer laser

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    Using high quality low loss ferrite, a single stage magnetic pulse compression network has been demonstrated working at 1 kHz PRF. A pulse compression factor of 4 has been achieved, delivering a 50 ns pulse as prepulse in the excitation circuit for a high power XeC1-excimer laser

    Discharge technology for excimer lasers of high-average power

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    The self-sustained discharge of excimers is analyzed. Several excitation schemes that have been successfully applied are compared. For high repetition rate operation not only the discharge stability and its efficiency are important selection criteria but more important is the potential of fast discharge switching with minimum pulse energy. Pulse compression plays a key role in the laser performance. A technology for low energy compression is described
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