547 research outputs found

    Random fields on model sets with localized dependency and their diffraction

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    For a random field on a general discrete set, we introduce a condition that the range of the correlation from each site is within a predefined compact set D. For such a random field omega defined on the model set Lambda that satisfies a natural geometric condition, we develop a method to calculate the diffraction measure of the random field. The method partitions the random field into a finite number of random fields, each being independent and admitting the law of large numbers. The diffraction measure of omega consists almost surely of a pure-point component and an absolutely continuous component. The former is the diffraction measure of the expectation E[omega], while the inverse Fourier transform of the absolutely continuous component of omega turns out to be a weighted Dirac comb which satisfies a simple formula. Moreover, the pure-point component will be understood quantitatively in a simple exact formula if the weights are continuous over the internal space of Lambda Then we provide a sufficient condition that the diffraction measure of a random field on a model set is still pure-point.Comment: 21 page

    Close-packed dimers on the line: diffraction versus dynamical spectrum

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    The translation action of \RR^{d} on a translation bounded measure ω\omega leads to an interesting class of dynamical systems, with a rather rich spectral theory. In general, the diffraction spectrum of ω\omega, which is the carrier of the diffraction measure, live on a subset of the dynamical spectrum. It is known that, under some mild assumptions, a pure point diffraction spectrum implies a pure point dynamical spectrum (the opposite implication always being true). For other systems, the diffraction spectrum can be a proper subset of the dynamical spectrum, as was pointed out for the Thue-Morse sequence (with singular continuous diffraction) in \cite{EM}. Here, we construct a random system of close-packed dimers on the line that have some underlying long-range periodic order as well, and display the same type of phenomenon for a system with absolutely continuous spectrum. An interpretation in terms of `atomic' versus `molecular' spectrum suggests a way to come to a more general correspondence between these two types of spectra.Comment: 14 pages, with some additions and improvement

    Similar Sublattices and Coincidence Rotations of the Root Lattice A4 and its Dual

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    A natural way to describe the Penrose tiling employs the projection method on the basis of the root lattice A4 or its dual. Properties of these lattices are thus related to properties of the Penrose tiling. Moreover, the root lattice A4 appears in various other contexts such as sphere packings, efficient coding schemes and lattice quantizers. Here, the lattice A4 is considered within the icosian ring, whose rich arithmetic structure leads to parametrisations of the similar sublattices and the coincidence rotations of A4 and its dual lattice. These parametrisations, both in terms of a single icosian, imply an index formula for the corresponding sublattices. The results are encapsulated in Dirichlet series generating functions. For every index, they provide the number of distinct similar sublattices as well as the number of coincidence rotations of A4 and its dual.Comment: 8 pages, paper presented at ICQ10 (Zurich, Switzerland

    Some comments on the inverse problem of pure point diffraction

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    In a recent paper, Lenz and Moody (arXiv:1111.3617) presented a method for constructing families of real solutions to the inverse problem for a given pure point diffraction measure. Applying their technique and discussing some possible extensions, we present, in a non-technical manner, some examples of homometric structures.Comment: 6 pages, contribution to Aperiodic 201

    Pinwheel patterns and powder diffraction

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    Pinwheel patterns and their higher dimensional generalisations display continuous circular or spherical symmetries in spite of being perfectly ordered. The same symmetries show up in the corresponding diffraction images. Interestingly, they also arise from amorphous systems, and also from regular crystals when investigated by powder diffraction. We present first steps and results towards a general frame to investigate such systems, with emphasis on statistical properties that are helpful to understand and compare the diffraction images. We concentrate on properties that are accessible via an alternative substitution rule for the pinwheel tiling, based on two different prototiles. Due to striking similarities, we compare our results with the toy model for the powder diffraction of the square lattice.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Weighted Dirac combs with pure point diffraction

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    A class of translation bounded complex measures, which have the form of weighted Dirac combs, on locally compact Abelian groups is investigated. Given such a Dirac comb, we are interested in its diffraction spectrum which emerges as the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation measure. We present a sufficient set of conditions to ensure that the diffraction measure is a pure point measure. Simultaneously, we establish a natural link to the theory of the cut and project formalism and to the theory of almost periodic measures. Our conditions are general enough to cover the known theory of model sets, but also to include examples such as the visible lattice points.Comment: 44 pages; several corrections and improvement

    Recent progress in mathematical diffraction

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    A brief summary of recent developments in mathematical diffraction theory is given. Particular emphasis is placed on systems with aperiodic order and continuous spectral components. We restrict ourselves to some key results and refer to the literature for further details

    Discrete Tomography of Penrose Model Sets

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    Various theoretical and algorithmic aspects of inverse problems in discrete tomography of planar Penrose model sets are discussed. These are motivated by the demand of materials science for the reconstruction of quasicrystalline structures from a small number of images produced by quantitative high resolution transmission electron microscopy.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure; paper presented at Aperiodic 2006 (Zao, Japan

    Some comments on pinwheel tilings and their diffraction

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    The pinwheel tiling is the paradigm for a substitution tiling with circular symmetry, in the sense that the corresponding autocorrelation is circularly symmetric. As a consequence, its diffraction measure is also circularly symmetric, so the pinwheel diffraction consists of sharp rings and, possibly, a continuous component with circular symmetry. We consider some combinatorial properties of the tiles and their orientations, and a numerical approach to the diffraction of weighted pinwheel point sets.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Recurrence in 2D Inviscid Channel Flow

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    I will prove a recurrence theorem which says that any HsH^s (s>2s>2) solution to the 2D inviscid channel flow returns repeatedly to an arbitrarily small H0H^0 neighborhood. Periodic boundary condition is imposed along the stream-wise direction. The result is an extension of an early result of the author [Li, 09] on 2D Euler equation under periodic boundary conditions along both directions