8 research outputs found

    Regional Resources Capitalization: Theoretical and Methodological Basis

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    The article substantiates the holistic theoretical approach to the definition of the economic content, dominant characteristics, the structure and features of the regional resource potential as the basis of the regional economy capitalization. The methodological platform, an updated and expanded conceptual and categorical apparatus of capitalization of the regional economy is presented in the paper. The authors conducted identification, classification and structural-functional decomposition of the elements of the resource potential, objectives, subjects, objects and mechanisms of capitalization of the territory taking into account the differentiation of their role, scale and impact on the proces

    Assessment of the Level of Economic Security in the Conditions of Uncertainty

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    The article is devoted to assessing the economic security of the state, projecting the resulting efficiency factor of socio-economic development in general. Assessment of economic security is presented as a set of socio-economic development indicators based on those parameters that reflect the impact of uncertainty on the conditions of economy security of the state. The values of economy security indicators of the Russian Federation are calculated for the period 2009-201

    Assessment of capitalization as a management tool of economic development of a region

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    The article suggests the authors' definition of capitalization of regional economy as a process of effective business usage, increase of revenues and values of complex capital assets of regional economic agents. The functions of capitalization are systematized and peculiarities of their implementation at the regional level are revealed. The authors define and structure the objects of capitalization of regional economyyesBelgorod State Universit

    The innovation subsystem development level evaluation of the regional social-economic systems

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    The innovation subsystem development level evaluation of the regional social-economic systems / Y. V. Nikulina, J. V. Lyshchikova, A. V. Orlova et al. // International Business Management. - 2016. - Vol.10,N16.-P. 3427-3431. - Refer.: p. 3431.The stusy analyzes the methodological approaches to the identification and assessment of the innovation potential of the regional socio-economic systems. The system of indicators of the region's innovative capacity is formed. The assessment and ranging of regional social and economic systems of Russia on a level of development of innovative potential is carried ou

    Regional Resources Capitalization: Theoretical and Methodological Basis

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    The article substantiates the holistic theoretical approach to the definition of the economic content, dominant characteristics, the structure and features of the regional resource potential as the basis of the regional economy capitalization. The methodological platform, an updated and expanded conceptual and categorical apparatus of capitalization of the regional economy is presented in the paper. The authors conducted identification, classification and structural-functional decomposition of the elements of the resource potential, objectives, subjects, objects and mechanisms of capitalization of the territory taking into account the differentiation of their role, scale and impact on the proces

    Assessment of the Level of Economic Security in the Conditions of Uncertainty

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    The article is devoted to assessing the economic security of the state, projecting the resulting efficiency factor of socio-economic development in general. Assessment of economic security is presented as a set of socio-economic development indicators based on those parameters that reflect the impact of uncertainty on the conditions of economy security of the state. The values of economy security indicators of the Russian Federation are calculated for the period 2009-201

    Assessment of capitalization as a management tool of economic development of a region

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    yesThe article suggests the authors' definition of capitalization of regional economy as a process of effective business usage, increase of revenues and values of complex capital assets of regional economic agents. The functions of capitalization are systematized and peculiarities of their implementation at the regional level are revealed. The authors define and structure the objects of capitalization of regional economyBelgorod State Universit

    The innovation subsystem development level evaluation of the regional social-economic systems

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    The innovation subsystem development level evaluation of the regional social-economic systems / Y. V. Nikulina, J. V. Lyshchikova, A. V. Orlova et al. // International Business Management. - 2016. - Vol.10,N16.-P. 3427-3431. - Refer.: p. 3431.The stusy analyzes the methodological approaches to the identification and assessment of the innovation potential of the regional socio-economic systems. The system of indicators of the region's innovative capacity is formed. The assessment and ranging of regional social and economic systems of Russia on a level of development of innovative potential is carried ou