16 research outputs found

    The Online Sales Application of Black and White Print Based on Yii Framework on Higher Education E-Commerce Website

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       Raharja Internet Cafe as a facility in Raharja College which is provided for Personal Raharja in helping provide the need for lecture activities. Raharja Internet Cafe has a problem that the system of selling black and white print products that apply consumers must come directly to the RIC room at LV-002 at Raharja College, but Raharja Internet Cafe cannot accommodate many consumers because of the limited area. These problems are the background for the establishment of an electronic sales system (e-commerce) based on Yii framework with the aim of facilitating the sale of black and white print products for consumers and staff of Raharja Internet Cafe. E-commerce website at Raharja Internet Cafe is a web-based application with a structured programming concept. The e-commerce application development Shop Copy Nicky uses 4 (four) stages according to the steps that exist in software development, including the stages of observation, analysis, literature study consisting of 10 (ten) literature and implementation. The conclusion of the e-commerce website development on Raharja Internet Cafe is that the website built can make it easy for consumers to make transactions, and Raharja Internet Cafe can get comprehensive and real time reports about sales data, and payment systems for consumers that are easier because they use payment system that is done online.     Keywords: E-Commerce, Black and White Print, Raharja Internet Caf

    Kolaborasi Integrasi Inkubator Bersama Perguruan Tinggi sebagai Bentuk Pengabdian terhadap Masyarakat dalam Perkembangan Iptek

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    Tunjangan Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk membentuk energi kerjasama keilmuanantara narasumber perguruan tinggi dengan jajaran TNI di Tangerang. Menyinggungpemahaman yang mendalam tentang arti penipuan dan Kampanye Gelap mungkinmerupakan keajaiban asli yang harus diharapkan, sehingga dapat mendukung penggunaanantisipasi dan meminimalkan pengaruh keduanya. Strategi implementasi ditengahpenyelidikan ini adalah dengan melihat-lihat dan pergi ke perguruan tinggi di Tangerangserta mampu menyuplai bahan dan mempersiapkan disana. Bahwa lahirnya PKM inimerupakan pengembangan dari kesadaran hampir energi kooperatif dari latihaninstruksional para guru Perguruan Tinggi dan TNI Tangerang sehubungan dengan artipenipuan dan kampanye gelap serta karena pokok-pokok upaya pengurusan terkait denganini. Karenanya, dalam masyarakat, ia mencipta dan berkreasi dalam masyarakat dan tertipusecara transparan yang tidak langsung tertangkap atau dikenal sebagai yang terjadibelakangan ini di masyarakat atau tanpa bukti yang jelas

    CRM-Based E-Business Design (Customer Relationship Management) Case Study : Shoe Washing Service Company S-Neat-Kers

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    S-Neat-Kers is a shoe-washing service firm with troubles. S-Neat-Kers is a freshly created SME with problems. The issue at hand is how to acquire new potential clients while still retaining old ones. It is hoped that by creating an e-Business system based on CRM, the company's challenges would be solved. It begins with an analysis based on the CRM phase, followed by the design and development of e-Business applications utilising UML tools. The system is implemented when the application's design and development are completed. Based on the implementation findings, an implementation study was conducted to assess the design's applicability for the company's challenges. As a result, it can be inferred that the application's capabilities can assist businesses in gaining new consumers and increasing sales, as well as processing customer data that can be utilised to retain existing customers, thanks to data that is now held by the business

    Analisis Gamifikasi ILearning Berbasis Teknologi Blockchain

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    Gamifikasi, pengaplikasian teknik game mekanik pada konteks non-game, menjadi pilihan utama yang mendasari edukasi saat ini. Gamifikasi edukasi mampu memberikan solusi terhadap masalah-masalah yang timbul akibat metode pembelajaran tradisional yang dianggap kurang sesuai dengan perilaku manusia saat ini. Blockchain telah menjadi topik pembicaraan hangat yang sedang berkembang pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Blockchain berasal dari suatu komunitas maupun Perusahaan dunia yang bertindak sebagai teknologi infrastruktur yang berkembang di berbagai bidang baik industri maupun pendidikan. Kelebihan utama dari blockchain yaitu terbebas dari pihak ketiga sehingga tingkat kemanan, transparansi, dan juga integritas blockchain terbilang cukup tinggi. Saat ini, penelitian mengenai blockchain yang diimplementasikan pada bidang gamifikasi edukasi masih minim jumlahnya. Guna memperluas wawasan mengenai penelitian ini, makalah kami akan mengidentifikasi dan mendiskusikan permasalahan utama terkait edukasi dengan menerapkan gamifikasi edukasi yang diterapkan dengan sistem blockchain. Guna memberikan solusi yang relevan, makalah kami mengusulkan model gamifikasi awal sebagai pondasi dari pengembangan terhadap pengaplikasian dan penelitian mendatang

    Analisis Sistem Sertifikasi Profesi untuk Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa

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    Evaluasi penilaian sertifikasi kompetensi dilakukan secara manual atau dengan menggunakan kertas. Inimembuatnya cukup sulit bagi penilai untuk mengevaluasi beberapa penilaian dalam waktu singkat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang evaluasi penilaian aplikasi. Penelitian ini memodelkan alatevaluasi manual ke dalam bentuk aplikasi mobile. Dengan demikian, penilai dapat melakukanpekerjaannya dengan baik dan data evaluasi dapat disimpan dalam bentuk digital sehingga akan mudahdiakses. Hasilnya penelitian ini adalah aplikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh penilai untuk melakukanpenilaian penilaian. Jenis-jenis penilaian metode yang dapat dievaluasi melalui aplikasi ini adalahpertanyaan dan pengamatan tertulis. Simulasi dilakukan untuk menguji aplikasi secara real time. Hasil tessimulasi menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat digunakan pada sertifikasi kompetensi ujian di UniversitasRaharja

    The Potential Utilization of Blockchain Technology

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    The application of blockchain innovation in E-commerce has a benefit. Add a space be the need for closeness sense in carrying out the transaction process in a security framework is required to preserve the privacy of information. One of the technological marvels is a Blockchain. The application of Blockchain innovation is to supply security for certificate security within the computerized period 4.0 so as not to control by unreliable parties. By utilizing the strategy of issue detailing, inquire about the plan, information, information preparing & introduction, examination & research reports and investigate strategies seven writing ponders. The application of blockchain innovation in an E-commerce service may be a need for closeness sense in carrying out the exchange handle a security framework is required to preserve information secrecy. Numerous things are valuable in Blockchain innovation, counting observing monetary resources, wellbeing records, character, and planning the supply chain. However, many proposals lack criticism and have static thinking. So that it fails to get the main benefits of the blockchain

    Application of Building Workers Services in Facing Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    The services of skilled construction workers are only known around them in the sense that they are not yet widespread in the community, therefore an application is needed that can help construction workers services and can make it easier for the wider community to find construction workers services. The purpose of this research is to build applications as building laborer services based on android and to make construction workers able to compete in this era of industrial revolution 4.0. The method used in this research is the waterfall methodology, where in this methodology each stage of the research is carried out sequentially, starting from the stages of analysis, design, writing program code, testing, and maintenance. This application uses Adobe Illustrator, AirDroid, Android Studio and Sublime Text, but the problem in this research is that it is very difficult to find experienced and professional construction workers and most of these construction workers do not understand the digital world so it is difficult to develop this research in old school community (do not understand the world of technology today)