3 research outputs found

    Skupni evropski jezikovni okvir: referenca za slovenščino

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    In recent years the experts at the Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language have been linking Slovene language coursebooks and examinations to the CEFR. This paper describes the complex process of aligning texts, tasks and examples of language production (the spoken and written production of examination participants). A number of questions arose during this process, including: how to align tasks where the rubrics are at a higher level than the accompanying activities and the expected task performance? How to define the minimally acceptable person, on the basis of which the cut-off score is determined in receptive skills? How to align tasks where the performance calls for the use of different language skills? A particular challenge is represented by the benchmarking of the written and spoken production of the speakers of languages closely related to Slovene who make up the great majority of test takers. The final result of the linking process is a new language programme for teaching/learning, testing and certifying Slovene as a second and foreign language.V zadnjih letih smo v Centru za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik uvrščali učbenike za slovenščino in izpite iz znanja slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika na lestvice Skupnega evropskega jezikovnega okvira. V prispevku predstavljamo kompleksne postopke uvrščanja besedil, nalog in jezikovne produkcije (govorne in pisne produkcije udeležencev izpitov) na lestvice SEJO. V procesu uvrščanja sta se nam odprli dve temeljni vprašanji: prvo se nanaša na uvrščanje nalog, pri katerih so vhodno besedilo in navodila na višji ravni kot pripadajoča dejavnost in pričakovana jezikovna raba/performanca. Drugo vprašanje pa je povezano z izdelavo lestvic za ocenjevanje produkcije govorcev slovenščini sorodnih jezikov, ki predstavljajo večino udeležencev izpitov.Končni rezultat procesa uvrščanja je nov jezikovni program, ki pomeni izhodišče za poučevanje/učenje, testiranje in certificiranje slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika

    Korpus učbenikov za učenje slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika

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    V prispevku prikažemo, kako je potekalo oblikovanje korpusa učbenikov za učenje slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika – KUUS, ki je nastal kot vzporedni projekt priprave stopenjskih beril na Centru za slovenščino kot drugi in tuji jezik. KUUS v trenutni različici vključuje 17 učbenikov, obsega 691.003 pojavnice oz. 491.022 besed in je skladno z načeli priprave tovrstnih jezikovnih virov opremljen z metapodatki in oznakami, ki omogočajo uporabo jezikovnih podatkov za različne namene. Predstavimo metodološke odločitve, ki smo jih sprejeli pri pripravi korpusa, trenutno različico korpusa in prvi primer uporabe korpusnih podatkov. Opišemo, kako smo podatke uporabili za pripravo pogostnostnih seznamov besed, ki so prvi korak do korpusno podprtega nabora jedrnega besedišča za slovenščino kot drugi ali tuji jezik in omogočajo primerjavo z drugimi seznami besed. Prispevek zaključimo z načrti za nadaljnji razvoj korpusa in seznamov.This article describes the creation of a corpus of textbooks for learning Slovenian as a second and foreign language. The KUUS corpus was created as a parallel project for developing graded readers at the Center for Slovenian as a Second and Foreign Language. In its current version, KUUS includes seventeen textbooks, comprises 691,003 tokens or 491,022 words, and, in line with the principles of preparing language resources of this kind, is equipped with metadata and annotations that allow the linguistic data to be used for various purposes. The methodological decisions made in preparing the corpus, the current version of the corpus, and a first example of the use of corpus data are presented. The paper describes how the data were used to compile word frequency lists, which are the first step toward a corpus-based core vocabulary for Slovenian as a second or foreign language and allow comparison with other word lists. The article concludes with plans for further development of the corpus and lists

    Corpus of textbooks for learning Slovenian as L2 KUUS 1.0

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    The KUUS corpus comprises 17 textbooks for Slovenian as a second and foreign language published between 2002 and 2022 at the Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana). These textbooks were widely used in the teaching of Slovenian as a second and foreign language to children, adolescents and adults in Slovenia and abroad at the time of the creation of the corpus. The KUUS consists of 520,796 words. It was linguistically annotated with the CLASSLA v1.1.1 pipeline (https://github.com/clarinsi/classla/) at the levels of tokenization, sentence segmentation, lemmatization, MULTEXT-East v6 MSD-tags (http://nl.ijs.si/ME/V6/msd/html/msd-sl.html), JOS dependency syntax (http://nl.ijs.si/jos/bib/jos-skladnja-navodila.pdf), and named entities (http://nl.ijs.si/janes/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/SlovenianNER-eng-v1.1.pdf). The metadata for each of the textbooks includes the information about the title, subtitle, authors, year of publication, publisher, CEFR level, target audience, and the estimated number of lessons for the textbook. The corpus is presented in more detail in: KLEMEN, Matej, ARHAR HOLDT, Špela, POLLAK, Senja, KOSEM, Iztok, HUBER, Damjan, LUTAR, Mateja, 2022: Korpus učbenikov za učenje slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika. Nataša Pirih Svetina, Ina Ferbežar (eds.): Na stičišču svetov: slovenščina kot drugi in tuji jezik. Obdobja 41. Ljubljana: Založba Univerze v Ljubljani. 165–174. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4312/Obdobja.41.2784-715