233 research outputs found

    An analysis of the influence of air temperature and humidity on outdoor thermal comfort in Belgrade (Serbia) using a simple heat index

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    The main objective of this paper is to study the outdoor thermal comfort of the central urban zone of Belgrade during summer season in order to examine how different bioclimatic conditions affect human body. For this purposes Humidex, a simple heat index was applied. The research involved analyzing different Humidex values, the so-called "sub-indices" calculated based on hourly (7:00 and 14:00), mean daily and maximum values of meteorological parameters (air temperature and humidity) that were recorded at the meteorological station Belgrade - Vracar.), for the period 1999-2018. Outdoor thermal comfort in Belgrade is generally more adverse in July and August, resulting in most days belonging to the categories of "some discomfort" (30-39) and "great discomfort" (40-44), with periodic recording of the most severe categories of heat stress, as a category "very dangerous"(Humidex>55). Category of "very dangerous" heat stress shows linear increase during July, with positive trend of 0.03 days/10 years. The findings also show that from 1999 to 2018, mean index value gradually rose and values of sub-indices Humidex(14h) and Humidex(Tmax) have exceeded thresholds 40 for great discomfort and 45 for dangerous heat stress more often then in the previous decades

    Geospatial evaluation of belgrade for the purposes of determination of suitable locations for the construction of PV plants

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the most suitable locations for the construction of Solar Photovoltaic Plants (PVP) on the territory of the City of Belgrade (Republic of Serbia). The city is rich in natural resources and abundant in energy potential. The climatic and spatial characteristics favor the use of solar energy: the average annual solar radiation in Belgrade is 1446.8 kWh/m(2)/year, and the sunshine duration is around 2200 h/year. The analysis covered the area of 3240.7 km(2) (administrative area of Belgrade). Geospatial evaluation was based on three basic criteria: aspect, slope and land use. The Method of elimination in combination with modern methods in geospatial research (GIS) was applied. Based on the mentioned geospatial factors, thematic maps were made and later, their overlapping resulted in obtaining a synthesis Map of the suitability of the terrain for the construction of the PV plants. Of the total considered area, 13.68% were evaluated as suitable for the given purpose

    An evaluation of summer discomfort in Nis (Serbia) using humidex

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    The bioclimatic analysis of the central area of the city of Nis conducted in this paper is based on the use of the bioclimatic index Humidex, which represents subjective outdoor temperature that one feels in warm and humid environment. The purpose of this research is to observe the index change on a daily basis during the hottest part of the year (June, July, and August) over the period from 1998 to 2017. For the purposes of this analysis, hourly (7:00, 14:00), maximum and mean daily values of meteorological parameters (air temperature and relative humidity) were used, for the period of 20 years (1998-2017), which were measured at Nis weather station (43 degrees 19'N, 21 degrees 53'E, at an altitude of 202 meters). The findings indicate a gradual change in the bioclimatic characteristics of this area during this period, especially over the last decade. After 2007 there has been a decrease in the total number of the days described as "comfortable". However, there has been an increase in the index values in all the other heat stress categories characterized by a higher or lower degree of thermal discomfort. The years 1998, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2016, 2015, and 2017 stand out as adverse years

    Bioklimatska procena uticaja visokih temperatura i vlažnosti vazduha na pojavu zdravstvenih rizika kod čoveka – primer grad Loznica

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    Grad Loznica zajedno sa Banjom Koviljačom, Banjom Badanjom, šumskim predelima planina Boranje, Gučeva, Cera i Iverka koji predstavljaju posebnu zdravstvenu i ekološku vrednost, najznačajniji su element razvoja turizma Mačvanske oblasti. Prirodna bogatstva, izvori lekovitih, termomineralnih voda i povoljni bioklimatski uslovi osnova su razvoja zdravstveno-lečilišnog turizma Loznice. Cilj rada jeste primena metode Humideks za potrebe evaluacije bioklimatskih uslova koji vladaju na razmatranom prostoru tokom toplijeg dela godine, odnosno letnjih meseci jun, jul i avgust, kada je turistička posećenost Grada najveća. Bioklimatski indeks Humideks daje najbolje rezultate u oceni uticaja toplote, odnosno visoke temperature i vlažnosti vazduha na zdravstveno stanje ljudi. Za potrebe analize korišćene su terminske (07h, 14h), maksimalne i srednje dnevne vrednosti meteoroloških podataka za 2016.godinu koji su izmereni na meteorološkoj stanici Loznica (121 nmv.)

    Bioklimatska procena uticaja visokih temperatura i vlažnosti vazduha na pojavu zdravstvenih rizika kod čoveka – primer grad Loznica

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    Grad Loznica zajedno sa Banjom Koviljačom, Banjom Badanjom, šumskim predelima planina Boranje, Gučeva, Cera i Iverka koji predstavljaju posebnu zdravstvenu i ekološku vrednost, najznačajniji su element razvoja turizma Mačvanske oblasti. Prirodna bogatstva, izvori lekovitih, termomineralnih voda i povoljni bioklimatski uslovi osnova su razvoja zdravstveno-lečilišnog turizma Loznice. Cilj rada jeste primena metode Humideks za potrebe evaluacije bioklimatskih uslova koji vladaju na razmatranom prostoru tokom toplijeg dela godine, odnosno letnjih meseci jun, jul i avgust, kada je turistička posećenost Grada najveća. Bioklimatski indeks Humideks daje najbolje rezultate u oceni uticaja toplote, odnosno visoke temperature i vlažnosti vazduha na zdravstveno stanje ljudi. Za potrebe analize korišćene su terminske (07h, 14h), maksimalne i srednje dnevne vrednosti meteoroloških podataka za 2016.godinu koji su izmereni na meteorološkoj stanici Loznica (121 nmv.)


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    The main goal of this research is to present outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) as one of the criteria and instruments for creating a more efficient urban planning policy, with the aim of mitigating the effects of climate change. Also, the idea is that the application of various indices that determine OTC can contribute to the improvement of the urban planning methodology. Belgrade's vision is to become a "green city", and one of the dominant features of green cities is that the bioclimatic conditions of the urban environment are favorable for people's life and work. This aspiration was formally confirmed in 2018 when Belgrade became part of the large international project “EBRD Green Cities”, but also with the adoption of the “Green City Action Plan of Belgrade” in 2021. However, while there is a clear aspiration, achieving this goal will be very challenging. First, due to climate change, Serbia's climate is characterized by a warming trend since 1980, which is confirmed by many scientists. In recent years, summer anomalies, extreme weather conditions, and intense heat-waves are becoming more frequent, which results in increasingly unfavorable OTC. On the other hand, construction in Belgrade has significantly intensified (in the period 2016-2020 the number of annually built apartments increased by 70%), while the central city area is markedly deficient in greenery, and public green areas cover only 2.83% of the total territory. OTC, that can help us in understanding these problems, but also in solving them, is not yet recognized in domestic urban planning practice


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    The main goal of this research is to present outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) as one of the criteria and instruments for creating a more efficient urban planning policy, with the aim of mitigating the effects of climate change. Also, the idea is that the application of various indices that determine OTC can contribute to the improvement of the urban planning methodology. Belgrade's vision is to become a "green city", and one of the dominant features of green cities is that the bioclimatic conditions of the urban environment are favorable for people's life and work. This aspiration was formally confirmed in 2018 when Belgrade became part of the large international project “EBRD Green Cities”, but also with the adoption of the “Green City Action Plan of Belgrade” in 2021. However, while there is a clear aspiration, achieving this goal will be very challenging. First, due to climate change, Serbia's climate is characterized by a warming trend since 1980, which is confirmed by many scientists. In recent years, summer anomalies, extreme weather conditions, and intense heat-waves are becoming more frequent, which results in increasingly unfavorable OTC. On the other hand, construction in Belgrade has significantly intensified (in the period 2016-2020 the number of annually built apartments increased by 70%), while the central city area is markedly deficient in greenery, and public green areas cover only 2.83% of the total territory. OTC, that can help us in understanding these problems, but also in solving them, is not yet recognized in domestic urban planning practice

    Geoprostorna evaluacija opštine Herceg Novi za potrebe određivanja pogodnih lokacija za izgradnju SFN postrojenja

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    Cilj rada jeste sagledavanje realnih mogućnosti i identifikacija najpovoljnijih lokacija za potrebe izgradnje solarnih fotonaponskih postrojenja (SFNP) na području opštine Herceg Novi. Crna Gora, smeštena u jugoistočnom delu evropskog kontinenta sa izlaskom na Jadransko more, bogata je brojnim prirodnim reursima i obiluje energetskim potencijalima. Klimatske karakteristike podneblja pogoduju korišćenju solarne energije, kako u primorskom tako i u kontinentalnom delu. S prosečno 2500 sunčanih sati u godini, jadranska obala Crne Gore je jedna od najsunčanijih u Sredozemlju. Sprovedenom analizom obuhvaćeno je područje površine 242.37 km2 (administrativno područje opštine Herceg Novi). Geoprostorna evaluacija zasnovana je na tri osnovna kriterijuma: ekspozicija, nagib terena i način korišćenja zemljišta. U radu je primenjen metod eliminacije u kombinaciji sa savremenim metodama u geoprostornim istraživanjima (GIS). Na osnovu navedenih geoprostornih faktora izrađene su tematske karte, a kasnije njihovim preklapanjem dobijena je sintezna karta pogodnosti terena za izgradnju SFN postrojenja

    Geoprostorna evaluacija opštine Herceg Novi za potrebe određivanja pogodnih lokacija za izgradnju SFN postrojenja

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    Cilj rada jeste sagledavanje realnih mogućnosti i identifikacija najpovoljnijih lokacija za potrebe izgradnje solarnih fotonaponskih postrojenja (SFNP) na području opštine Herceg Novi. Crna Gora, smeštena u jugoistočnom delu evropskog kontinenta sa izlaskom na Jadransko more, bogata je brojnim prirodnim reursima i obiluje energetskim potencijalima. Klimatske karakteristike podneblja pogoduju korišćenju solarne energije, kako u primorskom tako i u kontinentalnom delu. S prosečno 2500 sunčanih sati u godini, jadranska obala Crne Gore je jedna od najsunčanijih u Sredozemlju. Sprovedenom analizom obuhvaćeno je područje površine 242.37 km2 (administrativno područje opštine Herceg Novi). Geoprostorna evaluacija zasnovana je na tri osnovna kriterijuma: ekspozicija, nagib terena i način korišćenja zemljišta. U radu je primenjen metod eliminacije u kombinaciji sa savremenim metodama u geoprostornim istraživanjima (GIS). Na osnovu navedenih geoprostornih faktora izrađene su tematske karte, a kasnije njihovim preklapanjem dobijena je sintezna karta pogodnosti terena za izgradnju SFN postrojenja

    Otpad kao ekološki problem ruralnih područja Srbije

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    Ruralna podrčja u Republici Srbiji suočavaju se sa brojnim problemima, a u oblasti zaštite životne sredine jedan od najvećih jeste problem upravljanja otpadom. Neadekvatno deponovanje otpada jedna je od najznačanijih ljudskih aktivnosti koje negativno utiču na opšte stanje životne sredine seoskih naselja. Seoska naselja u najvećem broju slučajeva nemaju adekvatno organizovan sistem sakupljanja otpada, što dovodi do formiranja brojnih divljih deponija. Seosko stanovništvo prosečno generiše 0,7 kg otpada/st./danu i veliki deo tog otpada završi na neuređenim odlagalištima. Neodrživo i nesavesno odlaganje otpada na divljim deponijama štetno utiče na zdravlje ljudi, zatim vodi ka zagađivanju vode, vazduha, a pre svega zemljišta. Zemljište je jedno od osnovnih elemenata životne sredine, u našoj zemlji okarakterisano je kao važan resurs i jedno od najznačajnijih prirodnih bogatstava kojima raspolažemo. Srbija je oduvek bila tradicionalno agrarna zemlja, a poljoprivreda je i danas najznačajnija privredna funkcija seoskih naselja. S obzirom da poljoprivredne površine zauzimaju 67% ukupnih površina ruralnog prostora Srbije i da poljoprivreda i dalje predstavlja glavni izvor prihoda seoskih domaćinstava, postaje jasno zašto je zaštita i očuvanje zemljišta jedan od osnovnih prioriteta. Rešavanje problema slabije pokrivenosti organizovanim sakupljanjem otpada u ruralnim oblastima doprineće tom cilju i upravo iz tog razloga upravljanje otpadom zauzima značajno mesto u aktuelnoj praksi. Autori će u ovom radu analizirati postojeće stanje i probleme upravljanja otpadom koji se javljaju u okviru ruralnih područja Republike Srbije i ukazati na neke mogućnosti unapređenja sistema, kako bi se obezbedili bolji i kvalitetniji uslovi za život i rad ljudi