19 research outputs found

    The Influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Learning Model on 21st Century Skills of Students in Class X Biology Learning

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    Rendahnya keterampilan abad 21 siswa dalam pembelajaran biologi, karena proses pembelajaran masih berpusat pada guru, guru masih dominan dalam menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan menerapkan model Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh model CTL terhadap keterampilan abad 21 siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMAN 12 Kerinci. Analisis data uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai keterampilan abad 21 siswa dalam pembelajaran materi biologi, ekologi dan Perubahan lingkungan pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol. Nilai rata-rata keterampilan abad 21 siswa meliputi (a) Keterampilan berpikir kritis pada kelas eksperimen diperoleh 72,04 sedangkan kelas kontrol diperoleh 61,13; (b) keterampilan komunikasi pada kelas eksperimen diperoleh 75,90, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol diperoleh 68,06; (c) Keterampilan kolaborasi pada kelas eksperimen diperoleh 79,81 sedangkan pada kelas kontrol diperoleh 68,79d) keterampilan kreativitas pada kelas eksperimen diperoleh 79,92 sedangkan pada kelas kontrol diperoleh 72,73. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran CTL dapat meningkatkan keterampilan abad 21 siswa secara signifikan

    Effect of Active Learning in Form of Scientific Approach with Assistance of Student Worksheets Based Problem Based Learning (PBL) Towards Students' Biology Psychomotor Competence

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    Purpose of the research was to know effect of Active Learning in form of scientific approach with assistance of student worksheets based Problem Based Learning to wards students' Biology competence. It was a quasi experimental research by using randomized control posted only design. The population was students in grade X MIPA of SMAN 1 Pasaman registered in academic year 2018/2019. Samples were taken by using Purposive Sampling technique. As a result, X MIPA 4 was as experimental class and X MIPA 3 as control class. Instrument used was psychomotor competence observation sheet. Data analysis was conducted by using Mann Whitney U test. The finding showed that there is a significant difference between students' biology competence in experimental class and control class, in which students' biology competence in experimental class is higher than in control class. Average score of students' biology competence in experimental class is 3.29 (B+) and in control class is 3.15 (B).  So, it can be concluded that Active Learning in form of scientific approach with assistance of student worksheets based Problem Based Learning can improve students' Biology competenc

    The Development of Modules Based on Problem Solving with Mind Map About Blood Circulation System Material for Students Class VIII Junior High School

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    The implementation of the 2013 Curriculum is to create a creative and innovative person. One of the right approaches is Problem Solving. Circulatory system material is the material that suits the problem solving approach. Less varied teaching materials will make the learning process becomes monotonous so that learners are not interested to learn. Therefore, a research aimed to produce problem-based solving module with mind map of circulatory system material for students of class VIII SMP.This research is a development research using development procedure from Plomp with three stages: initial investigation stage, development stage or prototype, and assessment phase. The object of this research is problem solving module minded mind map, and the subject of research is teachers and learners SMPN 15 Padang.Validity results obtained an average of 86.46% with valid criteria. The results of small group practice test (small group) obtained an average of 100% very practical category. Modular practicality test obtained an average result of 83.33% with practical category, while learners of 79.32% with practical category. It can be concluded that problem solving module with mind map about circulation system material for students of class VIII SMP has been valid and practical

    Effect of Example Non Example Method Implementation in Scientific Approach and Discovery LearningModel on VII Grade Students' Psychomotor Competence in Learning Natural Science

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    Based on the result of questionnaire spread in junior high school 18 Padang, it was found that teachers still have difficulties to make students active in learning process. Beside that, teachers have not implemented cooperative learning, as a requirement of the 2013 Curriculum, in teaching in the classroom. In addition, students rarely ask questions and express their opinion or ideas in learning process. It shows that students' presentation skill (asking questions and expressing opinion or ideas) is still low. Therefore, there is an alternative solution to solve the problems, which is example non example method. This method is one of cooperative learning. Through cooperative learning, students are provided a situation to present their discussion result. Furthermore, it can also support the implementation of discovery learning model and scientific approach in learning process. The discovery learning and scientific approach are recommended in the 2013 Curriculum. The purpose of the research was to know effect of example non example method in scientific approach and discovery learning model on students' psychomotor competence in learning IPA. It was a quasi-experimental research. It was done in grade VII of junior high school 18 Padang. Instrument used was observation sheet. Technique of data analysis used Mann Whitney U test. The Analysis was done by using SPSS software. The finding shows that there is effect of example non example method on students' psychomotor competence in learning IPA. From the hypothesis testing, it is known that sig. Value < 0,05 or 0,030 <0,05