27 research outputs found

    Systematische Analyse von Flammen stickstoffhaltiger Modellsubstanzen mittels Molekularstrahlmassenspektrometrie

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    Lucassen A. Systematische Analyse von Flammen stickstoffhaltiger Modellsubstanzen mittels Molekularstrahlmassenspektrometrie. Bielefeld; 2011

    Combustion chemistry and fuel-nitrogen conversion in a laminar premixed flame of morpholine as a model biofuel

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    Lucassen A, Labbe N, Westmoreland PR, Kohse-Höinghaus K. Combustion chemistry and fuel-nitrogen conversion in a laminar premixed flame of morpholine as a model biofuel. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2011;158(9):1647-1666

    Formation of oxygenated and hydrocarbon intermediates in premixed combustion of 2-methylfuran

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    Moshammer K, Lucassen A, Togbé C, Kohse-Höinghaus K, Hansen N. Formation of oxygenated and hydrocarbon intermediates in premixed combustion of 2-methylfuran. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE. 2015;229(4):507-528

    Interactions in Ammonia and Hydrogen Oxidation Examined in a Flow Reactor and a Shock Tube

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    Zhu D, Ruwe L, Schmitt S, Shu B, Kohse-Höinghaus K, Lucassen A. Interactions in Ammonia and Hydrogen Oxidation Examined in a Flow Reactor and a Shock Tube. Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Clusters, and Aerosols. 2023;127(10):2351-2366.Ammonia (NH3) is a promising fuel, because it is carbon-free and easier to store and transport than hydrogen (H2). However, an ignition enhancer such as H2 might be needed for technical applications, because of the rather poor ignition properties of NH3. The combustion of pure NH3 and H2 has been explored widely. However, for mixtures of both gases, mostly only global parameters such as ignition delay times or flame speeds were reported. Studies with extensive experimental species profiles are scarce. Therefore, we experimentally investigated the interactions in the oxidation of different NH3/H2 mixtures in the temperature range of 750-1173 K at 0.97 bar in a plug-flow reactor (PFR), as well as in the temperature range of 1615-2358 K with an average pressure of 3.16 bar in a shock tube. In the PFR, temperature-dependent mole fraction profiles of the main species were obtained via electron ionization molecular-beam mass spectrometry (EI-MBMS). Additionally, for the first time, tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) with a scanned-wavelength method was adapted to the PFR for the quantification of nitric oxide (NO). In the shock tube, time-resolved NO profiles were also measured by TDLAS using a fixed-wavelength approach. The experimental results both in PFR and shock tube reveal the reactivity enhancement by H2 on ammonia oxidation. The extensive sets of results were compared with predictions by four NH3-related reaction mechanisms. None of the mechanisms can well predict all experimental results, but the Stagni et al. [React. Chem. Eng. 2020, 5, 696-711] and Zhu et al. [Combust. Flame 2022, 246, 115389] mechanisms perform best for the PFR and shock tube conditions, respectively. Exploratory kinetic analysis was conducted to identify the effect of H2 addition on ammonia oxidation and NO formation, as well as sensitive reactions in different temperature regimes. The results presented in this study can provide valuable information for further model development and highlight relevant properties of H2-assisted NH3 combustion

    Жанровая динамика в рассказах Н.Н. Бербервой 1930-х годов

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    В работе анализируются жанровые особенности рассказов Н.Н. Берберовой 1929-1939 годов. Рассматривается использование черт фельетона и очерка с целью создания правдивого образа жизни эмигрантов. Прослеживается использование сказочных и литературных аллюзий и элементов драматургии для передачи внутренней жизни персонажей и их ощущения беспомощности перед ударами судьбы.The work analyzes genre features of Nina Berberova’s short stories written between 1929 and 1939. It considers use of specific attributes of feuilleton and character sketch with the aim to create a truthful image of emigre life. Use of fairy tale and literary allusions is tracked, as well as employment of dramatic elements to express interior life of characters and their feeling of helplessness against backblows of fortune

    Experimental and theoretical studies on decomposition of pyrrolidine

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    Wang Z, Lucassen A, Zhang L, Yang J, Kohse-Höinghaus K, Qi F. Experimental and theoretical studies on decomposition of pyrrolidine. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 2011;33(1):415-423

    Advances in understanding ethyne chemistry from 45 years of MBMS flame research

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    Westmoreland PR, Li W, Hansen N, et al. Advances in understanding ethyne chemistry from 45 years of MBMS flame research. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6th U.S. NATIONAL COMBUSTION MEETING. 2009