813 research outputs found

    Gauged Lifshitz model with Chern-Simons term

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    We present a gauged Lifshitz Lagrangian including second and forth order spatial derivatives of the scalar field and a Chern-Simons term, and study non-trivial solutions of the classical equations of motion. While the coefficient beta of the forth order term should be positive in order to guarantee positivity of the energy, the coefficient alpha of the quadratic one need not be. We investigate the parameter domains finding significant differences in the field behaviors. Apart from the usual vortex field behavior of the ordinary relativistic Chern-Simons-Higgs model, we find in certain parameter domains oscillatory solutions reminiscent of the modulated phases of Lifshitz systems.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Fermion zero modes in the vortex background of a Chern-Simons-Higgs theory with a hidden sector

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    In this paper we study a 2+12+1 dimensional system in which fermions are coupled to the self-dual topological vortex in U(1)×U(1)U(1) \times U(1) Chern-Simons theory, where both U(1)U(1) gauge symmetries are spontaneously broken. We consider two Abelian Higgs scalars with visible and hidden sectors coupled to a fermionic field through three interaction Lagrangians, where one of them violates the fermion number. Using a fine tuning procedure, we could obtain the number of the fermionic zero modes which is equal to the absolute value of the sum of the vortex numbers in the visible and hidden sectors.Comment: 10 page

    Local and Effective Temperatures of Quantum Driven Systems

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    We introduce thermometers to define the local temperature of an electronic system driven out-of-equilibrium by local AC fields. We also define the effective temperature in terms of a local fluctuation-dissipation-relation. We show that within the weak driving regime these two temperatures coincide. We also discuss the behavior of the local temperature along the sample. We show that it exhibits spatial fluctuations following an oscillatory pattern. For weak driving, regions of the sample become heated, while others become cooled as a consequence of the driving

    Magnetic structures and Z_2 vortices in a non-Abelian gauge model

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    The magnetic order of the triangular lattice with antiferromagnetic interactions is described by an SO(3) field and allows for the presence of Z2 magnetic vortices as defects. In this work we show how these Z2 vortices can be fitted into a local SU(2) gauge theory. We propose simple Ansatzes for vortex configurations and calculate their energies using well-known results of the Abelian gauge model. We comment on how Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions could be derived from a non-Abelian gauge theory and speculate on their effect on non trivial configurations

    Numerical integration of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in generic time-discretisation schemes

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    We introduce a numerical method to integrate the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in spherical coordinates for generic discretization schemes. This method conserves the magnetization modulus and ensures the approach to equilibrium under the expected conditions. We test the algorithm on a benchmark problem: the dynamics of a uniformly magnetized ellipsoid. We investigate the influence of various parameters, and in particular, we analyze the efficiency of the numerical integration, in terms of the number of steps needed to reach a chosen long time with a given accuracy.Comment: 9 pages and 7 figure

    Quenched dynamics of classical isolated systems: the spherical spin model with two-body random interactions or the Neumann integrable model

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    We study the Hamiltonian dynamics of the spherical spin model with fully-connected two-body interactions drawn from a Gaussian probability distribution. In the statistical physics framework, the potential energy is of the so-called p=2p=2 spherical disordered kind. Most importantly for our setting, the energy conserving dynamics are equivalent to the ones of the Neumann integrable system. We take initial conditions in thermal equilibrium and we subsequently evolve the configurations with Newton dynamics dictated by a different Hamiltonian. We identify three dynamical phases depending on the parameters that characterise the initial state and the final Hamiltonian. We obtain the {\it global} dynamical observables with numerical and analytic methods and we show that, in most cases, they are out of thermal equilibrium. We note, however, that for shallow quenches from the condensed phase the dynamics are close to (though not at) thermal equilibrium. Surprisingly enough, for a particular relation between parameters the global observables comply Gibbs-Boltzmann equilibrium. We next set the analysis of the system with finite number of degrees of freedom in terms of NN non-linearly coupled modes. We evaluate the mode temperatures and we relate them to the frequency-dependent effective temperature measured with the fluctuation-dissipation relation in the frequency domain, similarly to what was recently proposed for quantum integrable cases. Finally, we analyse the N1N-1 integrals of motion and we use them to show that the system is out of equilibrium in all phases, even for parameters that show an apparent Gibbs-Boltzmann behaviour of global observables. We elaborate on the role played by these constants of motion in the post-quench dynamics and we briefly discuss the possible description of the asymptotic dynamics in terms of a Generalised Gibbs Ensemble