2 research outputs found

    Nature-based rehabilitation on the countryside : experiences and perceptions of the nursing staff

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    Syftet med studien var att beskriva vÄrdpersonalens erfarenheter och upplevelser med att arbeta med naturunderstödd rehabilitering pÄ landsbygd (NUR) i Region SkÄne. 14 semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes med vÄrdpersonal pÄ enheter kopplade till interventionen. Materialet bearbetades med tematisk analys. Fem tema urskildes: FörstÄ regelverket kring NUR, Behov av ökad individanpassning, Brister i information och kunskap, TidskrÀvande i en redan pressad situation och VÀrdefullt steg i rehabiliteringen. Fyra av fem teman pekar pÄ olika former av hinder för vÄrdpersonalen att arbeta med NUR. Detta kunde till stor del hÀrledas till bristfÀllig motivation och genomförande av en hÄllbar implementering. VÄrdpersonalen upplevde brist pÄ information och kunskap i arbetet med NUR. En engagerad verksamhetschef som hade kunskap om interventionen och kunde uppmuntra vÄrdpersonalen till att anvÀnda NUR som ett komplement i rehabiliteringen av patientgruppen efterfrÄgades. En stödjande organisation dÀr en synlig kontaktperson kunde arrangera fysiska möten, uppdatera vÄrdpersonalen om aktuell forskning hade underlÀttat arbetet pÄ vÄrdenheterna. Det framkom att det fanns en osÀkerhet om hur och för vem NUR var tÀnkt. Riktar sig interventionen till patienter i primÀrvÄrd, psykiatrisk vÄrd, eller bÄde och? HÀr finns möjlighet till att förtydliga mÄlgrupper sÄ att NUR anvÀnds i de fall interventionen gör mest nytta. En ökad kommunikation, dÀr Region SkÄne centralt, tydligt visade vad de ville med interventionen skulle kunna bidra till att vÄrdenheterna prioriterade interventionen och att fler patienter fick tillgÄng till interventionen i framtiden. Som tillÀgg kan nÀmnas att NUR ansÄgs vÀrdefullt för patienten genom möjlighet till ÄterhÀmtning och för att komma vidare i sin rehabilitering. Det framkom Àven att interventionen ansÄgs vÀrdefull för vÄrdpersonalen, som genom NUR fick en ökad förstÄelse för patienternas kapacitet.The aim of the study was to describe the experiences and perceptions of the nursing staff regarding work with Nature-based rehabilitation in the countryside (NUR) in Region SkÄne. 14 semi-structured interviews were conducted with nursing staff on units linked to NUR. The data were processed by a thematic analysis. Five themes were identified: Understanding the regulations for NUR, Need for increased individual adaptation, Lack of information and knowledge, Time consuming in an already stressful situation and Valuable step in rehabilitation. Four out of five themes showed different kinds of obstacles for the patient in order to interact with nature through NUR. This could largely be attributed to inadequate motivation and lack of sustainable implementation. The nursing staff experienced a lack of information and knowledge working with NUR. An engaged operations manager who had knowledge of the intervention could encouraging the staff to use NUR as a complement to rehabilitation of the patient group. A supportive organization where a visible contact person could arrange physical meetings, update nursing staff about current research had facilitated work in the care units. It turned out that there was an uncertainty about how and for whom NUR was intended. Is the intervention made for patients in primary care, psychiatric care, or both? There is an opportunity here, to clear target groups so that NUR could be used where it makes the most benefit. Increased communication, where Region SkÄne, clearly showed what they wanted with the intervention could help the health care units to prioritize the intervention so more patients could have access to the intervention in future. In addition, it can be mentioned that NUR was considered valuable to the patient through the possibility of recovery and to progress in their rehabilitation. It also emerged that the intervention was considered valuable to the staff, who through NUR gained and increased understanding of patients' capacity

    Evidence-based design strategies to produce health promoting landscapes

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    Outdoor Environments for Health and Well-being is an international master’s program offered at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) at Alnarp¾ leading to a Master of Science degree with a specialization in Environmental Psychology. The course Nature-Based Interventions LK0306 focuses on how different types of natural outdoor settings can be used for interventions as part of treatment, rehabilitation and programs for the prevention and promotion of healthy everyday habits in different user groups. This factsheet is the final product of the students’ work within the course during the autumn term of 2019. This year, Associate Professor John Rayner, contributed to this factsheet with his thoughts on the findings from the different groups’ work