445 research outputs found

    Categorical notions of fibration

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    Fibrations over a category BB, introduced to category theory by Grothendieck, encode pseudo-functors BopCatB^{op} \rightsquigarrow {\bf Cat}, while the special case of discrete fibrations encode presheaves BopSetB^{op} \to {\bf Set}. A two-sided discrete variation encodes functors Bop×ASetB^{op} \times A \to {\bf Set}, which are also known as profunctors from AA to BB. By work of Street, all of these fibration notions can be defined internally to an arbitrary 2-category or bicategory. While the two-sided discrete fibrations model profunctors internally to Cat{\bf Cat}, unexpectedly, the dual two-sided codiscrete cofibrations are necessary to model V\cal V-profunctors internally to V\cal V-Cat\bf Cat.Comment: These notes were initially written by the second-named author to accompany a talk given in the Algebraic Topology and Category Theory Proseminar in the fall of 2010 at the University of Chicago. A few years later, the now first-named author joined to expand and improve in minor ways the exposition. To appear on "Expositiones Mathematicae

    t-structures are normal torsion theories

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    We characterize tt-structures in stable \infty-categories as suitable quasicategorical factorization systems. More precisely we show that a tt-structure t\mathfrak{t} on a stable \infty-category C\mathbf{C} is equivalent to a normal torsion theory F\mathbb{F} on C\mathbf{C}, i.e. to a factorization system F=(E,M)\mathbb{F}=(\mathcal{E},\mathcal{M}) where both classes satisfy the 3-for-2 cancellation property, and a certain compatibility with pullbacks/pushouts.Comment: Minor typographical corrections from v1; 25 pages; to appear in "Applied Categorical Structures

    Coend calculus

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    The book formerly known as "This is the (co)end, my only (co)friend".Comment: This is the version ready for submissio

    Categorical Ontology I - Existence

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    The present paper is the first piece of a series whose aim is to develop an approach to ontology and metaontology through category theory. We exploit the theory of elementary toposes to claim that a satisfying ``theory of existence'', and more at large ontology itself, can both be obtained through category theory. In this perspective, an ontology is a mathematical object: it is a category, the universe of discourse in which our mathematics (intended at large, as a theory of knowledge) can be deployed. The internal language that all categories possess prescribes the modes of existence for the objects of a fixed ontology/category. This approach resembles, but is more general than, fuzzy logics, as most choices of \clE and thus of \Omega_\clE yield nonclassical, many-valued logics. Framed this way, ontology suddenly becomes more mathematical: a solid corpus of techniques can be used to backup philosophical intuition with a useful, modular language, suitable for a practical foundation. As both a test-bench for our theory, and a literary divertissement, we propose a possible category-theoretic solution of Borges' famous paradoxes of Tlön's ``nine copper coins'', and of other seemingly paradoxical construction in his literary work. We then delve into the topic with some vistas on our future works