12,217 research outputs found

    High spatial resolution and high contrast optical speckle imaging with FASTCAM at the ORM

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    In this paper, we present an original observational approach, which combines, for the first time, traditional speckle imaging with image post-processing to obtain in the optical domain diffraction-limited images with high contrast (1e-5) within 0.5 to 2 arcseconds around a bright star. The post-processing step is based on wavelet filtering an has analogy with edge enhancement and high-pass filtering. Our I-band on-sky results with the 2.5-m Nordic Telescope (NOT) and the lucky imaging instrument FASTCAM show that we are able to detect L-type brown dwarf companions around a solar-type star with a contrast DI~12 at 2" and with no use of any coronographic capability, which greatly simplifies the instrumental and hardware approach. This object has been detected from the ground in J and H bands so far only with AO-assisted 8-10 m class telescopes (Gemini, Keck), although more recently detected with small-class telescopes in the K band. Discussing the advantage and disadvantage of the optical regime for the detection of faint intrinsic fluxes close to bright stars, we develop some perspectives for other fields, including the study of dense cores in globular clusters. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that high contrast considerations are included in optical speckle imaging approach.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE conference - Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III (Conference 7735), San Diego 201

    Experimental aspects of SU(5)xU(1) supergravity

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    We study various aspects of SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity as they relate to the experimental verification or falsification of this model. We consider two string-inspired, universal, one-parameter, no-scale soft-supersymmetry-breaking scenarios, driven by the FF-terms of the moduli and dilaton fields. The model is described in terms of the supersymmetry mass scale (\ie, the chargino mass mχ1±m_{\chi^\pm_1}), tanβ\tan\beta, and the top-quark mass. We first determine the combined effect on the parameter space of all presently available direct and indirect experimental constraints, including the LEP lower bounds on sparticle and Higgs-boson masses, the bsγb\to s\gamma rate, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, the high-precision electroweak parameters ϵ1,ϵb\epsilon_1,\epsilon_b (which imply m_t\lsim180\GeV), and the muon fluxes in underground detectors (neutrino telescopes). For the still-allowed points in (mχ1±,tanβ)(m_{\chi^\pm_1},\tan\beta) parameter space, we re-evaluate the experimental situation at the Tevatron, LEPII, and HERA. In the 1994 run, the Tevatron could probe chargino masses as high as 100 GeV. At LEPII the parameter space could be explored with probes of different resolutions: Higgs boson searches, selectron searches, and chargino searches. Moreover, for m_t\lsim150\GeV, these Higgs-boson searches could explore all of the allowed parameter space with \sqrt{s}\lsim210\GeV.Comment: latex, 36 pages, 25 figures (not included). Figures are available via anonymous ftp from hplaa02.cern.ch (/pub/lopez) as either 33 ps files (Easpects*.ps, 8.1MB) or one uuencoded file (AllFigures.uu, 3.7MB

    Supersymmetric QCD flavor changing top quark decay

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    We present a detailed and complete calculation of the gluino and scalar quarks contribution to the flavour-changing top quark decay into a charm quark and a photon, gluon, or a Z boson within the minimal supersymmetric standard model including flavour changing gluino-quarks-scalar quarks couplings in the right-handed sector. We compare the results with the ones presented in an earlier paper where we considered flavour changing couplings only in the left-handed sector. We show that these new couplings have important consequences leading to a large enhancement when the mixing of the scalar partners of the left- and right-handed top quark is included. Furthermore CP violation in the flavour changing top quark decay will occur when a SUSY phase is taken into account.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Probing Supergravity Models with Indirect Experimental Signatures

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    We explore the one-loop electroweak radiative corrections in the context of the traditional minimal SU(5)SU(5) and the string-inspired SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity models by calculating explicitly vacuum-polarization and vertex-correction contributions to the ϵ1\epsilon_1 and ϵb\epsilon_b parameters. We also include in this analysis the constraint from bsγb\rightarrow s\gamma whose inclusive branching ratio B(bsγ)B(b\rightarrow s\gamma) has been actually measured very recently by CLEO. We find that by combining these three most important indirect experimental signatures and using the most recent experimental values for them, mt170GeVm_t\gtrsim 170 {\rm GeV} is excluded for μ>0\mu>0 in both the minimal SU(5)SU(5) supergravity and the no-scale SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity. We also find that mt175(185)GeVm_t\gtrsim 175(185) {\rm GeV} is excluded for any sign of μ\mu in the minimal (SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1)) supergravity model.Comment: RevTeX 3.0, 16 Pages+4 figures(not included but available as a uuencoded file from [email protected]), SNUTP-94-9

    QCD Improved bsγb\to s\gamma Constraints on the Minimal Supergravity Model

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    Recent advances in the QCD corrections to bsγb\to s\gamma decay in the MSSM include i.) evaluation of the relevant operators, Wilson coefficients and anomalous dimension matrix elements for the various MSSM effective theories valid at scales beyond Q=MWQ =M_W, ii.) calculations of most of the needed anomalous dimension matrix elements to next-to-leading order for scales m_b\alt Q , and iii.) calculations of O(αs){\cal O}(\alpha_s) virtual and bremsstrahlung corrections to the bsγb\to s\gamma decay operators at scale QmbQ\sim m_b. We assemble all these known results to gain an estimate of B(bsγ)B(b\to s\gamma ) for the parameter space of the minimal supergravity model (mSUGRA). We find a much reduced scale dependence of our result compared to usual leading-log evaluations. Comparison with the latest CLEO results yields stringent constraints on parameter space. Much of mSUGRA parameter space is ruled out for μ<0\mu <0, especially for large tanβtan\beta. We compare these results with other constraints from cosmology and non-standard vacua. Also, we compare with expectations for discovering mSUGRA at LEP2, the Tevatron and the CERN LHC.Comment: 14 pages REVTEX plus 7 PS figures; this version contains revised figures and text due to discovery of a bug in the program used to generate results for the previous version of this manuscrip

    New Supersymmetric Contributions to t>cVt->cV

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    We calculate the electroweak-like one-loop supersymmetric contributions to the rare and flavor-violating decay of the top quark into a charm quark and a gauge boson: t>cVt->c V, with V=γ,Z,gV=\gamma,Z,g. We consider loops of both charginos and down-like squarks (where we identify and correct an error in the literature) and neutralinos and up-like squarks (which have not been calculated before). We also account for left-right and generational squark mixing. Our numerical results indicate that supersymmetric contributions to t>cVt->cV can be upto 5 orders of magnitude larger than their Standard Model counterparts. However, they still fall short of the sensitivity expected at the next-generation top-quark factories.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex, 1 figure included. Final version to appear in Physical Review D. Chargino contribution dealt with in greater detail. Minor revisions in tex

    Effects of supersymmetric grand unification scale physics on Γ(bsγ)\Gamma \left( b\to s\gamma\right)

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    Although calculations of the bsγb\rightarrow s\gamma rate in supersymmetric grand unified models have always either ignored the gluino mediated contribution or found it to be negligible, we show that taking universal supersymmetry breaking masses at the Planck scale, rather than at the gauge unification scale as is customary, leads to the gluino contribution being more significant and in fact sometimes even larger than the chargino mediated contributions when μ>0\mu >0 and tanβ\tan{\beta} is of order 1. The impact is greatest felt when the gluinos are relatively light. Taking the universal boundary condition at the Planck scale also has an effect on the chargino contribution by increasing the effect of the wino and higgsino-wino mediated decays. The neutralino mediated contribution is found to be enhanced, but nevertheless it remains relatively insignificant.Comment: Title changed, final version as accepted for PRD, 12 pages, 6 Figures (Figs.2-6 included, uuencoded, epsf.tex

    The Supersymmetric Particle Spectrum

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    We examine the spectrum of supersymmetric particles predicted by grand unified theoretical (GUT) models where the electroweak symmetry breaking is accomplished radiatively. We evolve the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters according to the renormalization group equations (RGE). The minimization of the Higgs potential is conveniently described by means of tadpole diagrams. We present complete one-loop expressions for these minimization conditions, including contributions from the matter and the gauge sectors. We concentrate on the low tanβ\tan \beta fixed point region (that provides a natural explanation of a large top quark mass) for which we find solutions to the RGE satisfying both experimental bounds and fine-tuning criteria. We also find that the constraint from the consideration of the lightest supersymmetric particle as the dark matter of the universe is accommodated in much of parameter space where the lightest neutralino is predominantly gaugino. The supersymmetric mass spectrum displays correlations that are model-independent over much of the GUT parameter space.Comment: 62 pages + 10 PS figures included (uuencoded), MAD/PH/80

    Magnetic domain wall curvature induced by wire edge pinning

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    open14In this study, we report on the analysis of the magnetic domain wall (DW) curvature due to magnetic field induced motion in Ta/CoFeB/MgO and Pt/Co/Pt wires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. In wires of 20 mu m and 25 mu m, a large edge pinning potential produces the anchoring of the DW ends to the wire edges, which is evidenced as a significant curvature of the DW front as it propagates. As the driving magnetic field is increased, the curvature reduces as a result of the system moving away from the creep regime of DW motion, which implies a weaker dependence of the DW dynamics on the interaction between the DW and the wire edge defects. A simple model is derived to describe the dependence of the DW curvature on the driving magnetic field and allows us to extract the parameter sigma (E), which accounts for the strength of the edge pinning potential. The model describes well the systems with both weak and strong bulk pinning potentials like Ta/CoFeB/MgO and Pt/Co/Pt, respectively. This provides a means to quantify the effect of edge pinning induced DW curvature on magnetic DW dynamics.embargoed_20210815Herrera Diez, L.; Ummelen, F.; Jeudy, V.; Durin, G.; Lopez-Diaz, L.; Diaz-Pardo, R.; Casiraghi, A.; Agnus, G.; Bouville, D.; Langer, J.; Ocker, B.; Lavrijsen, R.; Swagten, H. J. M.; Ravelosona, D.Herrera Diez, L.; Ummelen, F.; Jeudy, V.; Durin, G.; Lopez-Diaz, L.; Diaz-Pardo, R.; Casiraghi, A.; Agnus, G.; Bouville, D.; Langer, J.; Ocker, B.; Lavrijsen, R.; Swagten, H. J. M.; Ravelosona, D