54 research outputs found

    Pravo sela na život i smrt (2)

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    Zakoni odumiranja i obnove sela u svijetu su ozbiljna istraživačka tema, a u nas je preporod sela programski dokument HSS-

    Pravo sela na život i smrt (1)

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    Zakoni odumiranja i obnove hrvatskog sela u zrcalu knjige "Živjeti u župi Radobilji" i sličnih edukacijskih ili političkih projekat

    Assessment of physical activity in elderly people using a PASE questionnaire in accordance with the selected MKB-10 disease category

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    Practising a sitting way of life in elderly people can result in a lowered level of physical activity with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this research is to ascertain the level of physical activity in elderly people and in which group they belong according to the selected MKB-10 disease category using a PASE questionnaire as a measuring instrument. Participants (N = 100) that can partake in physical activity on their own or with assistance were included in this study. They were distributed into three groups categorized by the International Classification of Diseases and related medical issues (MKB-10). The first group consisted of people with musculoskeletal disorders (N = 34), the second included cardiovascular diseases (N = 35) and the third included participants with neurological disorders (N = 31). The PASE questionnaire was used in order to evaluate the level of physical activity. The results of this research confirm that most elderly people practise a sitting way of life with a low level of physical activity and an increased BMI index in all observed groups. According to the results of this study, there was no statistically significant difference between the three observed groups in regards to physical activity, BMI and sitting activity. In further research, it is needed to design measuring instruments for assessing the level of physical activity in elderly people that would enable defining limiting factors for including people of this age group in physical activity

    History of the Emergency Department at the Clinical Hospital Center of Rijeka

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    Prikazan je povijesni razvoj hitne medicinske službe u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka od osnutka 1984. godine do danas. Tijekom godina prosječan je dnevni broj obrađenih bolesnika postojano rastao, kao i udio manje hitnih bolesnika te prosječno trajanje i opseg obrade. Razlog tome je nedostatak trijažnih mehanizama prije ulaska u bolničku hitnu službu, budući da zbog njezine prirode nije moguće jednostavno razlučiti hitne slučajeve od onih koji to nisu.Historical development of emergency medical services at the University Hospital Center Rijeka since inception 1984th year to date was reviewed. Over the years, the average daily number of treated patients is steadily growing, as well as share of less urgent patients, and the average duration and the extent of patient workup. The reason for this is the lack of triage mechanisms before entering the hospital emergency department, as the nature of the hospital emergency service is such that emergency cases cannot be easily distinguished from non-urgent cases

    Complications after Primary and Secondary Transsclerally Sutured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens Implantation

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    This retrospective study analyses and compares early complications during the first month after primary and secondary posterior chamber implantation of transsclerally sutured IOL. The analysis covered medical records of 65 patients who underwent posterior chamber implantation of transsclerally sutured IOL at the Eye Clinic in Rijeka between 1998 and 2003. In 30 patients (group 1) lenses were implanted in one eye during complicated cataract surgery (primary implantation), whereas 35 patients (group 2) had lenses implanted afterwards (secondary implantation). There were 77 early complications, equally represented in both groups, i.e. 40 in (51.9%) the first and 37 (48.1%) in the second group. The most frequent complications were: vitreous hemorrhages 24.7% (14.3% and 10.4%), cystoid macular edema 19.5% (9.1% and 10.4%), keratopathy 14.3% (6.5% and 7.8%), pupil distortion 11.7% (9.1% and 2.6%), IOL decentration and tilt 10.4% (6.5% and 3.9%), high intraocular pressure 9.1% (2.6% and 6.5%), inflammation 6.5% (2.5% and 3.9%). Retinal and choroidal detachment had low incidence: 2.6% (1.3% and 1.3%) and 1.3% (0% and 1.3%) respectively. As concerns early complications, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups, except for pupil distortion, which was more frequent in primary IOL implantation (p=0.045). After primary implantation of IOL, the average visual acuity was 0.38Ā±0.27, whereas after secondary implantation visual acuity was 0.52Ā±0.21. The difference was not statistically significant

    Epidemiology of Monosymptomatic Optic Neuritis in Rijeka County, Croatia: Meteorological Aspects

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    In order to analyze the meteorological factors possibly influencing the monosymptomatic optic neuritis in Rijeka County, northwestern part of Croatia, retrospective analysis of all cases diagnosed in Rijeka County in period from 1977 to 2001, was done. Meteorological data on monthly and yearly temperature, humidity, insolation in Rijeka County were collected from Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service. In the observed period there were 173 cases of monosymptomatic optic neuritis, female/male ratio was 1.66, and overall incidence was 2.18/100,000 inhabitants. There was no correlation of incidence with average yearly and monthly temperature, humidity, insolation, or month of birth. This is the first study on meteorological factors and optic neuritis in Croatia

    Complications after Primary and Secondary Transsclerally Sutured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens Implantation

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    This retrospective study analyses and compares early complications during the first month after primary and secondary posterior chamber implantation of transsclerally sutured IOL. The analysis covered medical records of 65 patients who underwent posterior chamber implantation of transsclerally sutured IOL at the Eye Clinic in Rijeka between 1998 and 2003. In 30 patients (group 1) lenses were implanted in one eye during complicated cataract surgery (primary implantation), whereas 35 patients (group 2) had lenses implanted afterwards (secondary implantation). There were 77 early complications, equally represented in both groups, i.e. 40 in (51.9%) the first and 37 (48.1%) in the second group. The most frequent complications were: vitreous hemorrhages 24.7% (14.3% and 10.4%), cystoid macular edema 19.5% (9.1% and 10.4%), keratopathy 14.3% (6.5% and 7.8%), pupil distortion 11.7% (9.1% and 2.6%), IOL decentration and tilt 10.4% (6.5% and 3.9%), high intraocular pressure 9.1% (2.6% and 6.5%), inflammation 6.5% (2.5% and 3.9%). Retinal and choroidal detachment had low incidence: 2.6% (1.3% and 1.3%) and 1.3% (0% and 1.3%) respectively. As concerns early complications, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups, except for pupil distortion, which was more frequent in primary IOL implantation (p=0.045). After primary implantation of IOL, the average visual acuity was 0.38Ā±0.27, whereas after secondary implantation visual acuity was 0.52Ā±0.21. The difference was not statistically significant
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