21 research outputs found

    Het renvoi-artikel van de Erfrechtverordening

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    Contains fulltext : 143462.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)5 p

    De verwijzingsregels van de Erfrechtverordening

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    Contains fulltext : 143461.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)9 p

    De Erfrechtverordening

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    Freedom of testation and protection of the family in private international law

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    Bekrachtiging van een uitgebleven overdracht. De subtiele doorwerking van overdrachtstelsels

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    Choice-of-Law Rules in the European Regulation on Succession. A Familiar System for the Netherlands?

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    Grensoverschrijdende erfopvolging. Behoud van nationale conflictenrechtelijke waarden in de nieuwe Europese regelgeving

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    The present research is primarily concerned with the conflict rules of the Regulation on succession published in the Official Journal of the European Union on July 17, 2012. The Regulation stipulates the rules of private international law in matters of succession. This study deals with fundamental principles of the European conflict rules on succession and with the question whether these principles already exist in member states’ current national systems of conflict rules. In this way it will be possible to understand the measure in which the national conflict rules of member states will continue to be preserved when the Regulation on succession enters into force. A comparative study of the Dutch, French and Swedish national systems is performed.The Regulation shall apply to the succession of persons who die on or after 17 August 2015

    Proefschrift: drie stellingen

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    Erfrecht en IPR

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