7 research outputs found

    Cognitive distortions in the reflection of civic identity in China: on the material of Russian-language media of East and Western

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of cognitive distortion in the mass media as a method of forming a civic identity. Due to the increasing influence of mass media and information technologies, the growth of information impact, the problem of the formation of civil identity is becoming more and more significant, and the mass media is a tool for the formation of civil identity. The authors consider the method of cognitive distortion in the mass media as a method of forming a civic identity in modern media. Culture in the Russian and Chinese traditions reveals both universals and peculiarities. The authors analyze how the attitude to civil identity is transmitted in Russian and Chinese media discourses, which allows us to understand the difference in background knowledge and identify cognitive distortions in translation. The authors see differences in the ethno-pedagogic strategies of the state that ensure a positive attitude to civic identity in the Chinese digital space, which has parallels with the Soviet discourse. At the same time, the authors believe that the assimilation of Western models of admiration for their values has a negative impact on the formation of generational continuity and ethno-socio-cultural experience in the traditions of countries

    Modification of the Role of a Teacher Under the Conditions of Distance Learning

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    The article examines features of the modification of the role of a teacher in higher education in connection with digitalization of education in the period before the pandemic, and during the transition of the university to a forced remote mode under the conditions of the pandemic. The assessment of effectiveness of distance learning from the point of view of students and teachers is given. The purpose of the article is to determine expectations, the degree and nature of the influence of a teacher's personality on the effectiveness of educational process in general and distance learning in particular. Researching the effectiveness of higher education in the digital age and assessing the impact on teacher effectiveness involves the use of a number of scientific principles and research methods, theoretical and empirical. To achieve the goal, the scientific works of leading foreign and Russian scientists on the problems of digitalization of education, dehumanization of education, transformation of the role of a teacher have been analyzed, and our own research has been carried out on the basis of the Moscow Polytechnic University in the form of a survey. The assessment of emotional consequences of isolation is given. The analysis of the effectiveness of distance learning, from the point of view of higher education teachers and students has been carried out

    Challenges in QCD matter physics --The scientific programme of the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR

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