4 research outputs found
Does plant performance under stress explain divergent life history strategies? The effects of flooding and nutrient stress on two wetland sedges
<p>This is an author's copy of the following manuscript for teaching and outreach purposes only: Hough-Snee, N., L.L. Nackley, S-H. Kim and K. Ewing. 2014. Does plant performance under stress explain divergent life history strategies? The effects of flooding and nutrient stress on two wetland sedges. Aquatic Botany. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.03.001</p
Appendix C. Goodness-of-fit statistics for environmental filters and riparian guilds fit to the NMDS ordination solution for guild assemblages.
Goodness-of-fit statistics for environmental filters and riparian guilds fit to the NMDS ordination solution for guild assemblages
Appendix B. Correlations between species’ life history traits and the principal coordinate analysis ordination.
Correlations between species’ life history traits and the principal coordinate analysis ordination
Appendix A. Summary of the categorical, morphological, and physical attributes by guild.
Summary of the categorical, morphological, and physical attributes by guild