20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of DTI property maps as basis of DTI atlas building

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    pre-printCompared to region of interest based DTI analysis, voxel-based analysis gives higher degree of localization and avoids the procedure of manual delineation with the resulting intra and inter-rater variability. One of the major challenges in voxel-wise DTI analysis is to get high quality voxel-level correspondence. For that purpose, current DTI analysis tools are building on nonlinear registration algorithms that deform individual datasets into a template image that is either precomputed or computed as part of the analysis. A variety of matching criteria and deformation schemes have been proposed, but often comparative evaluation is missing. In our opinion, the use of consistent and unbiased measures to evaluate current DTI procedures is of great importance and our work presents two possible measures. Specifically, we propose the evaluation criteria generalization and specificity, originally introduced by the shape modeling community, to evaluate and compare different DTI nonlinear warping results. These measures are of indirect nature and have a population wise view. Both measures incorporate information of the variability of the registration results in the template space via a voxel-wise PCA model. Thus far, we have used these measures to evaluate our own DTI analysis procedure employing fluid-based registration on scalar DTI maps. Generalization and specificity from tensor images in the template space were computed for 8 scalar property maps. We found that for our procedure an intensity-normalized FA feature outperformed the other scalar measurements. Also, using the tensor images rather than the FA maps as a comparison frame seemed to produce more robust results

    Quality control of diffusion weighted images

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    pre-printDiffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) has become an important MRI procedure to investigate the integrity of white matter in brain in vivo. DTI is estimated from a series of acquired Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) volumes. DWI data suffers from inherent low SNR, overall long scanning time of multiple directional encoding with correspondingly large risk to encounter several kinds of artifacts. These artifacts can be too severe for a correct and stable estimation of the diffusion tensor. Thus, a quality control (QC) procedure is absolutely necessary for DTI studies. Currently, routine DTI QC procedures are conducted manually by visually checking the DWI data set in a gradient by gradient and slice by slice way. The results often suffer from low consistence across different data sets, lack of agreement of different experts, and difficulty to judge motion artifacts by qualitative inspection. Additionally considerable manpower is needed for this step due to the large number of images to QC, which is common for group comparison and longitudinal studies, especially with increasing number of diffusion gradient directions. We present a framework for automatic DWI QC. We developed a tool called DTIPrep which pipelines the QC steps with a detailed protocoling and reporting facility. And it is fully open source. This framework/tool has been successfully applied to several DTI studies with several hundred DWIs in our lab as well as collaborating labs in Utah and Iowa. In our studies, the tool provides a crucial piece for robust DTI analysis in brain white matter study

    Voxel-wise group analysis of DTI

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    pre-printDiffusion tensor MRI (DTI) is now a widely used modality to investigate the fiber tissues in vivo, especially the white matter in brain. An automatic pipeline is described in this paper to conduct a localized voxel-wise multiple-subject group comparison study of DTI. The pipeline consists of 3 steps: 1) Preprocessing, including image format converting, image quality check, eddy-current and motion artifact correction, skull stripping and tensor image estimation, 2) study-specific unbiased DTI atlas computation via affine followed by fluid nonlinear registration and warping of all individual DTI images into the common atlas space to achieve voxel-wise correspondence, 3) voxel-wise statistical analysis via heterogeneous linear regression and wild bootstrap technique for correcting for multiple comparisons. This pipeline was applied to process data from a fitness and aging study and preliminary results are presented. The results show that this fully automatic pipeline is suitable for voxel-wise group DTI analysis

    FRATS: Functional Regression Analysis of DTI Tract Statistics

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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides important information on the structure of white matter fiber bundles as well as detailed tissue properties along these fiber bundles in vivo. This paper presents a functional regression framework, called FRATS, for the analysis of multiple diffusion properties along fiber bundle as functions in an infinite dimensional space and their association with a set of covariates of interest, such as age, diagnostic status and gender, in real applications. The functional regression framework consists of four integrated components: the local polynomial kernel method for smoothing multiple diffusion properties along individual fiber bundles, a functional linear model for characterizing the association between fiber bundle diffusion properties and a set of covariates, a global test statistic for testing hypotheses of interest, and a resampling method for approximating the p-value of the global test statistic. The proposed methodology is applied to characterizing the development of five diffusion properties including fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, and the three eigenvalues of diffusion tensor along the splenium of the corpus callosum tract and the right internal capsule tract in a clinical study of neurodevelopment. Significant age and gestational age effects on the five diffusion properties were found in both tracts. The resulting analysis pipeline can be used for understanding normal brain development, the neural bases of neuropsychiatric disorders, and the joint effects of environmental and genetic factors on white matter fiber bundles

    DTIPrep: quality control of diffusion-weighted images

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    In the last decade, diffusion MRI (dMRI) studies of the human and animal brain have been used to investigate a multitude of pathologies and drug-related effects in neuroscience research. Study after study identifies white matter (WM) degeneration as a crucial biomarker for all these diseases. The tool of choice for studying WM is dMRI. However, dMRI has inherently low signal-to-noise ratio and its acquisition requires a relatively long scan time; in fact, the high loads required occasionally stress scanner hardware past the point of physical failure. As a result, many types of artifacts implicate the quality of diffusion imagery. Using these complex scans containing artifacts without quality control (QC) can result in considerable error and bias in the subsequent analysis, negatively affecting the results of research studies using them. However, dMRI QC remains an under-recognized issue in the dMRI community as there are no user-friendly tools commonly available to comprehensively address the issue of dMRI QC. As a result, current dMRI studies often perform a poor job at dMRI QC. Thorough QC of dMRI will reduce measurement noise and improve reproducibility, and sensitivity in neuroimaging studies; this will allow researchers to more fully exploit the power of the dMRI technique and will ultimately advance neuroscience. Therefore, in this manuscript, we present our open-source software, DTIPrep, as a unified, user friendly platform for thorough QC of dMRI data. These include artifacts caused by eddy-currents, head motion, bed vibration and pulsation, venetian blind artifacts, as well as slice-wise and gradient-wise intensity inconsistencies. This paper summarizes a basic set of features of DTIPrep described earlier and focuses on newly added capabilities related to directional artifacts and bias analysis

    FRATS: Functional Regression Analysis of DTI Tract Statistics

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    Neuronal-enriched small extracellular vesicles trigger a PD-L1-mediated broad suppression of TĀ cells in Parkinsonā€™s disease

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    Summary: Many clinical studies indicate a significant decrease of peripheral TĀ cells in Parkinsonā€™s disease (PD). There is currently no mechanistic explanation for this important observation. Here, we found that small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) derived from inĀ vitro and inĀ vivo PD models suppressed IL-4 and INF-Ī³ production from both purified CD4+ and CD8+ TĀ cells and inhibited their activation and proliferation. Furthermore, neuronal-enriched sEVs (NEEVs) isolated from plasma of A53T-syn mice and culture media of human dopaminergic neurons carrying A53T-syn mutation also suppressed Th1 and Th2 differentiation of naive CD4+ TĀ cells. Mechanistically, the suppressed phenotype induced by NEEVs was associated with altered programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) level in TĀ cells. Blocking PD-L1 with an anti-PD-L1 antibody or a small molecule inhibitor BMS-1166 reversed TĀ cell suppression. Our study provides the basis for exploring peripheral TĀ cells in PD pathogenesis and as biomarkers or therapeutic targets for the disease