39 research outputs found

    Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with General Linear and Lipschitz Nonlinear Dynamics Using Distributed Adaptive Protocols

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    This paper considers the distributed consensus problems for multi-agent systems with general linear and Lipschitz nonlinear dynamics. Distributed relative-state consensus protocols with an adaptive law for adjusting the coupling weights between neighboring agents are designed for both the linear and nonlinear cases, under which consensus is reached for all undirected connected communication graphs. Extensions to the case with a leader-follower communication graph are further studied. In contrast to the existing results in the literature, the adaptive consensus protocols here can be implemented by each agent in a fully distributed fashion without using any global information.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to IEEE TA

    Unsupervised Multi-view Pedestrian Detection

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    With the prosperity of the video surveillance, multiple cameras have been applied to accurately locate pedestrians in a specific area. However, previous methods rely on the human-labeled annotations in every video frame and camera view, leading to heavier burden than necessary camera calibration and synchronization. Therefore, we propose in this paper an Unsupervised Multi-view Pedestrian Detection approach (UMPD) to eliminate the need of annotations to learn a multi-view pedestrian detector via 2D-3D mapping. 1) Firstly, Semantic-aware Iterative Segmentation (SIS) is proposed to extract unsupervised representations of multi-view images, which are converted into 2D pedestrian masks as pseudo labels, via our proposed iterative PCA and zero-shot semantic classes from vision-language models. 2) Secondly, we propose Geometry-aware Volume-based Detector (GVD) to end-to-end encode multi-view 2D images into a 3D volume to predict voxel-wise density and color via 2D-to-3D geometric projection, trained by 3D-to-2D rendering losses with SIS pseudo labels. 3) Thirdly, for better detection results, i.e., the 3D density projected on Birds-Eye-View from GVD, we propose Vertical-aware BEV Regularization (VBR) to constraint them to be vertical like the natural pedestrian poses. Extensive experiments on popular multi-view pedestrian detection benchmarks Wildtrack, Terrace, and MultiviewX, show that our proposed UMPD approach, as the first fully-unsupervised method to our best knowledge, performs competitively to the previous state-of-the-art supervised techniques. Code will be available

    Halo: Estimation and Reduction of Hallucinations in Open-Source Weak Large Language Models

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP). Although convenient for research and practical applications, open-source LLMs with fewer parameters often suffer from severe hallucinations compared to their larger counterparts. This paper focuses on measuring and reducing hallucinations in BLOOM 7B, a representative of such weaker open-source LLMs that are publicly available for research and commercial applications. We introduce HaloCheck, a lightweight BlackBox knowledge-free framework designed to quantify the severity of hallucinations in LLMs. Additionally, we explore techniques like knowledge injection and teacher-student approaches to alleviate hallucinations in low-parameter LLMs. Our experiments effectively demonstrate the reduction of hallucinations in challenging domains for these LLMs

    Boosting Multi-Modal E-commerce Attribute Value Extraction via Unified Learning Scheme and Dynamic Range Minimization

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    With the prosperity of e-commerce industry, various modalities, e.g., vision and language, are utilized to describe product items. It is an enormous challenge to understand such diversified data, especially via extracting the attribute-value pairs in text sequences with the aid of helpful image regions. Although a series of previous works have been dedicated to this task, there remain seldomly investigated obstacles that hinder further improvements: 1) Parameters from up-stream single-modal pretraining are inadequately applied, without proper jointly fine-tuning in a down-stream multi-modal task. 2) To select descriptive parts of images, a simple late fusion is widely applied, regardless of priori knowledge that language-related information should be encoded into a common linguistic embedding space by stronger encoders. 3) Due to diversity across products, their attribute sets tend to vary greatly, but current approaches predict with an unnecessary maximal range and lead to more potential false positives. To address these issues, we propose in this paper a novel approach to boost multi-modal e-commerce attribute value extraction via unified learning scheme and dynamic range minimization: 1) Firstly, a unified scheme is designed to jointly train a multi-modal task with pretrained single-modal parameters. 2) Secondly, a text-guided information range minimization method is proposed to adaptively encode descriptive parts of each modality into an identical space with a powerful pretrained linguistic model. 3) Moreover, a prototype-guided attribute range minimization method is proposed to first determine the proper attribute set of the current product, and then select prototypes to guide the prediction of the chosen attributes. Experiments on the popular multi-modal e-commerce benchmarks show that our approach achieves superior performance over the other state-of-the-art techniques

    Progress on Optical Fiber Biochemical Sensors Based on Graphene

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    Graphene, a novel form of the hexagonal honeycomb two-dimensional carbon-based structural material with a zero-band gap and ultra-high specific surface area, has unique optoelectronic capabilities, promising a suitable basis for its application in the field of optical fiber sensing. Graphene optical fiber sensing has also been a hotspot in cross-research in biology, materials, medicine, and micro-nano devices in recent years, owing to prospective benefits, such as high sensitivity, small size, and strong anti-electromagnetic interference capability and so on. Here, the progress of optical fiber biochemical sensors based on graphene is reviewed. The fabrication of graphene materials and the sensing mechanism of the graphene-based optical fiber sensor are described. The typical research works of graphene-based optical fiber biochemical sensor, such as long-period fiber grating, Bragg fiber grating, no-core fiber and photonic crystal fiber are introduced, respectively. Finally, prospects for graphene-based optical fiber biochemical sensing technology will also be covered, which will provide an important reference for the development of graphene-based optical fiber biochemical sensors

    Research on Bell-Shaped Vibratory Angular Rate Gyro’s Character of Resonator

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    Bell-shaped vibratory angular rate gyro (abbreviated as BVG) is a new type Coriolis vibratory gyro that was inspired by Chinese traditional clocks. The resonator fuses based on a variable thickness axisymmetric multicurved surface shell. Its characteristics can directly influence the performance of BVG. The BVG structure not only has capabilities of bearing high overload, high impact and, compared with the tuning fork, vibrating beam, shell and a comb structure, but also a higher frequency to overcome the influence of the disturbance of the exterior environment than the same sized hemispherical resonator gyroscope (HRG) and the traditional cylinder vibratory gyroscope. It can be widely applied in high dynamic low precision angular rate measurement occasions. The main work is as follows: the issue mainly analyzes the structure and basic principle, and investigates the bell-shaped resonator’s mathematical model. The reasonable structural parameters are obtained from finite element analysis and an intelligent platform. Using the current solid vibration gyro theory analyzes the structural characteristics and principles of BVG. The bell-shaped resonator is simplified as a paraboloid of the revolution mechanical model, which has a fixed closed end and a free opened end. It obtains the natural frequency and vibration modes based on the theory of elasticity. The structural parameters are obtained from the orthogonal method by the research on the structural parameters of the resonator analysis. It obtains the modal analysis, stress analysis and impact analysis with the chosen parameters. Finally, using the turntable experiment verifies the gyro effect of the BVG

    Frequency Split Elimination Method for a Solid-State Vibratory Angular Rate Gyro with an Imperfect Axisymmetric-Shell Resonator

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    The resonator of a solid-state vibratory gyro is responsible for sensing angular motion. Frequency splitting of an axisymmetric-shell resonator is a common problem caused by manufacturing defects. The defect causes a frequency difference between two working modes which consist of two nodes and two antinodes. The difference leads to the loss of gyroscopic effect, and thus the resonator cannot sense angular motion. In this paper, the resonator based on an axisymmetric multi-curved surface shell structure is investigated and an approach to eliminate frequency splits is proposed. Since axisymmetric multi-curved surface shell resonators are too complex to be modeled, this paper proposes a simplified model by focusing on a common property of the axisymmetric shell. The resonator with stochastic imperfections is made equivalent to a perfect shell with an imperfect mass point. Rayleigh’s energy method is used in the theoretical analysis. Finite element modeling is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the elimination approach. In real cases, a resonator’s frequency split is eliminated by the proposed approach. In this paper, errors in the theoretical analysis are discussed and steps to be taken when the deviation between assumptions and the real situation is large are figured out. The resonator has good performance after processing. The elimination approach can be applied to any kind of solid-state vibratory gyro resonators with an axisymmetric shell structure

    A Novel Calendar-Based Method for Visualizing Water Quality Change: The Case of the Yangtze River 2006–2015

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    Mapping water quality change is helpful in the study of the water environment of a region. Using visual methods, interpretation of water condition and pollution issues can be intuitive and easy to understand. In this paper, we present a map to represent the spatial and temporal variation of water quality change in the Yangtze River during the period from 2006 to 2015. The calendar view was developed to explore the water quality condition and water pollutants for sections of the Yangtze River. A “W” construction was proposed to arrange the weekly water quality data in a continuous logic, and qualitative colors were designed to identify the change in major pollutants throughout the period. This map provides a promising visual analytical approach to investigate the water quality status and reveal the spatial and temporal patterns of water quality change in the Yangtze River

    Adaptive Pattern-Parameter Matching for Robust Pedestrian Detection

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    Pedestrians with challenging patterns, e.g. small scale or heavy occlusion, appear frequently in practical applications like autonomous driving, which remains tremendous obstacle to higher robustness of detectors. Although plenty of previous works have been dedicated to these problems, properly matching patterns of pedestrian and parameters of detector, i.e., constructing a detector with proper parameter sizes for certain pedestrian patterns of different complexity, has been seldom investigated intensively. Pedestrian instances are usually handled equally with the same amount of parameters, which in our opinion is inadequate for those with more difficult patterns and leads to unsatisfactory performance. Thus, we propose in this paper a novel detection approach via adaptive pattern-parameter matching. The input pedestrian patterns, especially the complex ones, are first disentangled into simpler patterns for detection head by Pattern Disentangling Module (PDM) with various receptive fields. Then, Gating Feature Filtering Module (GFFM) dynamically decides the spatial positions where the patterns are still not simple enough and need further disentanglement by the next-level PDM. Cooperating with these two key components, our approach can adaptively select the best matched parameter size for the input patterns according to their complexity. Moreover, to further explore the relationship between parameter sizes and their performance on the corresponding patterns, two parameter selection policies are designed: 1) extending parameter size to maximum, aiming at more difficult patterns for different occlusion types; 2) specializing parameter size by group division, aiming at complex patterns for scale variations. Extensive experiments on two popular benchmarks, Caltech and CityPersons, show that our proposed method achieves superior performance compared with other state-of-the-art methods on subsets of different scales and occlusion types