489 research outputs found

    Chandra's Close Encounter with the Disintegrating Comets 73P/2006 (Schwassmann--Wachmann--3) Fragment B and C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)

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    On May 23, 2006 we used the ACIS-S instrument on the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) to study the X-ray emission from the B fragment of comet 73P/2006 (Schwassmann-Wachmann 3) (73P/B). We obtained a total of 20 ks of CXO observation time of Fragment B, and also investigated contemporaneous ACE and SOHO solar wind physical data. The CXO data allow us to spatially resolve the detailed structure of the interaction zone between the solar wind and the fragment's coma at a resolution of ~ 1,000 km, and to observe the X-ray emission due to multiple comet--like bodies. We detect a change in the spectral signature with the ratio of the CV/OVII line increasing with increasing collisional opacity as predicted by Bodewits \e (2007). The line fluxes arise from a combination of solar wind speed, the species that populate the wind and the gas density of the comet. We are able to understand some of the observed X-ray morphology in terms of non-gravitational forces that act upon an actively outgassing comet's debris field. We have used the results of the Chandra observations on the highly fragmented 73P/B debris field to re-analyze and interpret the mysterious emission seen from comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) on August 1st, 2000, after the comet had completely disrupted. We find the physical situations to be similar in both cases, with extended X-ray emission due to multiple, small outgassing bodies in the field of view. Nevertheless, the two comets interacted with completely different solar winds, resulting in distinctly different spectra.Comment: accepted by ApJ, 44 Pages, including 4 tables and 14 figure

    Transience of hot dust around sun-like stars

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    There is currently debate over whether the dust content of planetary systems is stochastically regenerated or originates in planetesimal belts evolving in steady state. In this paper a simple model for the steady state evolution of debris disks due to collisions is developed and confronted with the properties of the emerging population of 7 sun-like stars that have hot dust <10AU. The model shows there is a maximum possible disk mass at a given age, since more massive primordial disks process their mass faster. The corresponding maximum dust luminosity is f_max=0.00016r^(7/3)/t_age. The majority (4/7) of the hot disks exceed this limit by >1000 and so cannot be the products of massive asteroid belts, rather the following systems must be undergoing transient events characterized by an unusually high dust content near the star: eta Corvi, HD69830, HD72905 and BD+20307. It is also shown that the hot dust cannot originate in a recent collision in an asteroid belt, since there is also a maximum rate at which collisions of sufficient magnitude to reproduce a given dust luminosity can occur. Further it is shown that the planetesimal belt feeding the dust in these systems must be located further from the star than the dust, typically at >2AU. Other notable properties of the 4 hot dust systems are: two also have a planetesimal belt at >10AU (eta Corvi and HD72905); one has 3 Neptune mass planets at <1AU (HD69830); all exhibit strong silicate features in the mid-IR. We consider the most likely origin for the dust in these systems to be a dynamical instability which scattered planetesimals inwards from a more distant planetesimal belt in an event akin to the Late Heavy Bombardment in our own system, the dust being released from such planetesimals in collisions and possibly also sublimation.Comment: 16 pages, accepted by ApJ, removed HD128400 as hot dust candidat

    The ion-induced charge-exchange X-ray emission of the Jovian Auroras: Magnetospheric or solar wind origin?

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    A new and more comprehensive model of charge-exchange induced X-ray emission, due to ions precipitating into the Jovian atmosphere near the poles, has been used to analyze spectral observations made by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The model includes for the first time carbon ions, in addition to the oxygen and sulfur ions previously considered, in order to account for possible ion origins from both the solar wind and the Jovian magnetosphere. By comparing the model spectra with newly reprocessed Chandra observations, we conclude that carbon ion emission provides a negligible contribution, suggesting that solar wind ions are not responsible for the observed polar X-rays. In addition, results of the model fits to observations support the previously estimated seeding kinetic energies of the precipitating ions (~0.7-2 MeV/u), but infer a different relative sulfur to oxygen abundance ratio for these Chandra observations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ Lette

    XMM-Newton observations of HD189733 during planetary transits

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    We report on two XMM-Newton observations of the planetary host star HD189733. The system has a close in planet and it can potentially affect the coronal structure via interactions with the magnetosphere. We have obtained X-ray spectra and light curves from EPIC and RGS on board XMM-Newton which we have analyzed and interpreted. We reduced X-ray data from primary transit and secondary eclipse occurred in April 17th 2007 and May 18th 2009, respectively. In the April 2007 observation only variability due to weak flares is recognized. In 2009 HD189733 exhibited a X-ray flux always larger than in the 2007 observation. The average flux in 2009 was higher than in 2007 observation by a factor of 45%. During the 2009 secondary eclipse we observed a softening of the X-ray spectrum significant at level of ~3 sigma. Further, we observed the most intense flare recorded at either epochs. This flare occurred 3 ks after the end of the eclipse.The flare decay shows several minor ignitions perhaps linked to the main event and hinting for secondary loops that emit triggered by the main loop. Magneto-Hydro-Dynamical (MHD) simulations show that the magnetic interaction between planet and star enhances the density and the magnetic field in a region comprised between the planet and the star because of their relative orbital/rotation motion. X-ray observations and model predictions are globally found in agreement, despite the quite simple MHD model and the lack of precise estimate of parameters including the alignment and the intensity of stellar and planetary magnetic fields. Future observations should confirm or disprove this hypothesis, by determining whether flares are systematically recurring in the light curve at the same planetary phase.Comment: Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journa

    Crystalline Silicates in Evolved Stars. I. Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph Spectroscopy of IRAS 16456–3542, 18354–0638, and 23239+5754

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    We report the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) observations of three evolved stars: IRAS 16456–3542, 18354–0638, and 23239+5754. The 9.9-37.2 μm Spitzer/IRS high-resolution spectra of these three sources exhibit rich sets of enstatite-dominated crystalline silicate emission features. IRAS 16456–3542 is extremely rich in crystalline silicates, with >90% of its silicate mass in crystalline form, the highest to date ever reported for crystalline silicate sources
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