32 research outputs found

    Crossover from Hydrodynamics to the Kinetic Regime in Confined Nanoflows

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    We present an experimental study of a confined nanoflow, which is generated by a sphere oscillating in the proximity of a flat solid wall in a simple fluid. Varying the oscillation frequency, the confining length scale and the fluid mean free path over a broad range provides a detailed map of the flow. We use this experimental map to construct a scaling function, which describes the nanoflow in the entire parameter space, including both the hydrodynamic and the kinetic regimes. Our scaling function unifies previous theories based on the slip boundary condition and the effective viscosity

    The morphology and clinical importance of the axillary arch

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    The axillary arch is the main variation of the axillary muscle. It was first described by Ramsay in 1795. In its classical form, it arises from the latissimus dorsi muscle and extends from this towards the pectoralis major, crossing the base of the axilla and creating a close relationship with the elements of the axillary neurovascular bundle. We describe the finding of 9 axillary arches, including one case of a bilateral arrangement. We develop a searching and finding technique for the axillary arch, essential for the safe and successful development of surgical procedures in the axillary region. Knowledge of this muscle variation and the possibility of finding it during axillary procedures is crucial for lymph node staging and lymphadenectomy and is also important for differential diagnosis in compressive pathologies of the axillary vessels and brachial plexus

    "What can her body do?" Reducing weight stigma by appreciating another person's body functionality.

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    Objective Weight stigma is prevalent across multiple life domains, and negatively affects both psychological and physical health. Yet, research into weight stigma reduction techniques is limited, and rarely results in reduced antipathy toward higher-weight individuals. The current pre-registered study investigated a novel weight stigma reduction intervention. We tested whether a writing exercise focusing on body functionality (i.e., everything the body can do, rather than how it looks) of another person leads to reductions in weight stigma. Method Participants were 98 women (Mage = 23.17, Range = 16–63) who viewed a photograph of a higher-weight woman, “Anne,” and were randomised to complete a writing exercise either describing what “Anne’s” body could do (experimental group) or describing her home (active control group). Facets of weight stigma were assessed at pretest and posttest. Results At posttest, the experimental group evidenced higher fat acceptance and social closeness to “Anne” compared with the active control group. However, no group differences were found in attribution complexity, responsibility, and likeability of “Anne”. Conclusions A brief body functionality intervention effectively reduced some, but not all, facets of weight stigma in women. This study provides evidence that functionality-focused interventions may hold promise as a means to reduce weight stigma

    The Utopia of Cross-border Regions. Territorial transformation and Cross-Border Governance on Espace Mont-Blanc

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    Contains fulltext : 27435.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The theories on globalisation, internationalisation, post-nationalism or trans-nationalism dismiss the concept of 'territoriality' within the paradigm of the beyond the 'nation-state' sovereignty. In this work, a diverse idea is sustained: borders and territoriality are not just lost terms within the post-national state prospective. Europeanization offers the occasion for an inquiry on the institutional transformation in territorial policy-making towards the change of the public action 'at' and 'across' the nation-state borders. Cross-border cooperation policies are devices of this alteration. Contemporary processes of modernisation include cross-border regionalism within the innovation of the European territorial policy-making. Espace Mont-Blanc (EMB) case study consists in an informal attempt in cross-border regionalism between Switzerland, Italy and France and on the slopes of Mont-Blanc Mountain (MB). EMB is an alternative to a policy planned by the central governmental settings for the introduction of an inter-national Park. EMB opens a diverse way of interaction between separated existing settings at the MB nation-state border as a 'local' and 'territorial' alternative form of governance in face at more centralised motions. EMB reproduces outcomes in a path of institutionalisation in cross-border regionalism linking discursively policies, urgencies and necessities in problem solving - environment/transportations- that occur time to time within a contingency of events. Spheres of consequential 'public' in cross-border governance perspectives conclude that the MB nation-state border is an open visual for a discursive domain where space is like a continue phase of 'politicising'. This suggests the main hypothesis of this work: cross-border regionalism results as change in public action at nation-state borders towards relational democratic patterns of governance. Transgressing the state-centric territorial domain in decision-making, cross-border regionalism entails a kind of 'territoriality', which no longer corresponds to exclusive accounts of well-nested power hierarchies. In the context of the European trans-national policy, networked forms of governance represent a cultural turn in modernisation of social space reproduction. Cross-border regionalism is a form of democratic deliberation and a 'territorial' utopia. It concerns a critical model of our modernity, which urges to be investigated according to a different nexus in the modern continuity between political space and territorialityRadboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 15 mei 2006Promotor : Ernste, H. Co-promotores : Houtum, H.J. van, Kramsch, O.T.332 p

    Duurzaamheid als kans: resultaten van het project Regiodialoog over de Amsterdamse haven

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    'Duurzaam kansen creëren in de Amsterdamse haven - de Regiodialoog' had tot doel te verkennen hoe de Amsterdamse haven concrete stappen zou kunnen zetten naar de toekomst toe op een wijze die de sterke punten economisch uitbuit, de effecten op het milieu drastisch kan verminderen en de haven terugbrengt in de harten van de Amsterdammers. Het is een fascinerende verkenningstocht geworden op basis van de thema's energie, kringloopsluiting en ruimtegebruik. Thema's die het afgelopen jaar alleen maar aan actualiteitswaarde bleken te winnen. Thema's ook waarvoor zo'n 70-tal betrokkenen uit bedrijfsleven, overheden, maatschappelijke organisaties en kennisinstellingen, alsmede een 16-tal burgers zich hebben gebogen om, vaak met veel energie, oplossingsrichtingen te bedenken. Richtingen die eenduidig dezelfde kant op wijzen naar een haven die ecoefficiëntie combineert met een aantrekkelijk werklandschap dat meerwaarde genereert. Dat vergt een lange adem, maar bovenal een aantal 'kantelingen in het denken' om hier vorm aan te kunnen geven. Voor het realiseren van het toekomstperspectief van een duurzame Amsterdamse haven gelden de volgende aanbevelingen: - Verbindt denken over lange termijn met doen op korte termijn, en betrek daar verschillende partijen Ún burgers bij - Bezie de haven weer als centraal deel van Amsterdamse economie: aantrekkelijk werkgebied en kristallisatiebodem van innovatie - Maak resultaten meetbaar en zichtbaar - Concreet én breed: op de maat van bedrijven kijken naar ketens en internationale markten - Breng een wisselwerking op gang tussen innovatieprojecten en voorwaardenscheppende projecten Om betrokkenen concrete handelingsperspectieven te bieden zijn de volgende projectkernen ontwikkeld, waarvoor de genoemde organisaties als ambassadeurs zouden kunnen gelden: - Waterstof voor regionaal vervoer; - Broedkamer biobrandstoffen; - Afvalenergiebedrijf als hart van een cluster; - De ruimte beter benutten; - Haven in de stad, stad in de haven