8 research outputs found

    McCutcheon Money: The Projected Impact of Striking Aggregate Contribution Limits

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    This term, the Supreme Court is considering a challenge to aggregate contribution limits in a case called McCutcheon v. FEC. The current limit on what one person may contribute to all federal candidates, parties, and PACs is 123,200.Absentthislimit,thewealthydonorwouldbepermittedtocontributemorethan123,200. Absent this limit, the wealthy donor would be permitted to contribute more than 3.5 million to a single party's candidates and party committees (plus a virtually unlimited amount to supportive PACs). Under current case law, the Supreme Court should uphold aggregate contribution limits as a decades-old protection against corruption, the appearance of corruption, and circumvention of base contribution limits. But the Roberts court has been willing to toss precedent aside to gut campaign finance laws in the past. So, it's worth asking, what would be the practical effect if the Court strikes a federal contribution limit for the first time

    Panel I: The Rise of Super PACs: Changes in Campaign Finance Law and the Impact on the 2012 Election and Future Elections

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    State of Campaign Finance Law 2012: A Question of Values In Defense of Super PACs - And of the First Amendment Political Equality in the Super PAC Er

    Panel I: The Rise of Super PACs: Changes in Campaign Finance Law and the Impact on the 2012 Election and Future Elections

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    State of Campaign Finance Law 2012: A Question of Values In Defense of Super PACs - And of the First Amendment Political Equality in the Super PAC Er