17 research outputs found

    Living with COVID-19 in the community during the first wave of the pandemic: Lessons from patients for healthcare providers and policy makers

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    This qualitative descriptive study explores patients’ experiences of living with COVID-19, in the community, during the early stages of the pandemic. Between October 2020 and April 2021, fifteen semi-structured, video-recorded interviews were conducted, via Zoom, with participants in five Canadian provinces. Participants self-identified as having had a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19. The constant comparative method was used to produce a thematic analysis of findings. Key findings include 1) PCR tests were not widely available in Canada, during the first wave, so many participants lacked a confirmed diagnosis and, subsequently, encountered challenges accessing specialist medical care; 2) Rapidly changing protocols around testing also impacted return to work as employers’ requirements were sometimes misaligned with public health guidelines; 3) Participants often found public health measures to be illogical, inconsistent, or sub-optimally implemented, and frequently perceived them as politically motivated rather than evidence-based; 4) some individuals with persistent symptoms had difficulty gaining acknowledgement and support for what is now more widely acknowledged to be long-COVID; and 5) The view that healthcare providers need a more nuanced approach to patients who lack a confirmed diagnosis or present with hard-to-explain symptoms was widely shared. There is the need for greater responsiveness to the lived experiences of patients with COVID-19, especially those with persistent symptoms, in developing clinical pathways and social supports. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Policy & Measurement lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    Information gaps for patients requiring craniotomy for benign brain lesion: a qualitative study

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    Doctor–patient communication in the setting of a life-threatening illness poses considerable challenges. This study aimed to determine the information needs of a subset of neurosurgical patients. Qualitative case study methodology was used. Twenty-five semi-structured interviews were conducted with ambulatory adult patients who had undergone surgery for a benign brain tumor, arteriovenous malformation, or unruptured aneurysm. Interviews were digitally audio recorded and transcribed, and the data subjected to thematic analysis. Six overarching themes emerged from the data: (1) the amount of information patients want varies; (2) the type of information needed is not limited to information about treatment options and risks; (3) patients engage in independent information seeking for a variety of reasons; (4) patients consider compassion from their surgeon as important; (5) direct communication with the surgeon post-operatively is very important; and (6) patients’ information needs are greatest post-operatively. Many patients felt that the amount and quality of information they received was not sufficient, particularly regarding post-operative recovery and long-term life issues, leading many to do their own research. The findings from this study emphasize the need for improved communication with patients so they can participate meaningfully in choices about their treatment, give a truly informed consent, and effectively participate in their own recovery

    Bowel cancer screening in England: a qualitative study of GPs' attitudes and information needs

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    BACKGROUND: The National Health Service Bowel Cancer Screening Programme is to be introduced in England during 2006. General Practitioners are a potentially important point of contact for participants throughout the screening process. The aims of the study were to examine GPs' attitudes and information needs with regard to bowel cancer screening, with a view to developing an information pack for primary care teams that will be circulated prior to the introduction of the programme. METHODS: 32 GPs participated in semi-structured telephone interviews. 18 of these had participated in the English Bowel Screening Pilot, and 14 had not. Interviews covered attitudes towards the introduction of the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, expected or actual increases in workload, confidence in promoting informed choice, and preferences for receiving information about the programme. RESULTS: GPs in the study were generally positive about the introduction of the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. A number of concerns were identified by GPs who had not taken part in the pilot programme, particularly relating to patient welfare, patient participation, and increased workload. GPs who had taken part in the pilot reported holding similar concerns prior to their involvement. However, in many cases these concerns were not confirmed through GPs experiences with the pilot. A number of specific information needs were identified by GPs to enable them to provide a supportive role to participants in the programme. CONCLUSION: The study has found considerable GP support for the introduction of the new Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. Nonetheless, GPs hold some significant reservations regarding the programme. It is important that the information needs of GPs and other members of the primary care team are addressed prior to the roll-out of the programme so they are equipped to promote informed choice and provide support to patients who consult them with queries regarding screening

    Barriers to primary care responsiveness to poverty as a risk factor for health

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poverty is widely recognized as a major determinant of poor health, and this link has been extensively studied and verified. Despite the strong evidentiary link, little work has been done to determine what primary care health providers can do to address their patients' income as a risk to their health. This qualitative study explores the barriers to primary care responsiveness to poverty as a health issue in a well-resourced jurisdiction with near-universal health care insurance coverage.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One to one interviews were conducted with twelve experts on poverty and health in primary care in Ontario, Canada. Participants included family physicians, specialist physicians, nurse practitioners, community workers, advocates, policy experts and researchers. The interviews were analysed for anticipated and emergent themes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study reveals provider- and patient-centred structural, attitudinal, and knowledge-based barriers to addressing poverty as a risk to health. While many of its findings reinforce previous work in this area, this study's findings point to a number of areas front line primary care providers could target to address their patients' poverty. These include a lack of provider understanding of the lived reality of poverty, leading to a failure to collect adequate data about patients' social circumstances, and to the development of inappropriate care plans. Participants also pointed to prejudicial attitudes among providers, a failure of primary care disciplines to incorporate approaches to poverty as a standard of care, and a lack of knowledge of concrete steps providers can take to address patients' poverty.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>While this study reinforces, in a well-resourced jurisdiction such as Ontario, the previously reported existence of significant barriers to addressing income as a health issue within primary care, the findings point to the possibility of front line primary care providers taking direct steps to address the health risks posed by poverty. The consistent direction and replicability of these findings point to a refocusing of the research agenda toward an examination of interventions to decrease the health impacts of poverty.</p

    A.M. Klein and modernism

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    Implementing social interventions in primary care in Canada: A qualitative exploration of lessons learned from leaders in the field.

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    PurposePrimary health care providers and practices are increasingly instituting direct interventions into social determinants of health and health inequities, but experiences of the leaders in these initiatives remain largely unexamined.MethodsSixteen semi-structured interviews with Canadian primary care leaders in developing and implementing social interventions were conducted to assess barriers, keys to success, and lessons learned from their work.ResultsParticipants focused on practical approaches to establishing and maintaining social intervention programs and our analysis pointed to six major themes. A deep understanding of community needs, through data and client stories, forms a foundation for program development. Improving access to care is essential to ensuring programs reach those most marginalized. Client care spaces must be made safe as a first step to engagement. Intervention programs are strengthened by the involvement of patients, community members, health team staff, and partner agencies in their design. The impact and sustainability of these programs is enhanced by implementation partnerships with community members, community organizations, health team members, and government. Health providers and teams are more likely to assimilate simple, practical tools into practice. Finally, institutional change is key to establishing successful programs.ConclusionCreativity, persistence, partnership, a deep understanding of community and individual social needs, and a willingness to overcome barriers underlie the implementation of successful social intervention programs in primary health care settings

    Exploring approaches to patient safety: the case of spinal manipulation therapy

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    Abstract Background The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the current safety culture around the use of spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) by regulated health professionals in Canada and to explore perceptions of readiness for implementing formal mechanisms for tracking associated adverse events. Methods Fifty-six semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with professional leaders and frontline practitioners in chiropractic, physiotherapy, naturopathy and medicine, all professions regulated to perform SMT in the provinces of Alberta and Ontario Canada. Interviews were digitally audio-recorded for verbatim transcription. Transcripts were entered into HyperResearch software for qualitative data analysis and were coded for both anticipated and emergent themes using the constant comparative method. A thematic, descriptive analysis was produced. Results The safety culture around SMT is characterized by substantial disagreement about its actual rather than putative risks. Competing intra- and inter-professional narratives further cloud the safety picture. Participants felt that safety talk is sometimes conflated with competition for business in the context of fee-for-service healthcare delivery by several professions with overlapping scopes of practice. Both professional leaders and frontline practitioners perceived multiple barriers to the implementation of an incident reporting system for SMT. Conclusions The established ‘measure and manage’ approach to patient safety is difficult to apply to care which is geographically dispersed and delivered by practitioners in multiple professions with overlapping scopes of practice, primarily in a fee-for-service model. Collaboration across professions on models that allow practitioners to share information anonymously and help practitioners learn from the reported incidents is needed