92 research outputs found

    Biblioteconomia e discurso

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    In these works we see Habermas in discussions with other authors of Philosophy and Sociology. We come across questions, we see answers. We perceive problems, try solutions; all based on the work of teams in libraries. There is the question of truth in the selection of libraries and lies discovered in works in which the power of selection is incapable of acting through complex institutional determinations; there is the issue of discursive and cooperative construction of norms, a tradition of librarianship, both for digital repositories and for Digital Libraries; there is the issue of discourse ethics in all informational work, and finally, communicative competence as one of the skills for the effective librarian

    Saúde e discurso

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    The publication of these collections aims to show in an organized way the results of 10 years of research for a critical theorization of information, based on the Theory of Communicative Action by Jürgen Habermas, investigating and discussing its applications, mainly in the administration of complex organizations such as research institutes , universities and hospitals. It is hoped to contribute to the management of organizations, particularly with regard to process improvement and innovation. This work is part of the activities developed as a researcher of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - IBICT as of April 2009

    Estudos de usuários de sistemas de informação: contribuição metodológica da epidemiologia

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    Os sistemas de informação têm por finalidade a satisfação dos usuários. A efetividade dos serviços depende da sua organização e gerência, particularmente de sua adequação às necessidades detectadas em seu ambiente. Definido o objetivo do sistema, inclusive o seu público-alvo, o serviço deve estudar quem são os seus usuários reais e potenciais para lhes fornecer a Informação relevante e pertinente. A epidemiologia estuda o processo saúde-doença em uma população, no sentido de identificar seus fatores determinantes e orientar a organização de serviços assistenciais. Ela desenvolveu uma metodologia descritiva e analítica que pode ser usada pela Ciência da Informação nos estudos de, usuários de sistemas, pela característica de ambas procurarem adequar as ofertas às necessidades. Studies of information systems users: a methodological contribution from epidemiology Abstract The objective of any information system is to satisfy and management, particularly on its adjustment to the needs of the environment. After the system defines its objective, including its public, it must study who are its real and potential users, to create the possibility to access relevant information. Comparatively, epidemiology studies the health and diseases process in a defined population, their distribution and determinants asa basic science in preventive medicine. Epidemiology develops a methodology which can be used by Information Science in the studies of information needs and uses. Therefore,epidemiology and user's studies have the same characteristic which can be used to promote the adjusting of providers with needed information

    Administração discursiva

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    The research on discursive administration gathered in the collection that the reader has in hand develops against this background in which stands out the emergence of a society of communication and information in response to disruptions and technological impacts. They start from the observation that current models of management based exclusively on the systemic model can no longer cover the demands of training and information. This is because the communication and participation between managers and teams, between the libraries and their members is incipient. It is interesting to note that the texts are not confined to describing or regretting the new scenarios; instead, they concentrate on formulating interesting proposals to address the new challenges that arise in the area of ​​administration in general and libraries in particular. They result from the conviction that in the disruptive threats that accompany the present era of transformations are embedded new opportunities to be harnessed by creating a communicative and discursive, innovative and open environment


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    The publication of these collections aims to show in an organized way the results of 10 years of researches for a critical theorization of information, from the Theory of Communicative Acting of Jürgen Habermas, investigating and discussing its applications, mainly in the administration of complex organizations such as research institutes, universities and hospitals. expected to contribute for the management of organizations, particularly with regard to process improvement and innovation. This work is part of the activities developed as a researcher at the Instituto Brazilian of Information in Science and Technology – IBICT from April 2009. The investigation is based on the assumption that organizations are constituted and function reducing the complexity of social relationships, particularly with regard to reducing communication dynamics, in combination with the strategic rationalization of its processes. One of the privileged ways of reducing the complexity of communication is through structuring of information flows, which reduces communication to the perspective of the external observer. Reducing complexity can be suitable for organizations and production processes simple. Structured information flows work for the repetition of functions, as in operational procedures. However, they seem to be insufficient and unsuitable for improvement. of processes and technological innovations in complex organizations

    Trabalho, interação e discurso

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    As is well known, institutions are reducing complexity by structuring specific functions for specific services as well. Nevertheless, such a reductionist specialization of complexity that structures itself as a bureaucracy can not go so far as to inflect the discursive openings necessary for them to renew and, above all, to justify themselves. Clearly, such organizations need to maintain ties with the lived world. It is precisely within this range that the present volume 4, Work, interaction and discourse of the Habermas series, discourse and organizations, provides fundamental studies in this direction, especially in the treatment of information. The preoccupation with the place of the network culture and the communication in the present day gives the emphasis of the texts, in a comprehensive way, but without losing the focus for the specific objectives of the presented research. The studies are theoretically well grounded, current, but also prospective. They do not neglect a critical concern, but are able to see the emancipatory potentials repressed in the already existing

    Competência comunicativa.

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    The publication of these collections aims to show in an organized way the results of 10 years of research for a critical theorization of information, based on the Theory of Communicative Acting by Jürgen Habermas, investigating and discussing its applications, mainly in the administration of complex organizations such as research institutes , universities and hospitals. It is expected to contribute to the management of organizations, particularly with regard to process improvement and innovation. This work is part of the activities developed as a researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - IBICT since April 2009. The investigation is based on the assumption that organizations are constituted and function by reducing the complexity of social relations, particularly with regard to the reduction of communication dynamics, in combination with the strategic rationalization of their processes. One of the privileged ways of reducing the complexity of communication is through the structuring of information flows, which reduces communication to the perspective of the external observer. The reduction of complexity may be suitable for organizations and simple production processes. Structured information flows work for the repetition of functions, as in operational procedures. However, they appear to be insufficient and inadequate for improving processes and technological innovations in complex organizations. More complex organizations need a great deal of autonomy from their workers and their users actively participate in the production processes. This is particularly relevant in organizations focused on the production and intensive use of knowledge and technologies. In these cases, it seems necessary to expand the complex dynamics of organizations, in order to strengthen solidarity and collaboration. It is from these assumptions that process improvements and innovation are investigated, analyzed and discussed, relating them to the dynamics of information and communication. The Theory of Communicative Action opens up ethical and political possibilities to go beyond the reproduction of the hegemonic forms of the capitalist economy, constituting ethical and political processes in which the subjects stand out, gain autonomy and can collaborate. It is expected to contribute to a better critical understanding of the new information and communication paradigms, particularly in the context of complex organizations, contextualizing it in the process of building a welfare society. At the same time, a better understanding of process improvement and innovation can contribute to maximize substantive results in efforts to reduce social and economic inequalities in the country and to promote social well-being.      This work shows that the change of perspective from the philosophy of consciousness to the philosophy of language, especially with the use of Habermas' Theories of Communicative Action and Discourse, constitutes a powerful tool for criticizing information work and information management. in organizations. The abandonment of the functionalist and instrumental view can be compensated for by a reconstruction of modes of action in organizational contexts from the resources of the worlds of the life of its participants, which are broader and more complex than the view of the non-participating observer and the non-participating participant. critical. The critical discursive approach can contribute to an expanded rational approach for organizations. The first big question about the use of the Theory of Communicative Acting is exactly the real possibility of this rational communicative approach within organizations. It is worth remembering that in communicative action in a weak sense, mutual understanding only means that the listener understands the content of the declaration of intention or request and does not doubt its seriousness. The basis of effective mutual understanding for the coordination of action is the acceptance of the claim of veracity raised for the declaration of intention or request, a claim authenticated by the recognizable rationality of a decision. Discourse and argumentation are like islands threatened to be submerged by the waves in the ocean of a practice where the model of consensual solution to conflicts of action is by no means dominant. The means of mutual understanding never cease to be displaced by the instruments of violence. Thus, the action that is guided by ethical principles has to deal with the imperatives resulting from strategic impositions. It is in this kind of restrictions on discourse that the power of history comes to bear in the face of the transcendent pretensions and interests of reason. Another relevant question seems to be how the participants in an interaction can coordinate their action plans, avoiding conflicts and the risk of a break in the interaction. In action oriented towards success, the coordination of the actions of subjects that relate depends on the way in which the earnings calculations are made

    AIDS - as epidemias dos vírus e das informações

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    As informações históricas contemporâneas diferenciam-se nos modos de organização do conhecimento e de produção da informação, assim como nos processos de comunicação. Esta sociedade pós-moderna e descentrada vive o esgotamento da racionalidade, dos vínculos e das utopias do trabalho. O diagrama médico de Foucault estrutura a investigação arqueológica da epidemia da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (Aids) na cidade de São Paulo, na década de 80. A genealogia representa o contexto de discussão e os jogos de linguagens na composição das normas de disciplina dos corpos e de vigilância das populações para o controle e a prevenção da doença letal. A medicina opera as tecnologias do olhar e as estratégias de poder, articulando no sistema de vigilância epidemiológica as forças, os desejos e os interesses na organização racional do mundo da vida. A Aids evidencia este olho do poder, que produz o real a partir do perigo virtual. A afirmação da finitude do ser humano cria as condições de possibilidade para o saber e o discurso mediarem as relações do homem consigo e com os outros. O mundo racional produzido cristaliza as desigualdades de poder organizar, comunicar e usar o conhecimento e a informação. Neste contexto, acontece a epidemia de informações a partir da Aids, um jogo de forças no campo do saber e do discurso. Palavras-chave Aids/Medicina clinica e social. Aids/informação. Comunicação social. Aids - virus and information epidemics Abstract The contemporaneous hystorical formations differ from each other in the way they face the organization of knowledge and the production of society as well as in the processes of communication. This post-modern non centered society faces the ending of rationality, of the links and the utopia of work. Foucault's medical diagram structures the archaeological investigation of the Aids in São Paulo city in the 80's. The genealogy represents the context of discussion and the languages games in the construction of the rules for the body discipline and the vigilance of the population in order to control and prevent the lethal disease. Medicine works with the technologies of the view and the strategies of power, rticulating the forces in the system of epidemiological vigilance, the desire and the interests in the rational organization of the world of life. Aids highlights this eye of power which produces reality from virtual danger. The affirmation of finitude of the human being creates the possibility for knowledge and discourse to mediate the relations of man with himself and with the others. The rational world produced freezes the differences in the way knowledge and information are organized, communicated and used. In the context there is an epidemy of information which has its origins in Aids, a game of forces in the field of knowledge. Keywords Aids/Clinical and social medicine. Aids/Information/social communication

    Linguagem, discurso e humanismo em organizações de saúde

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    In this article we wish to establish the relationship between discourse, as a special form of communicative action, and the humanization in health care organizations. This whole discussion has strong references in Jürgen Habermas ́s theories of communicative action and discourse. It starts with the criticism of the bureaucratization of health organizations done by medical rationalization, which creates a profound asymmetry between health professionals and patients. This inequality implies loss of the human dimension in health care. It focuses on the issue of power and the possibility of rational reconstruction of relations from a discourse ethics.Neste artigo quer-se estabelecer a relação entre o discurso, como uma forma especial de ação comunicativa, e a humanização nas organizações de saúde. Essa discussão tem fortes referências nas teorias do agir comunicativo e do discurso de Jürgen Habermas. Inicia-se com a crítica à burocratização das organizações de saúde feita pela racionalização médica, que cria uma profunda assimetria entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes. Essa desigualdade implica em perda da dimensão humana na atenção à saúde. O artigo foca na questão do poder e na possibilidade de reconstrução racional dasrelações a partir de uma ética do discurso

    Coletânea Colóquios Habermas, volume 1 - Jovino Pizzi

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    In this year of 2023, in which the Habermas Colloquium reaches its 19th edition, its organizers are starting to publish a collection of collections of articles by individual authors and specific themes. It should be remembered that the Habermas Colloquium is always organized around a generic central theme. The Habermas Colloquium is an event that was conceived and created by the professors of the Federal University of Santa Catarina Alessandro Pinzani and Delamar Dutra in 2005. The Colloquiums function as a space for the dissemination and discussion of the thought of the German philosopher Jurgen Habermas. The collection of collections of articles presented at the Habermas Colloquium begins with the publication of the works of Professor Jovino Pizzi, from the Federal University of Pelotas. Other collections will be published, in order to expand the dissemination of the articles, in the free spirit of the Creative Commons license. With this collection, we hope to contribute to the greater dissemination and better reception of Habermas' work, divided into authors with different readings and experiences. The thematic diversity points to the multiple possibilities of reasoning and application with the work of a philosopher, particularly dedicated to the epistemological turn with the theory of communicative action and the practical reason of ethics and politics. The ethical and political discussion is extremely relevant and pertinent in this context in which Brazil is experiencing its rational reconstruction after six years of obscurantism from a parliamentary coup and an extreme right-wing government. We need broad democratic understanding to guide and sustain the construction of a fair, free, equal and sustainable society