33 research outputs found
Model Virtual Laboratory Fisika Modern untuk Meningkatkan Disposisi Berpikir Kritis Calon Guru
Model Virtual Laboratory Fisika Modern untuk Meningkatkan Disposisi Kritis Calon Guru. Penulis mengembangkan laboratorium visual untuk pembelajaran fisika modern. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan model laboratorium virtual fisika modern pada disposisi berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Sebanyak 64 mahasiswa yang terbagi dalam kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini. Instrument penelitian menggunakan uji disposisi berpikir kritis yang terintegrasikan dengan penguasaan konsep-konsep fisika modern. Data dianalisa menggunakan uji “mean-difference” dan “normalized gain scores”. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model laboratorium virtual fisika modern efektif meningkatkan disposisi befikir kritis mahasiswa
Pengembangan Alat Ukur Berpikir Kritis Pada Konsep Termokimia Untuk Siswa SMA Peringkat Atas Dan Menengah
Untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan siswa dalam mengembangkan berpikir kritis, diperlukan suatu alat evaluasi yang dapat mengukur kemampuan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan ke-terampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada konsep Termokimia antara siswa SMA kategori peringkat atas dan mene-ngah yang ada di wilayah Cirebon, Kuningan, dan Majalengka. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perangkat tes yang dikembangkan dapat membedakan kemampuan berpikir kritis di wilayah Cirebon (daerah pantai), kabupaten Kuningan (daerah pegunungan), dan Kabupaten Majalengka (daerah pertanian).To find out the students’ achievement level to develop their critical thinking, it is needed an evaluation instrument to measure their ability. The research result shows that there is a difference of critical thinking skill for Thermo chemistry concept between top ranking and medium ranking of High School in the area of Cirebon, Kuningan, and Majalengka. This result indicates that the test which is applied to the students is able to differentiate the critical thinking ability in the area of Cirebon (coastal area), Kuningan District (mountainous area), and Majalengka District (agricultural area)
Pembelajaran Biokimia Melalui Analisis Kasus-kasus Olahraga Untuk Meningkatkan Sport Scientific Literaci Mahasiswa
: Biochemistry Teaching through Sport-case Analyses to Improve Students' Sport Scientific Literacy. This quasi-experimental study focuses on examining the effect of biochemistry teaching on students' sport scientific literacy (SSL). The study involved 107 students of a teacher training institution, selected using a stratified random sampling. The results of t-test utilizing pre-test and post-test control group design show that biochemistry teaching affects students' SSL, as indicated by the scores of the experimental group which were four times higher than those of the control group. The SSL level of the experimental group increased from level 2 (nominal) and level 3 (functional) to level 3 (functional), level 4 (conceptual), and level 5 (multidimensional)
Pembelajaran Kimia Berbantuan Multimedia Untuk Siswa Tunarungu Smalb-b
Development of Multimedia Aided Chemistry Instruction For Hearing Impairment Senior High School Students. This study aimed to develop multimedia on “compound” topic, suppleÂmented with student worksheets. It was implemented in chemistry instruction in Senior High School for students with hearing impairment. Multimedia prototype was produced as instructional CD; the visual presentation used total communication in text, graphic, video, animation, and sign language; with interÂactive and tutorial system. Four students with hearing impairment were involved as the subjects. The usÂage of multimedia as intervention and the target behavior was concept understanding, with visual analysis data for base-line and intervention conditions. The results showed the increasing trends from base-line to intervention conditions and these never overlapped to each other. It could be concluded that aided multimedia in chemistry instruction was effective for students with hearing impairment. Pembelajaran Kimia Berbantuan Multimedia untuk Siswa Tunarungu Smalb-B. Penelitian ini vertujuan mengembangkan multimedia topik “Senyawa” dilengkapi LKS dan diimplementasikan pada pembelajaran kimia. Prototipe multimedia: CD pembelajaran, visualisasi komunikasi total (komtal) dalam bentuk teks, grafis, video, animasi, dan berbagai bahasa isyarat, dengan sistem tutorial dan interaktif. Penelitian menggunakan Single Subject Research dengan subjek empat siswa tunarungu SMALB-B. Penggunaan multimedia sebagai intervensi dan perilaku yang diharapkan adalah pemahaman konsep. Pemahaman konsep kondisi base-line dan intervensi dianalisis dengan analisis data visual dalam dan antar kondisi. Kecenderungan meningkat antara kedua kondisi dengan prosentase tumpang tindih 0%. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan penggunaan multimedia berpengaruh baik pada pemahaman konsep siswa
Peningkatan Penguasaan Konsep Mahasiswa Melalui Praktikum Elektrolisis Berbasis Budaya Lokal
: The integrating of local culture in electrolysis laboratory activity is one of the challenging and complex tasks, but it is important to be conducted. Local culture can act as learning stimulus to motivate and help students to construct the knowledge. This research aims to describe the implementation effect of local culture based electrolysis laboratory activity in improving students' conceptual achievement and knowing students' responses about this laboratory activity. Research design used nonequivalent control group design. Subject of the research was students enrolled in Basic Chemistry part two on an educational institution at Bali, in academic year 2009/2010 including two parallel classes; the one class as control group (26 students) and the other as experiment group (28 students). Collecting of data used essay test and questionnaire. Students' conceptual achievement data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test with 5 % level of significance, whereas, students' responses data were analyzed descriptively. The result showed that local culture based electrolysis laboratory activity was effective in improving students' conceptual achievement. The improvement of students' conceptual achievement was in medium category (% g was 31.05). The highest and the lowest improvements of students' conceptual achievement existed in anode, cathode, and electrode concept (% g was 32.64) and electroplating concept (% g was 16.36) respectively. Most of students (92.18 %) had positive responses about local culture based electrolysis laboratory activity
Identifikasi Kemampuan Multipel Representasi Mahasiswa Calon Guru Fisika
The purpose of this study is to identify the profile of multiple representations ability of prospective physics teachers in solving physics problems. Study subjects were 35 undergraduate students who have followed the general physics course. The study was conducted at an LPTK in North Sumatra. The research method is descriptive method. The ability of MR profile prospective teacher includes the format: 1) verbal representation; 2) mathematical representation; 3) representation of graph, and 4) a pictorial representation (drawing/ diagram). The research instrument consists of 16 item multiple choice questions with 5 options (are four items for each representation format). The quality of student representation capability based on the accumulated answer to each student representation format qualitatively made in four categories, namely: 1) excellent with a score of 4; 2) good category with a score of 3; 3) poor category with a score of 2; and 4) the category of very poor with score of ÂŁ 1. The study results indicate that the ability of the highest student representation is the ability of the mathematical representation (80.0% in a good and excellent categories). The next representation ability is verbal representation (71,40% in the good and excellent category). While the pictorial representation of only 34.4% which is in the good and excellent category and 65.6% is still in the poor and very poor category. The lowest representation ability is the graphical representation format (only 22.9% in good, while 77.1% are in poor and very poor category. The average scores from the highest to the lowest are: mathematical representation, 2.91; verbal representation, = 2.74; pictorial representation, = 2.26, and the graphical representation of = 1.89.