9 research outputs found

    Bibb PBIS in Action: Positively Engaging the Community

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    This presentation will include practical strategies and techniques to positively engage schools, communities and families in the PBIS framework. It provides a road map of creative ways to integrate PBIS in the community, while gaining support of key stakeholders. Creating a positive culture throughout school districts is essential to student academic and social/emotional success. I add that, integrating PBIS in the community takes foundational elements of the framework into the home and beyond, thus creating a positive culture and climate in the community

    District Leadership Teams: Expanding the PBIS Village

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    District Leadership Teams: Expanding the PBIS Village is an interactive presentation that will provide participants with opportunities to learn strategies to maintain a successful PBIS District Leadership Team. This session will also provide PBIS District Coordinators with step-by-step ways to lead district leadership team meetings and creative strategies to engage community partners. Participants will hear from actual Bibb County DLT members about ways that PBIS can be integrated into their daily practice and into the community. We will discuss Bibb PBIS activities that have been planned and supported by the DLT members. We will also discuss parental involvement and how parents can integrate PBIS into the home. Participants will learns ways to meaningfully integrate data into DLT meetings as well

    PBIS goes Virtu-Well!

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    This presentation will share with participants, how PBIS implementation in Bibb County Schools Evolved during the COVID shut-down. Schools were able to Engage students through robust acknowledgement systems, re-vamping their PBIS expectation matrices and teaching students, parents and the community virtual and home PBIS expectations. Teachers Inspired their students by showing compassion and building positive relationships through the PBIS framework

    Count Yourself In: A Holistic Approach to Combating Truancy

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    Count Yourself In: A Village Approach to Combating Truancy

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    Participants will focus on the importance of a holistic approach addressing chronic absenteeism through education, motivation, communication, and collaboration. Participants are provided with low-cost/nocost strategies to bring awareness to regular, punctual school attendance. Knowledge/strategies will be provided to identify and address students with school absenteeism trends and how to communicate with teachers, parents, students, and the “new age” family unit. We will provide exciting, interactive experiences on initiatives and creative strategies as attendees leave with take-home practices to implement directly in the learning environment and in their community

    Count Yourself In: Encouraging Students to Take the 180-Day Challenge

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    A Multimodal Approach to Truancy: Small Groups, Needs-Based Parental Resources, and Ninth-Grade RTI Students

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    Attendance of at-risk students can be significantly improved when students receive small-group counseling and their parents are provided with some necessary resources. A process will be shared that produced positive results. Addressing the process in early high school has the potential to break the cycle of truancy and improve graduation rates