40 research outputs found

    What Is the Evidence that Riboflavin Can Be Used for Migraine Prophylaxis?

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    Individuals with migraine often have recurrent, painful symptoms, and symptomatic treatments have detrimentalside effects and do not prevent further attacks. Studies indicate that riboflavin can be used to decrease headachefrequency and lessen the need for symptomatic treatment. Mitochondrial dysfunction may play a role in migrainepathogenesis by interfering with oxygen metabolism. Daily doses of riboflavin, vitamin B2, may improve mitochondrialfunction by increasing the reserve of brain mitochondrial energy, and there are minimal side effects with dailytreatment. However, there is a need for further randomized, double-blind controlled studies to determine the effectivedose. Although riboflavin may not fully eliminate migraine nor take effect for several months, riboflavin is apromising prophylactic agent with minimal adverse effects that may significantly reduce the frequency of migraine

    Nevi in Children and Adults: Dermoscopic Patterns and the Development of New Nevi

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    Nevi are the strongest risk factor for melanoma, as the risk of melanoma rises in individuals with a high number of melanocytic nevi. Yet, the melanocytic nevi in an individual change throughout one’s lifetime. By definition, acquired nevi appear after birth; the number of acquired nevi increases in the early decades, followed by a decrease in later life. According to the prevailing wisdom, individuals acquire nevi which then senesce and ultimately disappear; however, the process of nevogenesis may, in fact, be more dynamic. Although dermoscopy can provide greater insights into nevogenesis, there are relatively few studies that closely follow the development of nevi over an individual’s lifetime. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies regarding the dermoscopic pattern of nevi and the number of melanocytic nevi in both children and adults will be discussed below