8 research outputs found

    Gesundheitsförderung - ein Konzept und seine Entwicklung in Deutschland

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    Das heutige Leitbild der Gesundheitsförderung ist historisch betrachtet maßgeblich durch die unterschiedlichen medizinischen Glaubens- und Denkrichtungen der vergangenen Epochen geprägt worden. Mit dem Wandel der gesundheitlichen Problemfelder hat sich auch das Verständnis von Gesundheitsförderung kontinuierlich verändert und weiterentwickelt. Neue Erkenntnisse über krankheitsvermeidende und gesundheitsfördernde Lebensweisen, die Entdeckung neuer Mortalitäts- und Morbiditätsrisiken in Verbindung mit den sozialen Lebensverhältnissen als wichtige Gesundheitsdeterminanten spiegeln sich dementsprechend in aktuellen Leitbildern von Gesundheitsförderung wider. Für das auf Public Health bezogene Konzept der Gesundheitsförderung im Rahmen städtebaulicher Maßnahmen hat der auf dem salutogenetischen Modell basierende Setting-Ansatz besondere Bedeutung. Dieser Ansatz intendiert, dass mittels gezielter Stadtplanung und Stadtentwicklung Lebens(um)welten geschaffen und verstetigt werden können, die nachhaltig einen positiven Beitrag zum Erhalt von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden in den unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsgruppen leisten.Historically, today’s model of health promotion has been shaped by different medical beliefs and lines of thoughts. As health problems have changed, so our understanding of them has changed and continuously developed. Accordingly, our current models of health promotion include new insights into disease-preventing and health-promoting lifestyles, but also the discovery of new morbidity and mortality risks in connection with social living conditions as important determinants of health. The salutogenic model is of particular relevance for the public health related concept of health promotion in the context of urban health, creating and stabilising living environments through urban planning and development with the aim of making a long-term positive contribution to sustaining health and well-being for the various population groups

    EcoHealth und Stadtplanung. Eine Public-Health-Perspektive

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    McCall T, Liedtke T, Liebig-Gonglach M, Freymüller J, Hornberg C. EcoHealth und Stadtplanung. Eine Public-Health-Perspektive. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung : IzR. 2020;47(1: Themenheft Gesundheit und Krankheit aus räumlicher Perspektive):84-95

    EcoHealth und Stadtplanung. Eine Public-Health-Perspektive

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    McCall T, Liedtke T, Liebig-Gonglach M, Freymüller J, Hornberg C. EcoHealth und Stadtplanung. Eine Public-Health-Perspektive. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung : IzR. 2020;47(1: Themenheft Gesundheit und Krankheit aus räumlicher Perspektive):84-95

    Risk Perception of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Influencing Factors and Implications for Environmental Health Crises

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    McCall T, Lopez Lumbi S, Rinderhagen M, Heming M, Hornberg C, Liebig-Gonglach M. Risk Perception of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Influencing Factors and Implications for Environmental Health Crises. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023;20(4): 3363.Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and climate change are two simultaneously occurring large scale environmental health crises. This provides an opportunity to compare the risk perception of both crises in the population. In particular, whether experiencing the acute pandemic sensitizes people to the risks of ongoing climate change. Methods: Panel participants answered a web-based questionnaire. The risk perception of SARS-CoV-2 and influencing factors were assessed. Differences of risk perception dimensions regarding SARS-CoV-2 and climate change were analyzed as well as associations between dimensions. Results: The results show that an economic impact by the pandemic is associated with more dimensions of SARS-CoV-2 risk perception than an experienced health impact. Moreover, dimensions of risk perception of the pandemic and climate change are perceived differently. Furthermore, the affective dimension of pandemic risk perception is significantly associated with all dimensions of climate change risk perception. Conclusions: Emotional-based coping with the risks of SARS-CoV-2 is associated with risk perception of climate change as well as various factors that shape the individuals’ risk perception. It is currently necessary and will be increasingly necessary in the future to solve coexisting crises, not selectively, but in a common context within the framework of a social-ecological and economic transformation

    Risk Perception of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Influencing Factors and Implications for Environmental Health Crises

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    Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and climate change are two simultaneously occurring large scale environmental health crises. This provides an opportunity to compare the risk perception of both crises in the population. In particular, whether experiencing the acute pandemic sensitizes people to the risks of ongoing climate change. Methods: Panel participants answered a web-based questionnaire. The risk perception of SARS-CoV-2 and influencing factors were assessed. Differences of risk perception dimensions regarding SARS-CoV-2 and climate change were analyzed as well as associations between dimensions. Results: The results show that an economic impact by the pandemic is associated with more dimensions of SARS-CoV-2 risk perception than an experienced health impact. Moreover, dimensions of risk perception of the pandemic and climate change are perceived differently. Furthermore, the affective dimension of pandemic risk perception is significantly associated with all dimensions of climate change risk perception. Conclusions: Emotional-based coping with the risks of SARS-CoV-2 is associated with risk perception of climate change as well as various factors that shape the individuals’ risk perception. It is currently necessary and will be increasingly necessary in the future to solve coexisting crises, not selectively, but in a common context within the framework of a social-ecological and economic transformation

    Environmental Burden of Disease due to Emissions of Hard Coal- and Lignite-Fired Power Plants in Germany

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    Liebig-Gonglach M, Neunhäuserer L, Kuenen J, et al. Environmental Burden of Disease due to Emissions of Hard Coal- and Lignite-Fired Power Plants in Germany. International Journal of Public Health. 2023;68.Objectives:The study estimated the environmental burden of disease (EBD) attributable to a long-term exposure of the population to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions from hard coal- and lignite-fired power plants in Germany for the year 2015.Methods:The contribution of coal-fired power plants to the total air pollutant concentration was modelled using a chemical transport model and then combined with population data to assess the corresponding population exposure. We calculated years of life lost (YLL), years of life with disability, or disability-adjusted life years for different health outcomes with a strong evidence for an association with the exposure.Results:The burden of disease from PM2.5emissions from lignite is 1.2 times higher than that from hard coal emissions (7,866 YLL compared to 6,412 YLL). NO2emissions from lignite, cause a burden of disease 2.3 times higher than hard coal NO2-emission (13,537 YLL compared to 5,906 YLL). The EBD for both pollutants is dominated by diseases of the cardiovascular system.Conclusion:Abandoning energy generation by coal-fired power plants would lower the burden of disease in Germany

    Gesundheitsförderung – Ein Konzept und seine Entwicklung in Deutschland

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    Hornberg C, Liebig-Gonglach M, Pauli A. Gesundheitsförderung – Ein Konzept und seine Entwicklung in Deutschland. In: Baumgart S, Köckler H, Ritzinger A, Rüdiger A, eds. ARL-Sammelband Planung für Gesundheitsfördernde Stadtregionen: Anstöße aus Forschung und Praxis. In Press

    Combined inhibition of PI3Kβ and PI3Kγ reduces fat mass by enhancing α-MSH-dependent sympathetic drive

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    Obesity is defined as an abnormal increase in white adipose tissue and has become a major medical burden worldwide. Signals from the brain control not only appetite but also energy expenditure, both of which contribute to body weight. We showed that genetic or pharmacological inhibition of two phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Kβ and PI3Kγ) in mice reduced fat mass by promoting increased energy expenditure. This effect was accompanied by stimulation of lipolysis and the acquisition of the energy-burning characteristics of brown adipocytes by white adipocytes, a process referred to as "browning." The browning of the white adipocytes involved increased norepinephrine release from the sympathetic nervous system. We found that PI3Kβ and PI3Kγ together promoted a negative feedback loop downstream of the melanocortin 4 receptor in the central nervous system, which controls appetite and energy expenditure in the periphery. Analysis of mice with drug-induced sympathetic denervation suggested that these kinases controlled the sympathetic drive in the brain. Administration of inhibitors of both PI3Kβ and PI3Kγ to mice by intracerebroventricular delivery induced a 10% reduction in fat mass as quickly as 10 days. These results suggest that combined inhibition of PI3Kβ and PI3Kγ might represent a promising treatment for obesity