48 research outputs found

    Soft gamma rays from black holes versus neutron stars

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    The recent launches of GRANAT and GRO provide unprecedented opportunities to study compact collapsed objects from their hard x ray and gamma ray emissions. The spectral range above 100 keV can now be explored with much higher sensitivity and time resolution than before. The soft gamma ray spectral data is reviewed of black holes and neutron stars, radiation, and particle energization mechanisms and potentially distinguishing gamma ray signatures. These may include soft x ray excesses versus deficiencies, thermal versus nonthermal processes, transient gamma ray bumps versus power law tails, lines, and periodicities. Some of the highest priority future observations are outlines which will shed much light on such systems

    Observational constraints on black hole accretion disks

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    We review the empirical constraints on accretion disk models of stellar-mass black holes based on recent multiwavelength observational results. In addition to time-averaged emission spectra, the time evolutions of the intensity and spectrum provide critical information about the structure, stability, and dynamics of the disk. Using the basic thermal Keplerian disk paradigm, we consider in particular generalizations of the standard optically thin disk models needed to accommodate the extremely rich variety of dynamical phenomena exhibited by black hole candidates ranging from flares of electron-positron annihilations and quasiperiodic oscillations in the X-ray intensity to X-ray novae activity. These in turn provide probes of the disk structure and global geometry. The goal is to construct a single unified framework to interpret a large variety of black hole phenomena. This paper will concentrate on the interface between basic theory and observational data modeling

    Nonthermal accretion disk models around neutron stars

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    We consider the structure and emission spectra of nonthermal accretion disks around both strongly and weakly magnetized neutron stars. Such disks may be dissipating their gravitational binding energy and transferring their angular momentum via semicontinuous magnetic reconnections. We consider specifically the structure of the disk-stellar magnetospheric boundary where magnetic pressure balances the disk pressure. We consider energy dissipation via reconnection of the stellar field and small-scale disk turbulent fields of opposite polarity. Constraints on the disk emission spectrum are discussed

    Can a variable alpha induce limit cycle behavior and exponential luminosity decay in transient soft x ray sources?

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    There has been, recently, a revival of the stability problem of accretion disks. Much of this renewed interest is due to recent observational data on transient soft X-ray novae, which are low-mass X-ray binaries. It is widely believed that nonsteady mass transfer from the secondary onto the compact primary, through an accretion disk, is the reason for the observed spectacular events in the form of often repetitive outbursts, with recurrence times ranging from 1 to 60 yr and duration time on the scale of months. Though not having reached yet a consensus about the nature of the mechanism that regulates the mass transfer, the disk thermal instability model seems to be favored by the fact that the rise in the hard X-ray luminosity is prior to the rise in the soft X-ray luminosity, while the mass transfer instability model seems to be hindered by the fact that the luminosity during quiescence is unable to trigger the thermal instability. However, it should be stressed that, remarkably, the X-ray light curves of these X-ray novae all show overall exponential decays, a feature quite difficult to reproduce in the framework of the viscous disk model, which yields powerlike luminosity decay. Taking into account this observational constraint, we have studied the temporal evolution of perturbations in the accretion rate, under the assumption that alpha is radial and parameter dependent. The chosen dependence is such that the model can reproduce limit cycle behavior (the system is locally unstable but globally stable). However, the kind of dependence we are looking for in alpha does not allow us to use the usual Shakura and Sunyaev procedure in the sense that we no longer can obtain a linearized continuity equation without explicit dependence on the accretion rate. This is so because now we cannot eliminate the accretion rate by using the angular momentum conservation equation

    Workshop on Physics of Accretion Disks Around Compact and Young Stars

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    The papers that were presented at the Workshop on Physics of Accretion Disks Around Compact and Young Stars are contained in this volume. The workshop was held on 8-10 Apr. 1994 in Houston, Texas

    Potential Vorticity Evolution of a Protoplanetary Disk with An Embedded Protoplanet

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    We present two-dimensional inviscid hydrodynamic simulations of a protoplanetary disk with an embedded planet, emphasizing the evolution of potential vorticity (the ratio of vorticity to density) and its dependence on numerical resolutions. By analyzing the structure of spiral shocks made by the planet, we show that progressive changes of the potential vorticity caused by spiral shocks ultimately lead to the excitation of a secondary instability. We also demonstrate that very high numerical resolution is required to both follow the potential vorticity changes and identify the location where the secondary instability is first excited. Low-resolution results are shown to give the wrong location. We establish the robustness of a secondary instability and its impact on the torque onto the planet. After the saturation of the instability, the disk shows large-scale non-axisymmetry, causing the torque on the planet to oscillate with large amplitude. The impact of the oscillating torque on the protoplanet's migration remains to be investigated.Comment: 17 pages total with 9 figures (Fig.4,5,9 are in .jpg), accepted to Ap

    Gamma-rays from Galactic Black Hole Candidates with Stochastic Particle Acceleration

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    We consider stochastic particle acceleration in plasmas around stellar mass black holes to explain the emissions above 1 MeV from Galactic black hole candidates. We show that for certain parameter regimes, electrons can overcome Coulomb losses and be accelerated beyond the thermal distribution to form a new population, whose distribution is broad and usually not a power law; the peak energy of the distribution is determined by the balance between acceleration and cooling, with particles piling up around it. Radiation by inverse Compton scattering off the thermal (from background) and non-thermal (produced by acceleration) particles can in principle explain the hard X-ray to gamma-ray emissions from black hole candidates. We present model fits of Cyg X-1 and GRO J0422 in 50 keV -- 5 MeV region observed with OSSE and COMPTEL.Comment: 2 figures, to appear in March 20 of ApJ

    Monte-Carlo simulations of thermal/nonthermal radiation from a neutron-star magnetospheric accretion shell

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    We discuss the space-and-time-dependent Monte Carlo code we have developed to simulate the relativistic radiation output from compact astrophysical objects, coupled to a Fokker-Planck code to determine the self-consistent lepton populations. We have applied this code to model the emission from a magnetized neutron star accretion shell near the Alfven radius, reprocessing the radiation from the neutron sar surface. We explore the parameter space defined by the accretion rate, stellar surface field and the level of wave turbulence in the shell. Our results are relevant to the emission from atoll sources, soft-X-ray transient X-ray binaries containing weakly magnetized neutron stars, and to recently suggested models of accretion-powered emission from anomalous X-ray pulsars.Comment: 24 pages, including 7 figures; uses epsf.sty. final version, accepted for publication in ApJ. Extended introduction and discussio