301,091 research outputs found

    The generalized 3-connectivity of Cartesian product graphs

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    The generalized connectivity of a graph, which was introduced recently by Chartrand et al., is a generalization of the concept of vertex connectivity. Let SS be a nonempty set of vertices of GG, a collection {T1,T2,...,Tr}\{T_1,T_2,...,T_r\} of trees in GG is said to be internally disjoint trees connecting SS if E(Ti)E(Tj)=E(T_i)\cap E(T_j)=\emptyset and V(Ti)V(Tj)=SV(T_i)\cap V(T_j)=S for any pair of distinct integers i,ji,j, where 1i,jr1\leq i,j\leq r. For an integer kk with 2kn2\leq k\leq n, the kk-connectivity κk(G)\kappa_k(G) of GG is the greatest positive integer rr for which GG contains at least rr internally disjoint trees connecting SS for any set SS of kk vertices of GG. Obviously, κ2(G)=κ(G)\kappa_2(G)=\kappa(G) is the connectivity of GG. Sabidussi showed that κ(GH)κ(G)+κ(H)\kappa(G\Box H) \geq \kappa(G)+\kappa(H) for any two connected graphs GG and HH. In this paper, we first study the 3-connectivity of the Cartesian product of a graph GG and a tree TT, and show that (i)(i) if κ3(G)=κ(G)1\kappa_3(G)=\kappa(G)\geq 1, then κ3(GT)κ3(G)\kappa_3(G\Box T)\geq \kappa_3(G); (ii)(ii) if 1κ3(G)<κ(G)1\leq \kappa_3(G)< \kappa(G), then κ3(GT)κ3(G)+1\kappa_3(G\Box T)\geq \kappa_3(G)+1. Furthermore, for any two connected graphs GG and HH with κ3(G)κ3(H)\kappa_3(G)\geq\kappa_3(H), if κ(G)>κ3(G)\kappa(G)>\kappa_3(G), then κ3(GH)κ3(G)+κ3(H)\kappa_3(G\Box H)\geq \kappa_3(G)+\kappa_3(H); if κ(G)=κ3(G)\kappa(G)=\kappa_3(G), then κ3(GH)κ3(G)+κ3(H)1\kappa_3(G\Box H)\geq \kappa_3(G)+\kappa_3(H)-1. Our result could be seen as a generalization of Sabidussi's result. Moreover, all the bounds are sharp.Comment: 17 page

    Component-Enhanced Chinese Character Embeddings

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    Distributed word representations are very useful for capturing semantic information and have been successfully applied in a variety of NLP tasks, especially on English. In this work, we innovatively develop two component-enhanced Chinese character embedding models and their bigram extensions. Distinguished from English word embeddings, our models explore the compositions of Chinese characters, which often serve as semantic indictors inherently. The evaluations on both word similarity and text classification demonstrate the effectiveness of our models.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, conference, EMNLP 201

    Discussion on `Characterization of 1-3 piezoelectric polymer composites - a numerical and analytical evaluation procedure for thickness mode vibrations' by C.V. Madhusudhana Rao, G. Prasad, Condens. Matter Phys., 2010, Vol.13, No.1, 13703

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    In the paper entitled "Characterization of 1-3 piezoelectric polymer composites - a numerical and analytical evaluation procedure for thickness mode vibrations", the dependence of the thickness electromechanical coupling coefficient on the aspect ratio of piezoceramic fibers is studied by finite element simulation for various volume fractions of piezoceramic fibers in a 1-3 composite. The accuracy of the results is questionable because the boundary condition claiming that `predefined displacements are applied perpendicularly on C+C^+ plane on all nodes' is not suitable for the analysis of 1-3 composite with comparatively large aspect ratio from 0.2 to 1. A discussion regarding this problem and the suggested corrections are presented in this paper.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure