279,091 research outputs found

    Convolutional compressed sensing using deterministic sequences

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript (with working title "Semi-universal convolutional compressed sensing using (nearly) perfect sequences"). The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper, a new class of orthogonal circulant matrices built from deterministic sequences is proposed for convolution-based compressed sensing (CS). In contrast to random convolution, the coefficients of the underlying filter are given by the discrete Fourier transform of a deterministic sequence with good autocorrelation. Both uniform recovery and non-uniform recovery of sparse signals are investigated, based on the coherence parameter of the proposed sensing matrices. Many examples of the sequences are investigated, particularly the Frank-Zadoff-Chu (FZC) sequence, the m-sequence and the Golay sequence. A salient feature of the proposed sensing matrices is that they can not only handle sparse signals in the time domain, but also those in the frequency and/or or discrete-cosine transform (DCT) domain

    Swift Observations of X-ray supernovae

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    We present a result of X-ray supernovae (SNe) survey using the Swift satellite public archive. An automatic searching program was designed to search X-ray SNe among all of the Swift archival observations between November 2004 and February 2011. Using the C++ program, 24 X-ray detectable supernovae have been found in the archive and 3 of them were newly-discovered in X-rays which are SN 1986L, SN 2003lx, and SN 2007od. In addition, SN 2003lx is a Type Ia supernova which may be the second X-ray detectable Type Ia after SN 2005ke (Immler et al. 2006). Calibrated data of luminous type Ib/c supernovae was consistent to the X-ray emission model done by Chevalier & Fransson (1994). Statistics about the luminosities and hardness ratio have been done to purpose of getting the X-ray emission features of the X-ray supernovae. The results from this work help investigating the X-ray evolution of SNe and developing similar X-ray SNe surveys in various X-rays missions

    The Precise Formula in a Sine Function Form of the norm of the Amplitude and the Necessary and Sufficient Phase Condition for Any Quantum Algorithm with Arbitrary Phase Rotations

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    In this paper we derived the precise formula in a sine function form of the norm of the amplitude in the desired state, and by means of he precise formula we presented the necessary and sufficient phase condition for any quantum algorithm with arbitrary phase rotations. We also showed that the phase condition: identical rotation angles, is a sufficient but not a necessary phase condition.Comment: 16 pages. Modified some English sentences and some proofs. Removed a table. Corrected the formula for kol on page 10. No figure

    Atmospheric pressure as a natural climate regulator for a terrestrial planet with a biosphere

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    Lovelock and Whitfield suggested in 1982 that, as the luminosity of the Sun increases over its life cycle, biologically enhanced silicate weathering is able to reduce the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO_2) so that the Earth's surface temperature is maintained within an inhabitable range. As this process continues, however, between 100 and 900 million years (Ma) from now the CO_2 concentration will reach levels too low for C_3 and C_4 photosynthesis, signaling the end of the solar-powered biosphere. Here, we show that atmospheric pressure is another factor that adjusts the global temperature by broadening infrared absorption lines of greenhouse gases. A simple model including the reduction of atmospheric pressure suggests that the life span of the biosphere can be extended at least 2.3 Ga into the future, more than doubling previous estimates. This has important implications for seeking extraterrestrial life in the Universe. Space observations in the infrared region could test the hypothesis that atmospheric pressure regulates the surface temperature on extrasolar planets

    The optimized kinematic dynamo in a sphere

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    Application of an optimization method to high performance propeller designs

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    The application of an optimization method to determine the propeller blade twist distribution which maximizes propeller efficiency is presented. The optimization employs a previously developed method which has been improved to include the effects of blade drag, camber and thickness. Before the optimization portion of the computer code is used, comparisons of calculated propeller efficiencies and power coefficients are made with experimental data for one NACA propeller at Mach numbers in the range of 0.24 to 0.50 and another NACA propeller at a Mach number of 0.71 to validate the propeller aerodynamic analysis portion of the computer code. Then comparisons of calculated propeller efficiencies for the optimized and the original propellers show the benefits of the optimization method in improving propeller performance. This method can be applied to the aerodynamic design of propellers having straight, swept, or nonplanar propeller blades

    Process feasibility study in support of silicon material, task 1

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    Analyses of process system properties were continued for materials involved in the alternate processes under consideration for semiconductor silicon. Primary efforts centered on physical and thermodynamic property data for dichlorosilane. The following property data are reported for dichlorosilane which is involved in processing operations for solar cell grade silicon: critical temperature, critical pressure, critical volume, critical density, acentric factor, vapor pressure, heat of vaporization, gas heat capacity, liquid heat capacity and density. Work was initiated on the assembly of a system to prepare binary gas mixtures of known proportions and to measure the thermal conductivity of these mixtures between 30 and 350 C. The binary gas mixtures include silicon source material such as silanes and halogenated silanes which are used in the production of semiconductor silicon

    Dynamic microscopic structures and dielectric response in the cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition for BaTiO3 studied by first-principles molecular dynamics simulation

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    The dynamic structures of the cubic and tetragonal phase in BaTiO3 and its dielectric response above the cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition temperature (Tp) are studied by first-principles molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. It's shown that the phase transition is due to the condensation of one of the transverse correlations. Calculation of the phonon properties for both the cubic and tetragonal phase shows a saturation of the soft mode frequency near 60 cm-1 near Tp and advocates its order-disorder nature. Our first-principles calculation leads directly to a two modes feature of the dielectric function above Tp [Phys. Rev. B 28, 6097 (1983)], which well explains the long time controversies between experiments and theories