275 research outputs found

    Domain-Wall Fermions at Strong Coupling

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    The DWF formulation becomes increasingly problematic at gauge couplings for which a1<2a^{-1}<2 GeV, where the roughness of the gauge field leads to increased explicit chiral symmetry breaking (\mres). This problem becomes especially severe for sufficiently strong coupling where the underlying 4-dimensional Wilson theory is in the Aoki phase. We review our attempts to find a suitable modification of the gauge and/or the fermion action which would allow the DWF method to work reliably at stronger coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Lattice2004(chiral

    Rough Gauge Fields, Smearing and Domain Wall Fermions

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    At a fixed lattice spacing, as determined by say m_\rho, adding additional fermion flavors to a dynamical simulation produces rougher gauge field configurations at the lattice scale. For domain wall fermions, these rough configurations lead to larger residual chiral symmetry breaking and larger values for the residual masses, m_{res}. We discuss ongoing attempts to reduce chiral symmetry breaking for N_f = 3 dynamical domain wall fermion simulations by different smoothing choices for the gauge fields.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Talk presented at Lattice2004(chiral), Fermilab, June 21-26, 200

    Staggered Fermion Thermodynamics using Anisotropic Lattices

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    Numerical simulations of full QCD on anisotropic lattices provide a convenient way to study QCD thermodynamics with fixed physics scales and reduced lattice spacing errors. We report results from calculations with 2-flavors of dynamical fermions where all bare parameters and hence the physics scales are kept constant while the temperature is changed in small steps by varying only the number of the time slices. The results from a series of zero-temperature scale setting simulations are used to determine the Karsch coefficients and the equation of state at finite temperatures.Comment: Lattice2002(nonzerot), 3 pages, 2 figure

    Improving Dynamical Domain-Wall Fermion Simulations

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    We report on studies of the chiral properties of dynamical domain wall fermions combined with the DBW2 gauge action for different gauge couplings and fermion masses. For quenched theories, the DBW2 action gives a residual chiral symmetry breaking much smaller than what was found with more traditional choices for the gauge action. Our goal is to investigate the possibilities which this and further improvements provide for the study of QCD thermodynamics and other simulations at stronger couplings.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, Lattice2003(improve

    Anisotropic Lattices and Dynamical Fermions

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    We report results from full QCD calculations with two flavors of dynamical staggered fermions on anisotropic lattices. The physical anisotropy as determined from spatial and temporal masses, their corresponding dispersion relations, and spatial and temporal Wilson loops is studied as a function of the bare gauge anisotropy and the bare velocity of light appearing in the Dirac operator. The anisotropy dependence of staggered fermion flavor symmetry breaking is also examined. These results will then be applied to the study of 2-flavor QCD thermodynamics.Comment: Lattice2001(spectrum