4 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Cognitive Behaviour Modification (Cbm) Terhadap Perilaku Malu Pada Siswa Makn Surakarta

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    This research study is about lose face behavior which is one of feel that must be left on individual to adapting as well, make a good communication and actualization of potential as well. This research use lose face behavior of Zimbardo scale, sheet of permission subject, sheet of contract job, daily duty, and training evaluation. Subject of this research compossed of two groups, experiment group and control group. Characteristics of this subject are teenager of 15-18 years old, grade 2-3, moslem, have average until very high score data collecting by alloting scale at each subject research on MAKN Surakarta student. Result of hypothesis test obtained by using aid SPSS program for Windows. 10.0.Result of the research show: cognitive behavior modification training which passed to MAKN Surakarta students are significant or cognitive behavior modification training effective to degrade behavior lose face of MAKN Surakarta student, as according to difference assess average on experiment group and control group after training (post test1) and two weeks after training (post test2); lose face behavior value on experiment group lower than control group. At value of post-test1 and post-test2; control group show the increase value of lose face behavior because of not given cognitive behavior modification training

    Peningkatan Kepercayaan Diri Mahasiswa melalui Pelatihan Asertivitas

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    This study was initiated by the observation that Brawijaya University psychology student batch 2007 and 2008 appeared passive in the teaching-learning process. It is acknowledged that an assertive training will be needed. The training is expected to be a pilot project or the initial steps for the implementation of students' soft skills.This study aims to determine the effectiveness of assertive training to enhance student confidence. Subjects of 22 psychology students will be examined through experimental repeated measure design methodSelf confidence level was measured twice pre and post the training given. Based on the t-test test results of the self confidence level rates obtained from the pre test mean of 103.68 with standard deviations of 7.17. While the post test came up with mean of 122.45 with standard deviations of 10.05. The results of the research showed that the confidence scores of students increased significantly after the training is given. This conclusion showed that assertive training was effective to improve confidence level of the students

    Psikoedukasi Dampak Body Shaming pada Remaja

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    PSYCHOEDUCATION OF THE IMPACT OF BODY SHAMING ON ADOLESCENT. Body shaming is a form of commenting on or embarrassing the physical condition of others. The rise of the phenomenon of body shaming in society occurs because individuals are considered not in accordance with the ideal standard of perfection of appearance that applies in society so that the community is considered as a social controller of perfection of appearance. In addition, social comparison and physical attractiveness of individuals play an important role in evaluating and evaluating the appearance of individual bodies. Body shaming often occurs in children, adolescents and adults, this happens because it is considered a normal and normal behavior, other than that the perpetrator does not understand the impact of his body shaming. The impact of body shaming on victims, namely, psychological impacts include; anxiety, fear, worry, insecurity, low self-esteem, eating disorders, insomnia, stress, and the tendency for body dysmorphic disorders, while the behavioral effects include withdrawing from the social environment, being alone, unhealthy diets, excessive care and exercise. Preventive efforts undertaken by the government to reduce body shaming behavior in the community are by making ITE Law Article 27 paragraph 3 and Article 45 paragraph 1 and if verbal body shaming is directly addressed to someone, it will be subject to articles 310 and 311 of the Criminal Code with the threat of punishment 9 prison month

    Bentuk Warning Label (Pictorial, Information And QuestionWarning Label) untuk Menurunkan Intensi Mengkonsumsi Mie Instan pada Mahasiswa di Kota Malang

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    The aim of this research is to discover the most effective warning label to decrease the intensity of instant noodle consumption on college student in Malang. This research used survey method by giving questionnaires to 1000 students, consisted with 477 male students and 523 female students from four universties in Malang, among them are 262 from Universitas Brawijaya, 235 from Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, 300 from Universitas Negeri Malang, and 203 from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, with age ranged from 17-22 years old. The result shows that 228 students, about 22.8% chose information warning label as the most effective, 551 students, about 55.1% chose pictorial warning label as the most effective, and 221, about 22,1% chose question warning label as the most effective warning label to decrease the intensity of instant noodle consumption