176 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Ulang (Riview) Mekanisme Toleransi Dan Metode Seleksi Tumbuhan Yang Tahan Terhadap Cekam an Kekering an [Mechanism of Tolerance and Methods to Select Drought Resistance Plants]

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    Water is the main parameter to determine whether the yield potential of a plant is obtained or not. Water deficit on the tissue causes the disruption of all chemical process in the plant metabolism resulted in the plant growth impediment.In order to acquire the drought tolerance variety, various efforts have been conducted. Among others, in addition to the selection and characterization of the available germ plasma along with its cross-breeding, the development of the drought tolerance plant is conducted through somaclonal varitype induction. In the cultivation of the drought tolerance plant, beside physiological mechanism and biochemistry related to the plant tolerant to drought, the procedure of the selective and optimal selection should be managed.Hence,the mastery of the optimum selection techniques, in a relatively short time, the new drought tolerance lines could be obtained

    Peranan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Dalam Perbanyakan Tanaman Melalui Kultur Jaringan

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    The Role of Growth Regulator in Tissue Culture PlantPropagation. Endang G. Lestari. In plant tissue culture,growth regulator has significant roles such as to control rootand shoot development in the plant formation and callusinduction. Cytokinin and auxin are two prominent growthregulator. Cytokinin consists of BA (benzil adenin), kinetin(furfuril amino purin), 2-Ip (dimethyl allyl amino purin), andzeatin. While auksin covers IAA (indone acetic acid), NAA(napthalene acetic acid), IBA (indole butiric acid) 2.4-D (2.4-dicholophenoxy acetic acid), dicamba (3,6 dicloro-O-anisicacid), and picloram (4-amino 3,5,6-tricloropicolinic acid).The emphasis of plant growth purposes decide the use ofgrowth regulator. Cytokinin is applied mainly for the purposeof shoot, while auxin is mainly used for the purpose of rootand callus. The application of growth regulator application isvaried, depending on the genotype and physiologicalcondition of the plant. The existence of a certain growthregulating substances can enhance growth regulator activityof other substances. The type and concentration of theappropriate growth regulators for each plant is not the samebecause it depends on the genotype and physiologicalcondition of plant tissue. However so often both arefrequently required depend on the ratio/ratio of auxincytokines or vice versa. The existence of a certain growthregulating substances can enhance growth regulator activityof other substances. The type and concentration of theappropriate growth regulators for each plant is not the samebecause it depends on the genotype and physiologicalcondition of plant tissue. For the propagation, multiple andadventive shoots along with embriosomatic formation couldbe applied. The seedling is obtained from one somatic cell.Here, strong auxin, such as dicamba and picloram 2.4-D, isutilized for callus production. For this reason, seedling Perunit could be produced more than that of organogenesis

    Produksi Bibit Kencur (Kaempferia Galanga L.) Melalui Kultur Jaringan*[kencur {Kaempferia Galanga L.} Seedling Production Through in Vitro Culture]

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    To increase domestic and International demand of Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) makes this plant potentially develop.Is traditionally used to keep the body warm, as analgetic and expectorant. In the attemp of providing adequately and qualitatively uniformed supply, in vitro experiment has been conducted at BB-Biogen (Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetik Resources Research and Development).The selected rhizomes was used as explant. The experiment was orthogonally arranged consisting of MS vitamin and B5, and BA ( 0, 3 and 5 mg/1) and thidiazuron 0,1 mg/1. This experiment comprised three activities, they were shoot initiation, shoot multiplication and acclimatization. The result showed that MS + BA 3 mg/1 + thidiazuron 0,2 mg/1 could induce shoot formation. From the applied media, it was shown that the addition of MS vitamin at the MS basic media and BA 3 and 5 mg/1 added with thidiazuron could result the most optimum shoot, leaves and roots and was not significantly different from the addition of B5 vitamin at basic media of MS + BA 3 and 5 mg/1, 6.9 shoot was averagely produced in this media. The shoot could generate such an adequate number of root that it could be directly acclimatized. The acclimatized plantlet in the green house uses the mixture of soil and manure with the ratio of 1:1 can optimally grow

    Penyimpanan in Vitro Tanaman Obat Daun Dewa Melalui Pertumbuhan Minimal

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    Daun dewa (Gynura Procumbens) is a medicinal crop commonly used to remedy cancer, diabetes, and dermatitis. It has a bright prospect for future used. Plant preservations through tissue culture is done to anticipate an urgent need. An experiment was carried out to in vitro preservation of Daun Dewa by the minimum growth and regeneration to examine viability of the culture after the preservation. Terminal shoots (±1 cm) were cultured on a 1/2 MS basic medium + paclobutrazol (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mg/l) or ABA (1, 2, and 5 mg/l). The trial was arranged in a, completely randomized with 10 replications. The results showed a three-month preservation of the culture on a medium containing ABA inhibited proliferation and expansion of the plant shoots. Increasing ABA concentrations up to 5 mg/l, according to the shoot-growth inhibition, resulted in the height of 0.6 cm. After three month preservation, the shoots were able to produce roots. After 12 month preservation, the optimum capacity of growth inhibition was shown on 1/2 MS medium + ABA (1, 3, and 5 mg/l). The application of paclobutrazol (1, 2, 3, and 4 mg/l) in the medium produced low multiplication level of shoots, the length of the shoots remains higher than those on 1/2 MS medium without paclobutrazol. Seven months after preservation, viability of the plants was still high when cultured on MS medium + 2 mg/l BA combined with paclobutrazol and ABA as previously given. In addition, the rooted culture could be directly acclimatized in the glasshouse. The lowest number of shoot and shortest shoot after 12 month preservation period was found on the medium containing 5 mg/l ABA and 4 mg/l paclobutrazol, this treatment produced two shoots of 4 cm long. The best medium for the explant regeneration after 7 month preservation was MS + 2 mg/l BA. The plant shoots produced roots directly after they were acclimatized in the glasshouse

    Induksi Kalus dan Regenerasi Tunas Padi Varietas Fatmawati

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    Efficiency of shoot regeneration from rice callus explant is an important factor, particularly for the purpose of plant genetic improvement such as somaclonal variation, transformation and in vitro selection. In the attempt of gaining shoot regeneration, callus induction and shoot regeneration experiments were conducted in the Biological Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development. Mature seed was used as an explant. The media formulation for calli induction was MS + 2.4-D (1, 3, 5 and 7 mg/l ) + prolin (0 and 100 mg/l ) and hydrolyzed casein 3000 mg/l. The media for shoot regeneration was (1) MS + BA (1.2 and 3 mg/l ) + IAA 0.8 mg/l + prolin 100 mg/l, and (2) MS + BA 2 mg/l + IAA 0.8 mg/l + zeatin (0.1; 0.2 and 0.3 mg/l). The result showed that the embryogenic calli could be produced from MS + 2.4-D 3 mg/l + hydrolyzed casein 3000 mg/l treatment and the best media for shoot induction was MS + BA 2 mg/l + IAA 0.8 mg/l + zeatin 0.2 mg/l. The obtained plantlets were successfully acclimatized in the greenhouse

    Komunikasi Pendek Perbanyakan Tanaman Artemisia Annua Secara in Vitro

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    Artemisinin, an anti-malarial medicineisolated from the annual wormwood Artemisia annua,has a marked activity against chloroquine-resistant andchloroquine-sensitive strains of Plasmodium falciparum.This compound is useful for treatment of cerebral malaria.An in vitro propagation system for A. annua has been developed.Shoots were induced by culturing seeds of A.annua on a MS medium containing BAP (0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5mg/l). Shoots were also formed on each seedling culturedon the same medium. Root formations were obtained fromshoots that were subcultured on a MS medium containingIBA (0, 1.0, 1.5, 2 mg/l). The results showed that MS mediumsupplemented with BAP 0.3 mg/l was the best medium forinduction and multiplication of the shoots, while the MSmedium supplemented with IBA (1 mg/l) was good for rootformations

    Ethanolic Extract of the Graptophyllum Pictum Griff Leaves as Antipyretic Agent to Male White Rat

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    Utilization of plants as traditional medicinal are still always be used by people in Indonesian. Especially in rural areas that still rich with variety of plants. Plants of black pudding leaves (Graptophyllum pictum Griff) are one that efficacious for treating various of diseases. The content of flavonoid in the black pudding leaves have antipyretic effect, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. This research aims to find out whether the black pudding leaves have antipyretic effect or not. This research used the induction method of vaccineDPT-Hb 0.022 / 20 gr a white rat as stimulant fever. Positive control with paracetamol 1.3 mg / 20 gram a white rat, negative control with Na CMC 0.5 ml / 20 grams a white rat, first extract test of black pudding leaves 0.8 mg / 20 gram a white rat, second extract test of black pudding leaves 1.6 / 20 gram a white rat, and third extract test of black pudding leaves 3.2 / 20 gram a white rat. The results of research showed that ethanol extract of black pudding leaves if it's looked from statistic result of SPSS 16 program , it doesn't show out of any effect as antipyretic effect because the significant value is P> 0.05

    Pola Insersi Partenokarpi, Defh9-iaam Pada Galur Tomat Transgenik [Insertion Patern of Partenocarpy, Defh9-iaam on Transgenic Tomato Lines]

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    The development of seedless tomato fruits will be more attractive to consumers and industry. Artificial parthenocarpy can be induced through genetic crossing, hormone application or genetic engineering. Development of parthenocarpic tomatos has been done by inserting parthenocarpy gene, DefH9-iaaM into tomato genome via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Sixty putative transgenic tomato lines were produced, and three events (lines) have been selected as the best event, i.e. OvR1#14-4, OvM2#10-1, OvM2#6-2. These lines contained the DefH9-iaaM based on PCR test. This research aimed was to determine the insertion patern of DefH9-iaaM gene in the progeny of transgenic tomatos lines. Parent variety Oval and line Cl 6046 were used as control plants. Results indicated that tomatos line OvR1#14-4 was still contained the inserted DefH9-iaaM gene and followed the Mendelian pattern (3:1) based on molecular analyses and Chi-square test results, while the others were not identified. Line OvR1#14-4 was required to be further evaluated for phenotypic and genotypic analyses for the expression of their parthenocarpy
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