1 research outputs found

    Spiritual safety of a personality as a pedagogical problem

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    The article discusses the scientific-methodological, theoretical, and instructional substantiation of the problem of forming spiritual safety of preschool children in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The purpose of the research is to study and substantiate the problem of a person’s spiritual safety formation in preschool education. The methodological substantiation of the problem of spiritual safety of the child’s personality and its scientific justification provides for the integrative nature of the research. The authors’ attitude to the research problem is explained by systemic-holistic, activity-related, synergetic, hermeneutic, axiological, culturological, and mentalistic approaches. To implement the planned approaches, a set of complementary methods was used: indigenous methodology, dialectic method, systemic and activity-related approach, diagnostics, praxymetry, etc. The results of the study and discussions identified the contradictions existing in modern society and education. To clarify the essence of personal safety, the axiological foundations of its genesis stipulated in the works of the classics of philosophical thought, modern philosophers and government documents of the Russian Federation have been analyzed in methodological assumptions. The categories of “personal safety”, “spiritual safety of the personality”, and “spiritual reproduction” have been defined in the theoretical part of the study. The methodological part of the studied problem reflects the conclusions on the results of monitoring the current state of pedagogical support of the personality’s spiritual safety in the preschool child care institution. The scientific significance of the study is determined, first of all, by the fact that the problem of spiritual safety of an individual is considered as a pedagogical problem, whose methodological, theoretical and instructional foundations are substantiated as a new scientific field in preschool education. The Program for the personality’s spiritual safety formation in preschool child care institutions (PCCIs) is presented, the topics of the cycle of sense-making classes with children of older preschool age are listed, the structural components and methods of educational activities with children are identified, and conclusions on the model implementation are drawn