5 research outputs found

    The effects of personalization on homelessness stigma

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    Previous research has suggested those in stigmatized groups experience status loss, social rejection, and dehumanization. The homeless population, in particular, has also been perceived as the ones to blame for their current situation. Using the homeless population as the stigmatized group, the current study investigated whether personalizing people in stigmatized groups leads to differences in attitudes of them. Participants consisted of 148 undergraduate students enrolled in psychology courses from the University of North Florida. Via Qualtrics, participants were randomly assigned to a vignette that either included general information about a homeless man or one with more personal details such as his name and family and employment history. Attitudes were assessed through social distance, perceived dangerousness, willingness to provide economic aid, and the extent to which the people in the vignettes were to blame for their situation. Results from independent samples t-tests indicated those in the personalized condition, compared to those in the general condition, were significantly more willing to socially engage with the man in the vignette (p = .005), perceived him as less dangerous (p = .002), and believed he was less to blame for his situation (p\u3c.001). Economic aid was not different between the groups. The results suggest the attitudes towards stigmatized individuals depend on how much personal information is provided, rather than just the stigma itself

    Effect of Imagined Support on Perceptions of Stress

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    Social support is known to help buffer the effects of stress (Uchino et al., 1996). However, in many situations social support is unavailable, and imagining social support may help to reduce the impact of stress. Although imagined physical touch has been shown to be an effective stress buffer, little research has compared it to other types of imagined support (Feldman et al., 2010). Additionally, women tend to seek emotional support, whereas men tend to seek tangible support, but it is unknown if imagining those types of support will reduce stress (Reevy & Maslach, 2001). To gain greater insight into these processes, the purpose of this project was to identify whether imagining supportive touch, emotional social support, or giving emotional support is best at moderating stress during an impromptu speech task that was conducted over zoom. Participants completed initial measures of perceived stress, personality, and social support. Next, they indicated their stress levels after the manipulated social support condition and the stress task. Initial results showed that changes in perceived stress did not significantly vary by support condition. However, the control condition had the highest increase in stress during the speech task. Future research is needed to determine whether imagining social support can be effective in helping people cope with stressful situations

    Childhood Maltreatment Influences Autonomic Regulation and Mental Health in College Students

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    Childhood maltreatment history may influence autonomic reactivity and recovery to stressors. Hypothetically, the maltreatment history may contribute to a retuned autonomic nervous system that is reflected in a novel metric, vagal efficiency (VE), designed to assess the functional efficiency of vagal cardioinhibitory pathways on heart rate. We explored whether VE mediates the well-documented relationship between maltreatment history and psychiatric symptoms. We also investigated the relationship between measures of autonomic regulation in response to the physical and emotional challenges and psychiatric symptoms. Participants (n = 167) completed self-report measures of psychiatric symptoms and had continuous beat-to-beat heart rate monitored before, during, and after physical and emotional stressors. Participants with maltreatment histories exhibited lower VE, which mediated the association of maltreatment history and the psychiatric symptoms of anxiety and depression. Consistent with prior literature, there were significant associations between maltreatment history and autonomic reactivity (i.e., heart rate and respiratory sinus arrhythmia) during emotional and physical challenges; however, when VE was entered as a covariate these associations were no longer statistically significant. Blunted VE may reflect a neural pathway through which maltreatment retunes autonomic regulation and provides a neurophysiological platform that increases mental health risk

    Increased Autonomic Reactivity and Mental Health Difficulties in COVID-19 Survivors: Implications for Medical Providers

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    Background Because there is a relationship between mental health (MH) and medical adversity and autonomic dysregulation, we hypothesized that individuals infected with COVID-19 would report greater current autonomic reactivity and more MH difficulties (emotional distress, mindfulness difficulties, and posttraumatic stress). We also hypothesized that individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 who are experiencing difficulties related to their prior adversity and those providing medical care to COVID-19 patients would be more negatively impacted due to their increased stress and infection rates. Method US participants (N = 1,638; 61% female; Age M = 46.80) completed online self-report measures of prior adversity, current autonomic reactivity and current MH difficulties, and COVID-19 diagnosis history. Participants diagnosed with COVID-19 (n = 98) were more likely to be younger and providing medical care to COVID-19 patients. Results Individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 reported increased current autonomic reactivity, being more negatively impacted by their prior MH/medical adversities, and currently experiencing more MH difficulties with an increased likelihood of clinically-significant PTSD and depression (p < 0.01 – p < 0.001). Current autonomic reactivity mediated 58.9% to 85.2% of the relationship between prior adversity and current MH difficulties; and COVID-19 diagnosis moderated and enhanced the effect of prior adversity on current autonomic reactivity (p < 0.01). Being a medical provider was associated with increased current autonomic reactivity (p < 0.01), while moderating and enhancing the relationship between current autonomic reactivity and emotional distress and posttraumatic stress symptoms (p < 0.05). Combining COVID-19 diagnosis with being a medical provider increased likelihood of clinically-significant PTSD and depression (p < 0.01). Conclusion Individuals diagnosed with COVID-19, particularly medical providers, have increased current autonomic reactivity that is associated with their prior adversities and current MH difficulties

    Morally distressing experiences, moral injury, and burnout in florida healthcare providers during the covid-19 pandemic

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    Because healthcare providers may be experiencing moral injury (MI), we inquired about their healthcare morally distressing experiences (HMDEs), MI perpetrated by self (Self MI) or others (Others MI), and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were 265 healthcare providers in North Central Florida (81.9% female, Mage = 37.62) recruited via flyers and emailed brochures that completed online surveys monthly for four months. Logistic regression analyses investigated whether MI was associated with specific HMDEs, risk factors (demographic characteristics, prior mental/medical health adversity, COVID-19 protection concern, health worry, and work impact), protective factors (personal resilience and leadership support), and psychiatric symptomatology (depression, anxiety, and PTSD). Linear regression analyses explored how Self/Others MI, psychiatric symptomatology, and the risk/protective factors related to burnout. We found consistently high rates of MI and burnout, and that both Self and Others MI were associated with specific HMDEs, COVID-19 work impact, COVID-19 protection concern, and leadership support. Others MI was also related to prior adversity, nurse role, COVID-19 health worry, and COVID-19 diagnosis. Predictors of burnout included Self MI, depression symptoms, COVID-19 work impact, and leadership support. Hospital administrators/supervisors should recognize the importance of supporting the HCPs they supervise, particularly those at greatest risk of MI and burnout