5 research outputs found


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    Many diseases are affecting tomato fruits in the field and greenhouse. The objective of this work was to identify, to verify the symptomatology, pathogenicity and hosts of C. cassiicola causal agent of tomato fruit rot. Symptomatic tomato fruit were isolated in medium agar-water (AW). After 48 hours, the mycelia were replicated on potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) medium. The inoculation was used mycelia discs, for treatments with and without injury, in fruits of tomato, okra, bell pepper, eggplant, zucchini, and noni were present. Both treatments, confirming the aggressiveness and pathogenicity on the original host. Among the other hosts, pathogenicity was confirmed only in okra, bell pepper, and tomato, in treatments with injury only. The comparative analysis, with the descriptions of the species, allowed the identification of the isolate as C. cassiicola, as fungi causal agent of rot fruit by tomato


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    The objective of this work was to identify the time of the thermal shock that promotes the greater release of zoospores/sporangia. The experiments were carried out with five treatments, varying the thermal variation time (20', 30', 40', 50' and 60') of sporangia suspension of 7.105 sporangia mL-1 under 5 °C temperature. The incidence of sporangia germinated by 20 times whose It was evaluated100 units at random, using an optical microscope at 40 times magnification. The F and Tukey test were used to compare the means. The sexual phase (presence of oospores) was identified in the isolate derived from purslane. In purslane leaves (infected by Albugo portulacae) the time of 20-30' promoted a greater number of zoospores released, whereas for the isolate from amarantus (infected by A. bliti) the time of 30’ promoted statistically the highest release of zoospores; for the isolate from leaves of “jetirana” (infected by A. ipomoeae-panduratae) the time of 30-50’ promoted greater release of zoospores; and finally the isolate from “onze-horas” leaves (infected by A. portulacae) the time of 30-40’ statistically promoted the highest percentage of release of zoospores, It was demonstrating a differential behavior per host in the release of zoospores. The thermal shock time that promoted the highest amount of released zoospores (38 %) was observed for the purslane-Albugo portulacae and “onze horas”-A. portulacae pathosystem


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    Many diseases are affecting tomato fruits in the field and greenhouse. The objective of this work was to identify, to verify the symptomatology, pathogenicity and hosts of C. cassiicola causal agent of tomato fruit rot. Symptomatic tomato fruit were isolated in medium agar-water (AW). After 48 hours, the mycelia were replicated on potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) medium. The inoculation was used mycelia discs, for treatments with and without injury, in fruits of tomato, okra, bell pepper, eggplant, zucchini, and noni were present. Both treatments, confirming the aggressiveness and pathogenicity on the original host. Among the other hosts, pathogenicity was confirmed only in okra, bell pepper, and tomato, in treatments with injury only. The comparative analysis, with the descriptions of the species, allowed the identification of the isolate as C. cassiicola, as fungi causal agent of rot fruit by tomato

    Quantificação da microbiota e diversidade ecológica da meso e macrofauna do solo sob diferentes usos no município de Urutaí (região Sudeste Goiano)

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    A fauna edáfica exerce forte influencia sobre a rizosfera e a atividade microbiana do solo exercendo papel fundamental na conservação da biodiversidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a apresentação de metodologias utilizadas e caracterização da diversidade ecológica da microbiota, meso e macrofauna em diferentes usos de solo. Duas metodologias foram realizadas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em campo, com cinco repetições por cada uso do solo representadas por: i) Floresta Antropizada; ii) Fruticultura; iii) Olericultura; iv) Piscicultura e v) Eucalipto. Amostras de solo foram coletadas para quantificação da microbiota do solo (ufc/g de solo) nas repetições utilizando o método da diluição em série. Utilizou-se o método “Pit fall” para quantificação da abundância da meso e macrofauna. Os valores de abundância permitiram calcular os parâmetros o índice de Chao, Shannon, Simpson e índice de Fisher. Na primeira metodologia avaliou-se a número de ufc/g de solo e na segunda metodologia a abundância de espécies. As variáveis dependentes foram analisadas utilizando análise de variância e teste Tukey. A primeira metodologia apontou estatisticamente como maior o número de ufc/g de solo no solo oriundo de Olericultura, muito superior aos demais usos. A segunda metodologia apontou como mais abundante a ordem Hymenoptera, que apresentou a maior número unidade das mesmas espécies de organismos capturados em todos os usos do solo. O uso de solo com plantio de Eucalipto apresentou estatisticamente maior riqueza de espécies, não havendo diferença significativa dos usos de solo para o parâmetro índice de Shannon, Fisher e Simpson. Através dessas metodologias foi possível a verificação das relações ecológicas da população da microbiota do solo, meso e macrofauna e as relações de equilíbrio ecológico entre os indivíduos ocupantes. O impacto das ações promovidas pelo homem podem ser traduzidos pela implementação de metodologias que descrevam e reflitam através de parâmetros de diversidade as relações ecológicas de uso inadequado do solo

    Incidence of base rot and wilt, sanitary severity and influence about seed pathology by cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

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    ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to conduct a temporal evaluation of incidence of rot base and sanitary severity, and to relate the impact on the seed pathology of common bean cultivars. In the 2015-2016 harvest, in the city of Ipameri, Goiás, ten cultivars of common bean were evaluated (BRS Estilo©, BRS Pérola©, IPR Tangará©, IPR Tuiuiú©, IPR Uirapuru©, IAC Milênio©, Imperador©, IAC F3 R2©, IAC OTG© and IPR Campos Gerais©) and distributed into five blocks, totaling 40 experimental units. The incidence of wilt and base rot and sanitary severity were analyzed by taking ten random samples per block at 21, 28, 56, 63 and 69 days after planting. At the end of 120 days, a total of 20 plants were harvested per cultivar, and 250 seeds were harvested for application of the Blotter Test method. From 21 to 69 days after planting, the cultivars BRS Pérola© and IPR Campos Gerais© deserve to be highlighted for presenting the lowest incidence of wilt in the reproductive and vegetative cycles. The cultivar BRS Pérola© showed the lowest incidence of wilt and sanitary severity. In the analysis of harvested seeds, the cultivar BRS Pérola© presented high physiological quality for all evaluated parameters. On the other hand, Cramberry (OTG)© showed low physiological potential in germination and vigor tests