2 research outputs found

    Temporal dynamics and environmental predictors on the structure of planktonic testate amoebae community in four Neotropical floodplains

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    <p>Understanding the environmental factors that control community structure has become a major focus of ecological research in recent decades. Here, we aimed to analyze the structure of planktonic testate amoebae community and the impact of environmental variables on the diversity of planktonic species in four floodplains of Brazil (Amazonian, Araguaia, Paraná, and Pantanal) over two hydrological periods (2011 and 2012). We hypothesized that biological diversity (richness, abundance, and diversity) of the testate amoebae community is higher during drought periods. Samples were collected from the subsurface of the limnetic region of 72 lakes in the four floodplains during both drought and flood periods in both years. We identified 109 species, belonging to 11 families. Difflugiidae and Arcellidae exhibited higher species composition and abundance. ANOVA results showed noticeable temporal variation in testate amoebae community structure. We confirmed that the highest richness, abundance, and diversity were primarily recorded during drought periods, with significant differences being documented among floodplains and across the two hydrological periods. Multiple regression analysis also indicated that testate amoebae diversity is related to the productivity of the environments in the Amazonian, Araguaia, and Paraná floodplains. Depth of lakes and phosphorus appeared to be limiting factors in the Paraná and Araguaia floodplains, while dissolved oxygen limited species diversity in the Pantanal floodplain. Our results highlight that testate amoebae community exhibit the greatest biological diversity during drought periods, while species diversity is influenced by the environmental conditions (primarily productivity) of each floodplain.</p

    Copepod assemblage structure (Crustacea: Copepoda) along a longitudinal environmental gradient in a tropical river-floodplain system, Brazil

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    <div><p> Abstract Aim: In this study, we analyzed the structure of the copepod community along a longitudinal axis of the last undammed stretch of the Upper Paraná River floodplain, downstream of Porto Primavera reservoir. We hypothesized that (i) copepod assemblage would show an increase in the abundance of organisms, species richness and specific diversity with the distance from the Porto Primavera reservoir, due to the arrival of species from adjacent lakes and tributaries; (ii) copepod abundance and species richness would be higher in tributaries and adjacent lakes located at the floodplain, which show higher environmental heterogeneity and function as a species source; and (iii) spatial patterns of copepod assemblage structure are related to the environmental gradient, since copepods show a rapid response to the variation of environmental conditions. Method Sampling was performed quarterly from August 2013 to July 2014, at the subsurface of the pelagic region. Sampling sites were located along the Paraná River, in seven of its tributaries, and in eight lakes located in its floodplain. Results We identified 29 species belonging to two families: Cyclopidae (21 species) and Diaptomidae (eight species). On contrary of our first hypothesis, ANOVA results showed a significant decrease in copepod abundance in the downstream direction. Similarly, the tributaries showed higher values of ecological attributes in the upstream stretch. RDA results showed that in axis 1, the Paraná River and the lakes were positively correlated with conductivity, pH, temperature and suspended organic matter, characterized by the most abundant copepod species. The tributaries, on the other hand, were negatively correlated with turbidity, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and depth. Axis 2 showed a positive correlation of the Paraná River with conductivity and suspended organic matter, and a higher abundance of Argyrodiaptomus azevedoi, Notodiaptomus iheringi, N. henseni, N. cearensis and N. cf. spinuliferus. On the other hand, the lakes were positively correlated with temperature and pH and also with a higher abundance of Thermocyclops minutus and T. decipiens. Conclusion We highlight the importance of the maintenance of the ecological integrity of the Upper Paraná River floodplain, especially of its tributaries, in order to support the high biodiversity registered in the last undammed stretch. Furthermore, we highlight the importance of manipulation of water levels in reservoirs located upstream of this stretch, a necessary condition to maintain the hydrological connectivity between floodplain habitats and the main river.</p></div