472 research outputs found

    Autopsy and Identification Techniques

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    Automatic malfunction diagnosis by on-line expert system for underground mobile machines

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    International audienceIn many Underground workings, either for mineral production or for creating lines of communicauon, mobile machines have to operate under conditions that are very difficult for personnel and equipment. Problems such as excessive dust, rock falls, high temperature and humidity, or the presence of an explosive atmosphere are not uncommon. Today, it is possible to monitor such machinery from a surface Station, in real time, using a highiy reliable digital transmission System (developed by INERIS), at distances of up to 10 km from the working. Similarly, difficulties arising from in-situ maintenance have led to the development of an on-line malfunction diagnosis System that can detect such malfunction and halt Operation by a conditionnal programmed stop. The Software has been developed using Expert System techniques with GENESIA l (EdF-STERIA) and the hardware is compatible with IBM PC-AT. On-line communication is under JBUS protocol. Full analysis (data acquisition - processing - Output) takes 20 seconds. The system can be intemipted at any moment to obtain correct Status of Operation

    Traduction automatique statistique et adaptation à un domaine spécialisé

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    Nous avons observé depuis plusieurs années l émergence des approches statistiques pour la traduction automatique. Cependant, l efficacité des modèles construits est soumise aux variabilités inhérentes au langage naturel. Des études ont montré la présence de vocabulaires spécifique et général composant les corpus de textes de domaines spécialisés. Cette particularité peut être prise en charge par des ressources terminologiques comme les lexiques bilingues.Toutefois, nous pensons que si le vocabulaire est différent entre des textes spécialisés ou génériques, le contenu sémantique et la structure syntaxique peuvent aussi varier. Dans nos travaux,nous considérons la tâche d adaptation aux domaines spécialisés pour la traduction automatique statistique selon deux axes majeurs : l acquisition de lexiques bilingues et l édition a posteriori de traductions issues de systèmes automatiques. Nous évaluons l efficacité des approches proposées dans un contexte spécialisé : le domaine médical. Nos résultats sont comparés aux travaux précédents concernant cette tâche. De manière générale, la qualité des traductions issues de systèmes automatiques pour le domaine médical est améliorée par nos propositions. Des évaluations en oracle tendent à montrer qu il existe une marge de progression importanteThese last years have seen the development of statistical approaches for machine translation. Nevertheless, the intrinsic variations of the natural language act upon the quality of statistical models. Studies have shown that in-domain corpora containwords that can occur in out-of-domain corpora (common words), but also contain domain specific words. This particularity can be handled by terminological resources like bilingual lexicons. However, if the vocabulary differs between out and in-domain data, the syntactic and semantic content may also vary. In our work, we consider the task of domain adaptation for statistical machine translation through two majoraxes : bilingual lexicon acquisition and post-edition of machine translation outputs.We evaluate our approaches on the medical domain. The quality of automatic translations in the medical domain are improved and the results are compared to other works in this field. Oracle evaluations tend to show that further gains are still possibleAVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Individual and collective stock dynamics: intra-day seasonalities

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    We establish several new stylised facts concerning the intra-day seasonalities of stock dynamics. Beyond the well known U-shaped pattern of the volatility, we find that the average correlation between stocks increases throughout the day, leading to a smaller relative dispersion between stocks. Somewhat paradoxically, the kurtosis (a measure of volatility surprises) reaches a minimum at the open of the market, when the volatility is at its peak. We confirm that the dispersion kurtosis is a markedly decreasing function of the index return. This means that during large market swings, the idiosyncratic component of the stock dynamics becomes sub-dominant. In a nutshell, early hours of trading are dominated by idiosyncratic or sector specific effects with little surprises, whereas the influence of the market factor increases throughout the day, and surprises become more frequent.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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