62 research outputs found

    Pre- and post-immune stimulation hematologic values for uninfected and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-infected <i>Litoria caerulea</i>.

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    d<p>BW, body weight.</p>a<p>Paired-samples <i>t</i>-tests between days 0 and 7 within each group (uninfected and infected).</p>b<p>Independent-samples <i>t</i>-tests between the two groups for the <i>change</i> in each variable from day 0 to day 7.</p><p>Pre- and post-immune stimulation hematologic values for uninfected and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-infected <i>Litoria caerulea</i>.</p

    White blood cell counts of <i>Litoria infrafrenata</i>.

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    <p>Total white blood cell (WBC) (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0107284#pone-0107284-g003" target="_blank">Fig. 3A</a>) and neutrophil (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0107284#pone-0107284-g003" target="_blank">Fig. 3B</a>) counts (x10<sup>9</sup> l<sup>−1</sup>) pre- and post-immune stimulation in healthy unexposed (n = 10) and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-exposed but uninfected (n = 9) <i>Litoria infrafrenata</i>. Bars are mean ± SEM. *P<0.050 within each group.</p

    Recapture probability and State change probability.

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    <p>Conditional Arnason-Schwarz model in which outcome probabilities are (S) survival, (p) recapture, (Ψ) state change, and the variables that can influence the outcomes are (g) site, (t) time in weeks, (to) state at previous capture, (f) state at capture. Panels (a) and (b) represent the two-disease-state model, <i>Bd</i> positive (Bd+) and <i>Bd</i> negative (Bd-), in which the best model was S(g)p(g*t)Ψ(to*f*t). Panels (c) and (d) represent the three-disease-state model, <i>Bd</i> negative (Bd-), low infection intensity of >350ZE (Low) and high infection intensity of >350ZE (High), in which the best model was S(g*f)p(g*to+t)Ψ(to*f). (a) Recapture probability per week in a two-disease-state model. Factors included in the best model for recapture probability were site and week, Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. (b) Probability of changing state per week in a two-disease-state model. Factors included in the best model for state change probability were week, infection state at current capture, and infection state at previous capture, and error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. (c) Recapture probability per week in a three-disease-state model. Factors included in the best model for recapture probability were site, state of infection and week. Error bars indicate standard error, and only one error bar included for figure clarity. (d) Probability of changing state in a three-disease-state model, error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. Sites are Oglives Dam (OD) and Sponar’s Creek (SC).</p

    Serum α-1 globulins of <i>Litoria infrafrenata</i>.

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    <p>Serum α-1 globulin concentration (g l<sup>−1</sup>) pre- and post-immune stimulation in healthy unexposed (n = 10) and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-exposed but uninfected (n = 9) <i>Litoria infrafrenata</i>. Bars are mean ± SEM. *P<0.050 within each group.</p

    AIC ranking for Conditional Arnason–Schwarz models.

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    <p>*Probabilities determined are (S) survival probability, (p) recapture probability, (Ψ) state change probability; and the variables that influence S, p and Ψ are (g) site, (t) time in weeks, (to) state of previous capture, (f) state of capture and no variable (.)</p><p>Model results for both the two-disease-state (<i>Bd</i> negative and <i>Bd</i> positive) and three-disease-state analysis (<i>Bd</i> negative, low <i>Bd</i> infection under 350ZE, and high <i>Bd</i> infection over 350ZE).</p

    Pre- and post-immune stimulation plasma biochemical and serum protein electrophoretic values for uninfected and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-exposed but uninfected <i>Litoria infrafrenata</i>.

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    a<p>Paired-samples <i>t</i>-tests between days 0 and 7 within each group (uninfected and exposed).</p>b<p>Independent-samples <i>t</i>-tests between the two groups for the <i>change</i> in each variable from day 0 to day 7.</p><p>Pre- and post-immune stimulation plasma biochemical and serum protein electrophoretic values for uninfected and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-exposed but uninfected <i>Litoria infrafrenata</i>.</p

    AIC ranking of best-fit POPAN models.

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    <p>* Outcome probabilities determined are (Φ) survival probability, (p) recapture probability, and (Pent) probability of entry into the population. These outcome probabilities are determined by the variable (t) time in weeks, or no variable (.).</p><p> Model results are for the two sites: Sponar’s Creek and Oglivies Dam.</p

    Pre- and post-immune stimulation hematologic values for uninfected and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-exposed but uninfected <i>Litoria infrafrenata</i>.

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    a<p>Paired-samples <i>t</i>-tests between days 0 and 7 within each group (uninfected and exposed).</p>b<p>Independent-samples <i>t</i>-tests between the two groups for the <i>change</i> in each variable from day 0 to day 7.</p><p>Pre- and post-immune stimulation hematologic values for uninfected and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-exposed but uninfected <i>Litoria infrafrenata</i>.</p

    Functional test results for immune competence in uninfected and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-exposed <i>Litoria caerulea</i> and <i>L. infrafrenata</i> following stimulation with intradermal phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and intracelomic sheep red blood cells.

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    a<p>100% of 10 exposed <i>L. caerulea</i> were infected 75 d post-exposure to <i>Bd</i>.</p>b<p>0% of 9 exposed <i>L. infrafrenata</i> were infected 75 d post-exposure to <i>Bd</i>.</p>c<p>n = 9.</p><p>Functional test results for immune competence in uninfected and <i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>-exposed <i>Litoria caerulea</i> and <i>L. infrafrenata</i> following stimulation with intradermal phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and intracelomic sheep red blood cells.</p

    Infection prevalence and intensity across sites for <i>Litoria verreauxii alpina</i>, <i>Crinia signifera</i> and <i>Cherax destructor</i>.

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    <p>(a) Prevalence of infection. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. (*) indicates time-points where prevalence is significantly different at each site for <i>Litoria verreauxii alpina</i>, using Pearson’s Chi-Squared test. (b) Infection intensity transformed to log<sub>10</sub> scale. Error bars indicate standard error. Sites are Oglives Dam (OD) and Sponar’s Creek (SC).</p
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