12 research outputs found

    Map of woodpecker survey sites within GLAS LiDAR footprints (yellow dots) (a) in northern Idaho, and (b) survey sites within both GLAS and airborne LiDAR (black dots) and airborne only (red dots).

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    <p>Map of woodpecker survey sites within GLAS LiDAR footprints (yellow dots) (a) in northern Idaho, and (b) survey sites within both GLAS and airborne LiDAR (black dots) and airborne only (red dots).</p

    Example GLAS LiDAR waveform signal (bottom panel) and associated woodpecker survey location (top panel).

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    <p>The black line in the graphic represents the actual laser energy signal for the plot location, while the green lines represent the decomposed signal when expressed in best-fit Gaussian curves.</p

    Receiver operator curves with unvalidated and leave-one-out (LOOCV) cross validation for airborne LiDAR.

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    <p>Receiver operator curves with unvalidated and leave-one-out (LOOCV) cross validation for airborne LiDAR.</p

    GLAS LiDAR metrics considered for occupancy analysis; only the metrics denoted by double asterisks (**) were used after collinearity analysis.

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    <p>These metrics include 6 biotic factors (p.lower, p.mid, can.height, veg.density, HOME, and foliage height diversity (FHD)) and 2 abiotic factors (heat load index (HLI) and elevation.</p>*<p>Heat load index integrates measures of site slope, aspect, and latitude, computed following <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0080988#pone.0080988-McCune1" target="_blank">[81]</a>. Note that due to difficulties in deriving slope using GLAS data, HLI and elevation were derived from the 10-m National Elevation Database.</p

    Model averaged parameter estimates, standard errors, and 95% confidence intervals using GLAS LiDAR data.

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    <p>Model averaged parameter estimates, standard errors, and 95% confidence intervals using GLAS LiDAR data.</p

    Cartoon depicting locations of vegetation metrics within canopy.

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    <p>The green cone in the figure represents the GLAS laser footprint scale, which subtended an area of roughly 64m diameter. The black curve on the right of the figure represents a stylized GLAS energy return profile for this particular cartoon arrangement of vegetation and ground.</p