3,440 research outputs found

    The Role of MicroRNAs in Influencing Body Growth and Development

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    Body growth and development are regulated among others by genetic and epigenetic factors. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are epigenetic regulators of gene expression that act at the post-transcriptional level, thereby exerting a strong influence on regulatory gene networks. Increasing studies suggest the importance of miRNAs in the regulation of the growth plate and growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis during the life course in a broad spectrum of animal species, contributing to longitudinal growth. This review summarizes the role of miRNAs in regulating growth in different in vitro and in vivo models acting on GH, GH receptor (GHR), IGFs, and IGF1R genes besides current knowledge in humans, and highlights that this regulatory system is of importance for growth

    Genetic Variation in the IL-6 and HLA-DQB1 Genes Is Associated with Spontaneous Clearance of Hepatitis C Virus Infection.

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    Background. Millions of people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide and 30% spontaneously clear the infection. Reasons for HCV clearance without antiviral treatment are not well understood. Methods. Blood was collected for DNA analysis from patients with chronic HCV infection or evidence of spontaneous clearance. To overcome anticipated limitations of small sample size, primary analyses consisted of a candidate gene analysis of 12 preselected genes based on known association with host immunologic response to HCV infection. To further reduce the impact of multiple testing on power, a single likelihood ratio test was conducted for each gene using all associated SNPs assayed on the Illumina Quad 610/660W chip. Step-down permutation methods were used to adjust for multiple testing in all analyses. Results. Ninety-five and 62 patients with HCV chronic infection or spontaneous clearance, respectively, were included for analysis. HLA-DQB1 (p = 1.76⁎10(-5)) and IL-6 (p = 0.0007) genes were significantly associated with spontaneous HCV clearance. IL-28B was not significantly associated with spontaneous clearance (p = 0.17). Conclusion. Our whole-gene analytic strategy identified a previously unreported association of IL-6 with spontaneous clearance of HCV infection. We also confirmed the finding that HLA-DQB1 is associated with spontaneous resolution of HCV infection

    Energy efficiency measures for buildings in Hebron city and their expected impacts in the distribution grid

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    Theenergye ffi ciencyinbuildingscouldrepresentoneofthemainopportunity,withinawidestrategicscenario,toachieveenergy independenceofPalestine.Infact,thereductionofbuildingenergydemandduetotheimplementationofenergye ffi ciency measuresleadstoaconsequentdecreaseoftheenergyprovisionneeds.Forthisreasonananalysisofthepotentialreduction oftheenergyconsumptioninbuildingneedtobeperformedandapossibleestimationofcostsshouldbeidentifiedfordefining aenergystrategicplanofPalestine.Thispaperintendstohighlightthepotentialoftheenergye ffi ciencymeasuresindi ff erent buildingtypologiesofHebroncityinPalestineandtheirimpactintheelectricaldistributiongrid.Thee ff ectivenessofthedi ff erent measuresareestimatedbymeansofsoftwaresimulationsandtheiroptimalcombinationisalsoidentifiedinordertomaximize thereductionofenergydemands.Finally,thevariationofpowerlossesinthedistributiongridduetotheretrofitactionanda preliminaryestimationofpossibleeconomice ff ortfortheimplementationoftheproposedactionsarealsoexpose

    Games for Quantum Physics Education

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    As the second quantum revolution comes to pass with its potential to revolutionize our lives, it becomes increasingly relevant to educate the public about quantum mechanics. Quantum literacy is also a formidable challenge and opportunity for a massive cultural uplift, since it fosters the possibility for citizens to engender their creativity and practice a new way of thinking. However, quantum theory is highly counterintuitive, manifesting in a reality we have no direct experience of, and represented by mathematically difficult formalisms. Here, we propose that games can provide a playground for engaging forms of experimental and symbolic literacy accessible to anyone. We discuss the theoretical foundations underlying this idea in the framework of a global educational strategy, illustrate existing examples of its implementation along different dimensions related to educational, citizen-science, and age-related contexts, and envision future challenges

    Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate metabolites in urine show age-related changes and associations with adiposity and parameters of insulin sensitivity in childhood

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    Objectives: Phthalates might be implicated with obesity and insulin sensitivity. We evaluated the levels of primary and secondary metabolites of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in urine in obese and normal-weight subjects both before and during puberty, and investigated their relationships with auxological parameters and indexes of insulin sensitivity. Design and Methods: DEHP metabolites (MEHP, 6-OH-MEHP, 5-oxo-MEHP, 5-OH-MEHP, and 5-CX-MEHP), were measured in urine by RP-HPLC-ESI-MS. Traditional statistical analysis and a data mining analysis using the Auto-CM analysis were able to offer an insight into the complex biological connections between the studied variables. Results: The data showed changes in DEHP metabolites in urine related with obesity, puberty, and presence of insulin resistance. Changes in urine metabolites were related with age, height and weight, waist circumference and waist to height ratio, thus to fat distribution. In addition, clear relationships in both obese and normal-weight subjects were detected among MEHP, its products of oxidation and measurements of insulin sensitivity. Conclusion: It remains to be elucidated whether exposure to phthalates per se is actually the risk factor or if the ability of the body to metabolize phthalates is actually the key point. Further studies that span from conception to elderly subjects besides further understanding of DEHP metabolism are warranted to clarify these aspects

    The ALICE trigger electronics

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    The ALICE trigger system (TRG) consists of a Central Trigger Processor (CTP) and up to 24 Local Trigger Units (LTU) for each sub-detector. The CTP receives and processes trigger signals from trigger detectors and the outputs from the CTP are 3 levels of hardware triggers: L0, L1 and L2. The 24 sub-detectors are dynamically partitioned in up to 6 independent clusters. The trigger information is propagated through the LTUs to the Front-end electronics (FEE) of each sub-detector via LVDS cables and optical fibres. The trigger information sent from LTU to FEE can be monitored online for possible errors using the newly developed TTCit board. After testing and commissioning of the trigger system itself on the surface, the ALICE trigger electronics has been installed and tested in the experimental cavern with appropriate ALICE experimental software. Testing the Alice trigger system with detectors on the surface and in the experimental cavern in parallel is progressing very well. Currently one setup is used for testing on the surface; another is installed in experimental cavern. This paper describes the current status of ALICE trigger electronics, online error trigger monitoring and appropriate software for this electronics